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About eshesj

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  1. SE is arguably better in many ways, but if you've got the skills, LE will look better and have better mods.
  2. There are so many mods in skyrim which authors are no longer active for like half decade. Any way to allow people to port these mods to SE?
  3. I always find consistency (and slowness) in attack speed is both boring and unplayable. I think there should be a univeral ability to buff (stackable) attack speed for maybe 5 seconds at the cost of stamina by pressing scroll button. Or even better, there is a mod called pounce and dash and their system for increasing running speed or jump height would be most epic. I tried this mod myself with edits to make them immersive, combat felt much more alive only by being able to control running speed / jump height by investing stamina. Although I'm not a modder, from my experience this type of mods are easier ones to build. I really hope someone tries this.
  4. In the past, I used the mod Pounce n Dash to cumulatively boost speed/ jump height at cost of stamina, modified for immersive rates. The result was mind blowing, my jump height / top speed gradually grew along my stamina investment, and combat felt less dull and more flexible since I could controll my acceleration. Immersive, perfectly stable and very light, compared to other script heavy athletics mods. I'm hoping that someone would develop a similar mod with extended functions. If possible for both player and NPC compatibility, and attack speed (stamina cost)+ separate melee damage boost(at cost of HP) function as well. I guarantee, combat would be muuuch more satisfying as you reach high level and pace gets faster. Try Pounce n Dash and modify the rates for immersion, you will see what I mean.
  5. So-many-follower-mods-with-great-character-concepts.-But-only-followers...Many-of-them-have-many-potentials-as-rival-parties-travelling-skyrim!
  6. Installing mods MO was big pain for me because of compatibility and stuff, some mods required more time. I'm hoping Vortex will need much less effort to install mods and guide through conflicts without having to read all mod descriptions to find issues or check logs. So many hours wasted on this, I'm hoping Vortex reduces it significantly.
  7. I can't seem to find advanced search, which I mostly use. Its probably somewhere, but hard to find so I use old design.
  8. People always make custom followers, sometimes voiced with small quests and I thought it would be more immersive if they could replace generic npcs such as guards.
  9. Would it be easy to have Raizel's blood wings +blood tear for vampirelord replacer mod?
  10. First of all, sorry if my engIish is abit lacking. But I wanted to share my idea with modders who working on improving skyrim combat. I think everyone would agree that Skyrim melee combat is still very boring even with dodging, move cancel mods etc. Although I am not a modder, I tried to find solution from other games which appear less difficult to make as mod. There is a game which unfortunately stopped devepment called Mabinogi 2 Arena, and it has something called rock scissor paper mechanic for weapon attack grab and kick. What does is that, kick or other hand to hand move will always land first and stagger opponent using weapon attack at the same time but will always lose against grabbing. If opponent is grabbed, you could hit opponent multiple times with lmb, throw the opponent to the ground with rmb etc. On the other hand grabbing will always lose to weapon attacks and get staggered. This new mechanic seems very intuitive, and could break the endless block dodge power attack combat of skyrim. My second idea (which can be used together with rock scissor paper mechanic) is creating momentums for new moves, somewhat similar to Tekken. For example, when player sneaks or stands up from sneaking, there is very short momentum of getting down or rising. I would add lifting attacks while rising or sit down attack (change opponent to sneak mod) while getting down, and more devastating effects for power attacks (higher lift, knocking down etc.). There are so many other momentums which are intuitive and can be filled attacks or power attack. For example, after fast roll, while or after tk dodge, while getting up form the ground, when start sprinting, jump rise, jump falls etc. Also, I personally wish that the sneak attacks should go through standing blocks and can only be blocked while sitting (since they're pretty useless anyways when spotted by enemy). Sneak power attacks should always stagger opponent standing, so that there actually is some use for sneak or fast roll during combat. I also think behind attacks from dark souls would work well in skyrim.
  11. Sorry if I wasn't clear. I too believe that triggering different stagger motion would be too script heavy. I only meant, if it is possible to add some variety to it... Because whenever dragon lands to the grounds, all the humanoids have exact same motion played at the same time, which is very painful to look at... In some of the old MMO's , like blade and soul, there are like 3~4 different animation for jump played randomly. I was wondering if this is possible for skyrim to have more variety stagger/ recoil motions using existing animation mods. Maybe, even for shout, spell casting, normal attack, etc.
  12. I personally found every npc having exactly same staggering motion very immersion breaking. Wish there were at least 5 steggering motions played randomly.... Would it be too challenging to build such mod?
  13. ive been having problem with red logo loading normal maps for days and its REALLY getting in my nerves. I discovered that i have to change settings in ini but i dont know how to generate 1400 line ini or whatever. I feel like i paid money for close beta game or something.
  14. i was trying to change ugrid... I ve done savini and refresh ini in console, then i downloaded a tweaked ini file available in skyrimnexus. I think the overall graphics improved, but the logo and loading models tinted in red.... i tried to run the game with my old ini and prefs but no matter what i do its always red....
  15. thanks guys preciate ur help.
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