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About vancleef

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    United States
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    at being a responsible adult...and playing poorly!
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    Oblivion, FO3, Far Cry

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  1. I figured it was time to give my namesake the props he deserves!
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    2. Flintlockecole


      Although that Roman Head carving they found makes me believe personally that they possibly had a far better navy than what the shattered records of the Roman Empire tells us. Always pieces missing in history.
    3. vancleef


      Not that it's ever been verified but Roman artifacts, coins and an interesting sculpture were dug up outside of Tucson, Arizona. If legit, I always thought that was an interesting place for that stuff to end up! Although, it may not have been Romans, perhaps a different culture's boat but hauling a bunch of their stuff.
    4. Flintlockecole
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