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Everything posted by Nateman

  1. Hey, don't want to sound picky lol, but could you upload it to TESnexus, don't want to get any viruses?
  2. Yeah, I agree, I always thought it was a nice blade though.
  3. Okay, I recently bought a sword, Monday, called King Solomon's Sword, a recreation of King Solomon's sword. I think it's well crafted and I was wandering if anyone wanted to take on making it? Pictures- http://us.st12.yimg.com/us.st.yimg.com/I/y...3_2012_13068530, http://eagleswords.com/library/kingSolomon...dwithplague.jpg, and http://cdn2.ioffer.com/img/item/120/993/43...OZWypLQWX7G.jpg :thanks:
  4. I have a question not quite related to this mod, how is the WoW based weapon shop going?
  5. ooo and congratulations you almost have 1000 post l33!
  6. While waiting...anyone want to try to take on the T10 DK armor set?
  7. Think I did it (sorry if this somehow double-post)
  8. Just wondering, going to be any new pictures or the weapons?
  9. lol, same-I don't feel like spending my own hard earned cash.
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