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Everything posted by flinglam

  1. THe irony of which is thats exactly what people complained about most with Mass Effect, and they listened and made each environment, dungeon and habitat unique... So what do they do with DA 2? They don't even us a modular system like Mass Effect or TES games, they just make 10 differen dungeons, selectivly block off parts, and pass it off as 100 different dungeons... ..."Community statistic says that many people stopped playing Origins after first two hours. So we removed all statisctics and diversive areas from the game to make it more interesting to our customers" :biggrin: The annoying thing is that customers complain about problems like "OMG ITS TOO HARD, OMG ITS TOO SIMPLE". When they try rectify that, someone else complains about it for the exact opposite reason.
  2. Dragonage 2 has a editor made by developers who released DA Origins and the Mass Effect trilogy, RPG's if I recall circulated in this forum as 'BEST RPGS EVAR OMG'. Sure, its a bit annoying that it costs money to buy DLC's, but there putting extra effort in to give you more stuff to do in the game. As I recall, skyrim hasnt done anything about that yet. Also, caring about game and community? Thats like saying Gabe Newall cares about losing weight. Bioware just has a bigger budget to make better games and thats the main reason why your so annoyed at them. Can you actually word that into a proper sentence? Like "Please stop arguing in a proper manner or I will get annoyed and frankly make obscene silly and stupid argument points which I portray as facts that are actually just lies"
  3. DA2 is a year old yes, but its considerably better than the game that skyrim released >_> Your thinking the story is worse because DA2 has new characters than DA origins. Since you were obviously a fanboy and raged when you couldnt see alistair again, thats why your defending skyrim. Also, its good to find out where hawke went, it means friends you made in original game come back to save you :) DA's interaction has a larger effect on the game than skyrim. Like I said, better interactions with companions as someone else agreed with me. Same environments for DA2? All i see in skyrim is mountains, mountains and moar mountains. Did you actually beat flemeth in DA2? or are you just raging that the final boss was in a DLC? Can you please specify whether im a internet troll or a skyrim troll? Difference between the two and I wouldnt want to be associated with an awful game which skyrim is.
  4. Nope read my earlier post It's super linear. You can not NOT become a hero, for instance. In SKyrim you choose, which is the essence of the game. its not as linear as skyrim, whole plot is basically to kill 1 npc. Which is frankly awful Skyrim have been out for 18 days. WHy the heck would it have DLCs yet? Because its not as good as DA2? Skyrim is new, DA2 is not. DA2 has more value for money, like I said. A dragon versus a LAZOR EYED MAD GAL! I find the dragon better than the childish DBZ kind of boss DA2 had. If I recall, the real final boss is actually flemeth, whos a better goddamn dragon than the one portrayed in skyrim. You would know if you bought any DLCS Connect? you make your own character in Skyrim, so the story is YOURS not anybody else. The story is only limited to the character your playing, meaning you cant connect to other characters, like I originally stated. And here I figured you are trolling. Well played, well played indeed. are you referring to the internet troll or the skyrim troll?
  5. Maybe unlike the xbox360 and PS3 platforms, you need to make sure that graphics are set to high, rather than at the lowest so that your computer could actually run it. No point commentating on the graphics when you havent set the graphics to high. Oh and dragon age 2 graphics at maximum is 10x better than skyrims graphics. I mean seriously, its almost as if dragon age is doing a crysis moment >_>
  6. Oh good, someones agreeing with what I say ^_^
  7. Just a few reasons why dragon age 2 is better than skyrim. Better graphics Better storyline (you become a hero over a longer period of time, skyrim just rehashes oblivion plot) Dragon Age 2 has DLC's Skyrim doesn't Dragon Age 2 is cheaper than Skyrim and more value for money A better final boss (not spoiling either game) more easy to connect to characters (You got companions you can fall in love with, regardless of gender, skyrim however doesnt include this in much detail+ companions are temporary larger area to explore Theres probably about 50+ more reasons why dragon age 2 is better than skyrim. And no reasons why skyrim is better than dragon age 2.
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