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Everything posted by ramero

  1. thank you. I've been saying that for years. And I'm a huge Nosferatu fan btw, nice reference :p
  2. Well, I've followed some of the advice and turned off my HP Printer, I'm also going to try and defrag the drive again. Besides that, I tried most of the other tips. Although I haven't installed any crash prevention mods--which would you recommend? Ones that are relevant to you, I guess. The Unofficial Oblivion Patch is a must have for sure, Wrye Bash (which can be found here) is good if you have a lot of mods. Streamline does a lot of cool gadgets. WeOCPS is supposed to be real good, but I just downloaded it today so I wouldn't know much. Personally I downloaded them all (except Oldblivion and Stutter Remover, but I might soon) just to be safe. Also You might need to download OBSE for a lot of them. You may not need my help with that, or even already have it, but if you dont you can PM me for help if you need it. Hope it helps :)
  3. Maybe this will help. Crash Prevention guide
  4. I just installed Mehrunes Razor for pc, and it keeps crashing. Really its whenever I try to read a book thats included with the quest. At first I didnt mind but now I have to read a journal that updates my quest. I dont know if I can go on without it, if I could that, that would be awesome EDIT: Actually, I thinks its whenever I read books, not just when I'm on the quest.
  5. I totally forgot about him. That guy is a total fox. Sexiest Vampire in the game, though thats not saying much.
  6. Christian Bales a beautiful man...
  7. The most beautiful NPC? Isnt that obvious?
  8. I lost count... Theres a magic shop near the Imperial city thats been burned down. Rumor has it, the shop belonged to Falanu Hlaalu, the Necrophiliac.
  9. Those are beyond cool. I'm bookmarking those. And thanks for clearing the Imperial names up. Man, your saving my life today :P
  10. I dont know if this has been posted before, but Sheo's dialouge is so epic it could use a repost. Whats your favorite quote by him? and if you need a source, I provide. Theres a lot more, google it I guess. Click me-Look near the bottom of the page for the quotes I think mine would be: "Cat's out of the bag on that one, isn't it? Who puts cats in bags, anyway? Cats hate bags."
  11. I know I'm going to get death threats from a bunch of Lucien fans, but oh wells... Bellamont. I thought his story was sad. That, and it was kind of funny how everyone is mad at him for killing Lucien who....guess what...killed people, including his mum. He seriously got screwed over in the fan-girl department. Though, I dont think I'd go gah-gah over either of those psychos.
  12. Thats a really cool link. Sometimes I go onto baby-naming sites and look up names from a different Origin. For example, I'll look up a french name for a Breton character because, according to Lore (or Uesp, only the Lore-iest site there is), Bretons usually have french names. I think Imperials have english names, I never looked up on that, Nords have Nordic names I'm guessing. Heres a link to a good baby-naming site: My link For Elves, I look up one word that attributes to them. Like, my Breton character was born in the High Rock snow, so I look up 'Latin word for snow' and it'll come up 'Nivex'. Doesnt seem like its a spot-on elven name, but its unique and creative, and thats what you really want to shoot for, I guess. Latin names are the best, even though its not a real latin name. Seems like I'm rambling, but you get the idea. Take a little time and effort creating your name.
  13. HGEC is the best. I use the nude version cause I aint afraid of a little boobage.
  14. I was gona include that, be I forgot... no shivering isles unfortunately! You should get it. He's adorable. http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/oblivion/images/thumb/9/94/Skinned_Hound.jpg/180px-Skinned_Hound.jpg A face only a mother from the shivering isles could love...
  15. Actually, he sound like my cousin whos from from Kentucky...
  16. Pft, thats what mods are for. If Bethesda put any thought in that kind of stuff this site would be out of a buisness...
  17. I really wish I could tell you what my replies are, but they're usually immature and perverted, and I might get kicked off the site. Oblivion NPCs makes it easy >.> And if you dont believe me: You have the hands of a healer. Hmmm?
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