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Everything posted by MonsterLunaChick

  1. All this poll did was show how few of us there are. Not shocking, but interesting all the same.
  2. Here, here! Yes, we must continue to stay vigilant. They'll try this "experiment" again. I was shocked to see some people posting the financial record books of blacktreegaming. Fearmongering and trying to make it seem like there is a conspiracy by Dark0ne. A site with almost 10million members is not cheap or easy to maintain, for crying out loud. They try to make it look like he was the one doing a kind of cash grab. Heck.. Chesko panicked from the backlash of his decision and flipped it on Drak0ne. Wtf? I hope the modders involved are not tarred and feathered. The 30 silver pieces was a tempting deal for a few, it seems. But please, if any fair criticism comes your way because of your choice to paywall, own up to it. Please don't backpeddle and detour your backlash onto innocent parties. Most certainly not to the site who gave you a free stage to showcase your mods.
  3. "Only 8% of the Skyrim audience has ever used a mod. Less than 1% has ever made one." --Beth If I must be given a label, then I most identify myself as it is stated above. Part of the audience. Unless you are making a mod solely for yourself to enjoy, you need the audience. Just as much, if not more, than we need you. Face it, yours is not the only show in town/ the only mod on stage. One shouldn't try to demean or belittle the very audience (user) who keeps you on said stage with our attention to begin with. That being said, I am not talking about every single mod author of the 1% of our community. The majority do not act like spoiled celebrities looking down on the other 99%. I have started donating half of my paycheck to the ones I can in light of the current events these past few days. I have a fair sized load order, and this peasant (user) is trying her best. I vow to support more when I can but please remember, I have to eat too, eh. Free Choice of the audience.
  4. In response to post #24732589. #24732864, #24732894, #24733544, #24733749, #24733764, #24733924 are all replies on the same post. Free Choice FTW <3 Everyone's "annoying joke mods" and us rating them to the front pages on SWS and that wonderful petition really PAID OFF. Yes, pun intended! <3
  5. Free Choice <3 And a lot wanted to put heads in the sand and just take it up tha a--. "Ho Humm. Nothing we can do about it, I guess." Wrong. We the people ALWAYS can do something about it. We just had to fight! Congrats Freedom Fighters. We did it. Is there any word that they (Valve/Beth) will make a new pay system that is actually fair?
  6. Sweet. Shoot me a PM with how you want to do this :) I'll be back in like 4 hours. Effen called into work on Sunday. Can you believe that ish?
  7. Of course! Take all the donations you receive. I meant the "you must pay to play" thingie on the other site. Cool, double check and let me know. Thank you.
  8. Ok, I see, that's cool. Do you have any way of knowing if this awesome mod will be free or paywall? I'll give you guys a headache from Oblivion down the line if it's not free. If you choose me, of course.
  9. Hey, your mod looks really cool. This may be of interest to me. May I make a small request first?
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