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About vancleef

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    United States
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    at being a responsible adult...and playing poorly!
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    Oblivion, FO3, Far Cry

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  1. I figured it was time to give my namesake the props he deserves!
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    2. Druuler


      I think you might have that list almost chronologically ordered O.o Have to wonder what the blazes scared off the Vikings. Maybe they showed up during Lacrosse season?
    3. Flintlockecole


      Lol. The Vikings came over in a skeleton crew, there wasn't enough to keep a stable population, they died off from natives attacking and the lack of people.
    4. Flintlockecole


      The Scots, Irish and Welsh people aren't seafaring people, the most likely would have heard of America from the vikings when they came back and that knowledge was lost most likely by the Christianizeation of Wales, Scotland and Ireland. Hell Dublin once was some viking fortress before the Irish drove them off. Piri Reis was thought to set foot in South America in 1510 by the absurd detailing of his map. Romans, Their ships were built for an inland and sheltered sea (The Mediterranean) Alt...
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