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About vancleef

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    United States
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    at being a responsible adult...and playing poorly!
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    Oblivion, FO3, Far Cry

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  1. Good morning, dear, sweet bacon! Where would I be without you?
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Odile


      In World of Warcraft if you're a member of a guild you have a rank within in (like member, officer, recruit, etc). My guild used to do a "Guild Rank of the Month" where one person got a fancy, unique guild rank. For an entire blessed month my guild rank was "Bacon Queen". It was amazing and I was so sad when my month was up. I think I even still have screenshots of it. :P
    3. AliasTheory
    4. vancleef


      Alias, not only would I make and eat that but I would fly you in to enjoy it, too!
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