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About KovNik2015

KovNik2015's Achievements
Explorer (4/14)
Umm...no thanks i prefer my hot beverages instead! Especially NOW!...And yes i'm aware you were talking about game and not real life, this is kinda sarcastic response, in case i need to explain myself...
Ok, so we know we can romance some companions in this game, but what about other NPCs, that aren't companions? Can you have any kind of relationships with them, like it was possible in Skyrim, or this whole relationship thing is companion-exclusive in this game? If its possible to romance other people, than companions could you give me all the details on who they are and where to find them and all that jazz? Thanks in advance!
Radiation resistance console command?
KovNik2015 replied to KovNik2015's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
So they extended code string by adding "exposure" to it? And that is all that changed? I see...thanks for your reply! -
Bug List - If you find bugs post them here
KovNik2015 replied to Grasmann's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
All my weapon mods worked so far. Can't really complain. Do you use any mods that change weapon mods or something? Are mods like that out yet? I can confirm the bug when changing the weapon. Don't know why I didn't add it yet. I have the feeling it's the time needed to load the weapon textures and stuff. But I'm not sure. EDIT: I listed both. I didn't even install a single mod yet (If you mean modifications from Nexus site and not in-game modifications!) LOL Because your first paragraph seemed a little confusing on that matter! If you're talking about site mods, then NO not even single mod installed, clean game version 1.29! (Yes, i didn't patch game to 1.30 just yet, so i'm not sure if this is fixed in those version!)...The problem with weapons draw in this game is more redundant, however the glitch, that is happening with weapons upgrading is also very frustrating! This damn crap is happening to me in around 30-40% cases! That is a lot, considering how frequently i upgrade my gear in this game! I upgrade all of my stuff as soon as there new opportunities for it, like i got needed components, leveled respective perks, that are needed to install those components etc! So i'm using that quite a lot and i'm pretty sure whats happening to me is happening to others as well! At least those, who are using 1.29 version! -
Bug List - If you find bugs post them here
KovNik2015 replied to Grasmann's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
I found another bug regarding items modifications, that is worth mentioning! Its not as bad as when upgraded item disappears, but its almost as frustrating i assure you! Well...the thing is that sometimes, when you select to confirm specific upgrade (Its when windows with info on what materials will be used pop us before proceeding/confirming upgrade!), right after that it gives xp for upgrading gun as usual and it even says gun been upgraded, you hear typical sound, but the weapon reverts back to previous upgrade, that was installed, but the same time eats all of the components, that you used to install those upgrade, that got glitched! I'm not sure if its happening to apparel as well (Didn't experience the same with armor yet!), but its happening to weapons quite often in this game! The other bug from me is the one, when it takes too long before character draws weapon! (Like 2-6 seconds delay! Sometimes it reaches even 10!!), In this period you cannot do anything to attack your enemy! You can't switch back etc...You have to wait while weapons gets drawn before you can do anything at all! Imagine something like this happening, when you're in a middle of a heated shootout! -
Vault 81 Aware! You will get stucked!
KovNik2015 replied to justYna's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Let me guess! You've never heard about console and more specifically - "tcl" command have you? -
What i'm talking about is when you look at some specific item that lies on the floor, instead of being in any sort of containers you cannot find out what components it consists of before picking it up and checking on your inventory! Its a little irritating, since when you collect a lot of junk (just like me!), you are probably very frustrated of the fact that you have to always scroll through hundreds of them, when you check "junk" items category just to find that specific item you just picked up to simply see what it consists of! It would be nice if someone created a mod, that would somehow show all that info prior to picking specific item up! (I have no idea how it could be implemented, but hey! That is why i'm not a modder! hehe >,<). I know something like that would probably most definitely need creation kit or any other modding tool, that Bethesda is planning for us, but it would be nice to let people know beforehand, so that when they day CK is released comes we wouldn't have to wait another six months for something like that! It would also be perfect if those mod would also show components info of not only junk items, but apparel and weapons as well, so that way we could know if some specific weapons or armor is worth being picked up and being reserved later for scrapping at workbenches!...I'm also aware of an already existing "keeping track on specific item" feature in this game, but those feature is to say the least imperfect and is very impractical! You can for example mark some components, so that they would be marked with magnifying glass, when you check them before picking up, but there is no way to find out what this component is used in, so you have to always remember what item you marked it to keep track on for! I stopped using that feature as soon as i realized it barely helps with anything! So i'm looking forward to modders doing their awesome job as usual! Thanks in advance!
There are many boons for that, a big grope never means a better chance to last. There is not only for more firepower sake, more companions at once means also - more items to carry and most importantly you can earn their trust and receive all of their respective perks all the same time! You don't have to pick one, earn his/her/its respect to the max, get the perk, then go to another one, dismissing the one you're maxed out your relationships with and do the same with him/her/it, rinse and repeat! LOL Instead you could get them all in one piece and max them all out at once! And don't even get me started on the fact that you actually can have all 12 their perks active all the same time! What else is there? Should i continue? Why when people talking about benefits, they can never see anything past just - more firepower?...
Weapon modification: bugs, quirks and questions
KovNik2015 replied to Revolvist's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
I ran into bug trying to mod one of my guns not so long ago, when i tried to apply specific upgrade to a specific weapon part and the window showed up showing all the components and to confirm the action and everything was fine, but when i did, i discovered that upgrade did not apply and eat all of my components, so i had to gather them all again and apply it once more!...did anyone else had this happen? -
How long did you last before your first death?
KovNik2015 replied to jpm22112's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
My first death met me in Lexington'a central lane near, where the statue is located! I got sneak nuke-shot by a stalking raider, that were sitting between two buildings' roofs with a turret installed on one of them on the huge billboard sign's catwalk equipped and ready with a fatman! I didn't even get to realize what hit me, all i've heard was a deadly whistling sound and it was too late to hide, i realized i'm screwed up right the next moment! Damn...Enemies equipped with Fatmen are deadly as hell in this game! You better hope you never get spotted by them or else...its a death sentence! LOL You got to hit them first to stand a chance!... -
Another case of someone with tiny to no comprehension reading skill whatsoever! LOL I said that i don't care for him as a person and as a romance option, since i'm into women and most likely will be choosing between Piper and Cait! But what i want is his PERK dude! Did you hear me well this time?? I want his companion PERK! Okay??! And that is why i'm asking if getting it is only possible through romancing him, because if it is then i WILL romance him, but that is not because i like him as a person! LOL That is because i want his perk! Simple as that! If i DON'T have to romance him to get his perk on another hand - to hell with him then! I have much huge plans for miss Piper currently! Oh the things i would do to her!...
why is there so much garbage on fo4 nexus right now.
KovNik2015 replied to srsparky32's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
...But what if for what you need you'll have to look for among hundreds of pages and among thousands of mods?? What if i told you it would be much closer (Like seriously closer) to the front page if it were not for all those garbage mods? LOL You people miss the whole point of this post! His complaints are perfectly justified! Its frustrating having to go through all those amateur garbage just to find something decent! Checking specific categories doesn't solve that problem in any way! OMG It just effectively manages the database of all the files on the site and gives you more organized access to all the mods uploaded there, but it doesn't make things go faster like you try to make it sound!...The best solution for this would be to create "Junk" category of mods and hire someone, who would constantly manage and check if anyone keeps posting "junk" stuff in other categories, so that he would immediately react and keep the site clean and organized that way! The judgement of whether the mod caters to the "junk" category or not should also be that person's privilege and only HE should decide whether some specific mod is worthy of staying in "good mods" categories or it should be sorted into "junk mods" category instead! That would help to more or less deliver nexus modding community from all that nasty stuff and make it easier for people to find something much more decent! -
Its bugging me since the moment i got "idolized" by Preston and can't figure how to act next! At some point there were "flirt" speech check option and out of basic knowledge about romances in this game i figured it means i can start romancing Preston, but he isn't my cup of tea and i want to romance women not men LOL! After i politely told him to go elsewhere LOL and closed dialogue, it were never available again (And i thought after closing it - i would still have access to it if i reconsidered! But surprised to see it gone!) So now what? Am i screwed up? Did i reach the point, at which i could receive the perk, but missed it, because i refused to romance Preston?? Or there will be other opportunities to receive the perk? Please let me know, this won't stop haunting me until i find out!