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Everything posted by Bonabopn

  1. I've been trying to make a mod with a disenchantable ring that increases fire, frost and shock resist at the same time. The ring works fine so far, but when enchanting a new item at an enchanting table, the enchantment's second and third effects do not scale with my character's enchanting skill. I've noticed this affects all vanilla enchantments with two effects. Is there a way to fix this? (I've also considered creating a new magic effect with the effects of all three, but i do not understand how magic effects work)
  2. I'm looking for a mod that removes gold and treasures from urns, inanimate skeletons and wild animals. I had one for Oldrim, but i forgot what mod it was part of. alternatively, i have the creation kit installed; would it be simple to edit?
  3. I'm trying to decide whether to use survival mode or install iNeed and Frostfall. I enjoyed using them on the original skyrim version. which do you think is better, and why?
  4. I'm trying to get a first person body mod working but have hit a few problems and i'm not sure what to do. I've been using Joy of Perspective but it has stopped working since i equipped some golden saint body armour. My character's body has disappeared. I have tried to install Improved Camera, but it does not appear to be working at all. Vortex unpacked and installed it but i cannot see my character's body in first person. Has anyone got this working? Bonus points if first-person works in werewolf form.
  5. Hi! I'm having a problem with Skyrim. I have tons of mods so that's probably the issue, but i wanna see if there's an easy fix or not. I would have googled it, but i'm not sure how to describe it in a precise enough manner. My problem is that the game stops loading new areas as i travel, and crashes when i save or reload the game. If i try to save or load the game it crashes, and if i walk far enough, the world ahead will stop loading and will become low resolution textures. I haven't checked to see if a blank save fixes it because i've spent a *long* time on this save and i don't want it to die. My PC is a desktop with windows 7 64-bit. CPU: IntelĀ® Core i5-4690 CPU @ 3.50GHz 3.50 GHz Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti VRam: 4095 MB System Ram: 16 GB Hard Drive Space: 88.4 GB free of 223 GB Game Location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Game Version: DLCs: Dawnguard, Hearthfire & Dragonborn. NMM Version: 0.62.1 SKSE Version: 1.7.3 rel 48 Other Programs: LOOT, TES5Edit, Wrye Bash I would post a LOOT log but the guide i've been linked is out of date and i can't figure it out. Here's my loadorder.txt. I haven't updated any mods for about half a year though, so they are not all up to date.
  6. Oh hi I use Elys Comunity Uncapper, which lets skills continue to increase past 100, and i was wondering something. If you want to level up faster, would it be more effective to reset level 100 skills back to 15 and relearn them or keep levelling skills above 100?
  7. As you can probably tell from my avatar, i am fond of foxes. It makes me sad when a hunter or wild monster kills one. I would like a mod that makes it harder for npcs to kill wild foxes and snow foxes. Bear in mind that spriggans can coax foxes to attack you, so don't give them insta-kill abilities. I know this isn't too hard to make, but i have a lot of other mods and i am not 100% sure i know what i am doing.
  8. I am unable to build Winstad manor. I have the land but there are two problems. First, whenever i build anything at the workbench it does not appear. Second, using the workbench does not remove the "use the workbench" misc objective from my misc quest list. I have searched and apparently this is a common bug, but none of the fixes work for me. I do not have any of those mods that add birds, i think. Here is my plugins.txt uploaded to pastebin (i have a lot of mods): http://pastebin.com/CvSKaewd
  9. It bothers me how (un-animated) skeletons and draugr have money on them. They don't even have pockets! Is there a mod that makes skeletons and draugr poorer? it would help stop me looting every corpse in sight.
  10. I've tried many mods but nighteye is still useless and i don't know what to do. If i carry a torch, i can see, but that's unpractical for a stealth character. I have installed the latest ENBseries and am using the VividianENB preset with Enhanced Lights and FX. What can i do to make nighteye actually useful instead of just making everything whiter?
  11. I spent ages trying to figure out why my game wouldn't launch. It constantly crashes after the bethesda logo. I couldn't see any problems with my load order so i reinstalled everything and did it one step at a time. Installing enbseries v0.279 (from http://enbdev.com/download_mod_tesskyrim.htm), for whatever reason, is causing the crash. Apart from that, i only have SKSE (which i am using to launch the game), SkyUI, all DLC cleaned with TES5Edit, and the unofficial patches. Removing the ENB files fixes the crash, and readding them causes it again. My config files are fresh except for a few lines changed in SkyrimPrefs.ini: bFloatPointRenderTarget=1 bTreesReceiveShadows=1 bDrawLandShadows=1 bShadowsOnGrass=1 (I checked to make sure there was only one of each of these in the .ini) I have searched but i do not know what to do to fix this. :(
  12. (copy/pasted from the mod page because no-one's replied to me in three days) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/28235/? The mod isn't working for me for some reason. It's installed, and the game runs fine, but npcs do not go indoors. I originally installed it via NMM and tried reinstalling it, but that did not fix the issue. I tried the papyrus logging ini tweaks and used the Set ARTHWVADebugGlobal to 1 command, but after experiencing a vampire attack in solitude and leaving the game when it was over, i found that there was no files or folders in my documents/my games/skyrim/logs/ folder (I checked for hidden folders) I have not altered the papyrus memory settings, and i am using Wet & Cold. I dunno what to do. I already lost solitude's Bowyer (forgot his name) to vampires >.>
  13. Hey, i have a question about aiming bows. When i fire a bow, the arrow is shot slightly above the crosshair, probably to help you adjust for gravity. I'm not sure if it's like this in the base game, i have a lot of mods that might've affected it. However, in other games i play, it does not automatically adjust for gravity, so i always end up shooting over my target's head. What should i do to disable this? I know there's some skyrim.ini tweaks for arrow tilt, but what do i set them to? Do negative values even work?
  14. Hey, i'm looking for a mod that disables the ash piles reanimated things turn into when they expire. Is there a mod to disable ash piles?
  15. Looks neat, but i'm not so sure about being able to move static items. That seems like cheating. I was kinda hoping for a morrowind-style placement option, where dropped items will be placed upright at your cursor if there's an empty flat surface there.
  16. Hi! c: I've been looking for some mods to address problems i have with skyrim, and there's a few i can't seem to find. Firstly, is there a mod that makes it easy to place objects in the world without causing a right mess? The dragonborn must have butterfingers or something, considering how hard it is to simply arrange my bug jar collection on a shelf! Is this at all possible? Secondly, and relatedly, is there a mod/is it possible to stop items from moving when you re-enter an area? It seems anything you move or place in the game will move a few inches every time you re-enter the area, often knocking the items over or off shelves. Thirdly, DB's East Empire Pendants. Is there a mod that places quest markers on all the lockboxes? I know there's one for Barenziah Stones and Dragon Priest Masks, but i can't seem to find one for pendants. Can anyone find/make these mods, or tell me if they're even possible? Thanks, Bonabopn c:
  17. Hi! c: I recently got back into skyrim and once again modded the hell out of my game. I've gotten everything working fine and dandy, but it could do with a performance boost. Sometimes, after at least 30 mins of playtime, the fps will take a big hit after entering a new cell, and a minute ago it slowed to a crawl and crashed unexpectedly. What can i do to increase my performance? I have NMM and SKSE, i've used BOSS, i've made a Wrye Bash patch and applied all the recommended tags, i've used TEdit to properly clean all the ITMs and UDRs that BOSS found, i've cleaned my save and i've used Hadoram's Save Cleaner. The most obvious thing to do would be to tweak my skyrim.ini/skse.ini/etc, but there are a lot of different guides on the internet all suggesting different tweaks, most of which are outdated and might not work, or my computer might not be able to handle. What tweaks do you guys suggest? Do you have any good up-to-date guides? Here are my PC Specs: Windows 7 64-Bit Processor: Intel Core i5 CPU 760 @ 2.80GHz 2.80GHz RAM: 4.00GB Graphics card: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 560 Ti Motherboard: LGA1156 SSD: OCZ-Vertex4 something something Thankies c:
  18. Thanks! Except now it doesn't look much different even though i enabled distant land and put it on highest settings. Oh well, i'll figure that one out.
  19. ONCE UPON A TIME When i launch morrowind there's no indication of MGE working. I looked up on this wiki and it's none of those problems either. http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/morrgraphext/index.php?title=No_effect (first problem on the list) I use the steam version
  20. I'd had Morrowind Comes Alive for a while now, but i accidently broke my games files. I redownloaded the base game files through steam and reinstalled the mods, but MCA was now a higher version. After instaling, the game complains about missing heads, so i looked and found the readme said i needed Westly's Master Head Pack. Why wasn't it included with the download? Anyway, i looked and the only place i can find this pack is on Planet Elder Scrolls, but the download link leads to an ad for premium IGN membership. (Isn't that technically illegal somewhere?) I tried just disabling MCA, but i get bombarded with errors when i load my save. Where can i find a working download link? PES download page
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