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About wintersun123

  1. Basically a continuation on the fight with radioactivestreetbum and various others but the topics this includes is: Does guandi suck? Why is obama plotting to kill all white people? why rammstein is for nazi's? Why Wintersun rocks?
  2. of course you listen to rammstein you nazi YOU LEAVE RAMMSTEIN OUT OF THIS YOU.... YOU..... RAMMSTEIN HATER!!!! shut up nazi the jews deserve to live
  3. go cob children of bodom don't hate me please :thanks: Too late, I think most people in this thread already hate you. dude you don't even no me
  4. of course you listen to rammstein you nazi
  5. go cob children of bodom don't hate me please :thanks:
  6. i am not racist i hate everyone equally ps i am 17
  7. prove it racist How the hell is that racist!! it's racist against white people"
  8. He is not is to i have proof he is going to start the white halocaust gandhi sucks I don't support Obama, but he isn't going to start the "white holocaust". You do know that the majority of people in the U.S. Army are white, right? Oh, and Gandhi sucks? Now you're just an idiot. Agreed, Guandi does not suck! he totally does suck :iluvff:
  9. Mohatma Ghandi freed India from Great Britan with no use of violence, or bloodshet at all Ghandi used no violence, but violence was used against him. Besides, guandi doesn't count Why not? He was at the sam time, hade the sam charmisma. But he did things differently gandhi may have freed india without bloodshed but india is poor compared to canada and usa britain japan aswell as germany tsk tsk
  10. He is not is to i have proof he is going to start the white halocaust gandhi sucks
  11. okay if thats so bad why is obama the us president trying to kill all white people :mage:
  12. I can't believe people think this. wow i was not trying to be mean or rude but i will say i hate humans including myself and if a large proportion of us can be killed we be saved from extinction aka overpopulation personally i want us all to die it will stop many of the worlds problems do to wat i had said cure aids and cancer than we will die for sure
  13. I can't believe people think this. wow i was not trying to be mean or rude but i will say i hate humans including myself and if a large proportion of us can be killed we be saved from extinction aka overpopulation personally i want us all to die it will stop many of the worlds problems
  14. because bush, homer Simpson, education, and politics oh and Sarah palin basically anyone who represents your country :stupid:
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