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Nexus Mods Profile


About vancleef

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    at being a responsible adult...and playing poorly!
  • Favourite Game
    Oblivion, FO3, Far Cry

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33160 profile views
  1. Happy Fourth of July! I hope it is a safe and enjoyable one! :)
  2. How goes my friend? Long time, no lurk, so, lurking... XD
  3. Omigosh! Look at that guitar face! Rocking it, dear Wolfie! ^^
  4. Long time, no lurk, so hi! XD I hope you are doing well. :)
  5. Hey! How are you doing? And what have you been up to? :) Dropped in to say 'Hi'.
  6. Enjoy the Hippest and Happiest of Happy Birthdays!
    1. satanslilhelper


      I don't think anyone in their right mind would call me hip!

      Explains why you're doing it! XP

      Thank you!

  7. How dare you lurk at my page and not leave a message! I was telling somebody today about your awesome mod work!
  8. How freakin' long has it been since I dropped by to say, "Hello". And where do I send Silas to meet up with Cameron in Boston?.
    1. Druuler


      It has been quite a while, I think, but I have not been "making my rounds" lately either, so, meh! Good to hear from you though! :) As far as Cameron in Boston is concerned, that may take a bit of time. I will need a rig that can run the damned game first, so, for the mean time, she sticks to DC and the Mojave.
  9. So...who's gonna import the Sheriff's Duster into F4 for me?
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      Peeking; then ducking

      Peek n Duck

    3. Deleted54170User


      Back when you often got your imaginary place partied in while you were away. It wasn't me! It was them!

      New avatar! I'm getting in another round of peeking. DUCK! Not like before when I first started leaving each of the friends a pie in the face. Splat! Tool late! Runs away!

    4. Pagafyr


      So, what are you playing these days, when you're not making those fine pieces of art you craft?
  10. Merry Christmas, ya'll! Santa's bringin' me a new computer today so maybe, just maybe I'll pick up Fallout 4 and join up with all you cool kids!
    1. Ithildin


      Merry Christmas, VC, and I hope you're having a blast today! :D
    2. vancleef


      You too, Ithi! And a Happy New Year!
    3. satanslilhelper


      OOOOooh! Ok, scratch that second sentence, above, lol.

      That explains a lot!

      Heh, I knew it'd happen once your wifey decided she wanted one!


      (And yeah, I know, I call myself your stalker and yet I missed this post until now! Bad stalker... lol)


  11. Hey! You still out there, wandering the Wasteland?
    1. VxdVxn


      Yes, sir! Sometimes anyway haha. Gotta take my breaks every now and then or the world will burn again. :D
    2. vancleef


      Hey! I just checked back here for no particular reason! Says you were on yesterday! How you been, gal? How's the cosmetics career (did I remember that right?) going?


  12. Okay I'm probably way behind with this announcement but I watched the Fallout 4 trailer this weekend and I think I peed a little bit with excitement!
    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. vancleef


      Patches? PATCHES? We don't need no stinkin' patches!
    3. vancleef


      Just kidding. We'll need tons. I'm sure. Tons.
    4. Deleted54170User


      No! Not kidding! ;- ) Are all your goatesses pregnant and ready to pop! Maaa maaa. ;- }
  13. Happy Birthday Mr. Grumpy! Tell anyone who asks I've given you full permission to misbehave! *giggles*
    1. vancleef


      Done. I'm going out to cause mischief even as we speak!


  14. Damn .. just checked out a few of us old-hand's profiles here, and we all seem to be waiting for .. yeah, for what? XD .. hell, we will never go :)
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