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Everything posted by Derok

  1. I think I never truly left, the problem is that I'm just not that interested in the game anymore, because years passed, so I'll probably use the game as a sandox for my models, obviously not something like UBR again. Just, finish what I started. I started various models and I don't know what to do with them, like some prototype argonian armor. Now I don't know what I want to do with them. So many years passed, it almost embarasses me. Many things happened in my life since I started working on this mod. When I started modding Skyrim I wanted to become a famous modder or something, but now I realize it's not what I want. Modding is just a way to learn for me, and I did in fact learn many things. Stuff I need if I'll ever become a game developer. Videogames are very important to me, I just know that. /feels
  2. I delete some pms but my inbox keeps filling. What's the point of having a limit anyway? Drohung said all armors are done. Now we only need Khajiit boots done, but you should pm him instead since I don't have the files you need.
  3. This mod doesn't have any custom animations so far. Actually, the mod only contains new models and textures, and scripting isn't required unlike similar mods for Oblivion.
  4. Yes Khajiit are done, both genders. I posted a female screen many pages before this. My connection is not very good so I don't know if I'll be able to find it. Drohung said khajiit boots still arent ready. It's a lot of work, actually. That's why I may return working on UBR, since I have lot of time now and I am getting the motivation back.
  5. Have you guys heard about Kingdom Come: Deliverance? That game is incredible. I found 2014 pretty disappointing (we could call it the year of crappy early access games), but 2015 is awesome! Fallout 4, Bloodborne, the Witcher 3, Dark Souls 3 confirmed...
  6. Dwemer are inspired by Babylonians. I mean, we all know about Hammurabi's awesome beard. Why can't I have one? http://s3.amazonaws.com/rapgenius/1348148061_Hammurabi.jpg I think they should look kind of middle eastern but with pale skin.
  7. That sucks to hear Drake. I hope you will be back, but I know at a certain point in life there are things that matter more than videogames or hobbies, no matter how much passion you put on it. I can just hope my job will be about something I like... Anyway, soon I'll have all the time I want and probably even more, so I have to think about something to keep me busy... More modding perhaps. Or start that projct for a game I had in mind for a long time, I don't know.
  8. Check DrakeTheDragon mods, he has something. And there is something for Khajiits but I don't remember what is it.
  9. In fact, probably Fallout sometimes follows the 50' stereotype that if something gets hit by radiation, becomes giant and drastically evolves, looking more human since we consider ourselves the most evolved race... A bit like Godzilla, you know. I know about the FEV virus, but most creatures just mutated because of the radiation. I think the yao guai or vicious dogs are the most realistic thing of what could happen in real life. Kind of. Anyway I'm not making a critique, Fallout is awesome because of its craziness and I love retro sci-fi.
  10. I still don't understand where the deathclaws came from. The wiki says they are mutated chameleon, but no... They obviously don't look like chameleon, at all. It's more plausible to think that they just took the dna from lot of different animals, including humans to make the ultimate killing machine, a bit like the move Splice except they weren't trying to make a killing machine. That could explain why they have an upright posture and very human looking hands (the wiki also says some can grow fur), anyway mirelurks seem to look like humans the more they mutate. No idea why, evolution just doesn't work that way...
  11. Ever noticed their attack animations? They just wanna hug you, but they forget their claws are razor sharp and rip you in pieces instead. Also what on Earth is happening? The site sometimes loads and then doesn't load anymore.
  12. Fallout 3 still had much better npcs and quests. Think about the quests when you truly had a meaningful choice that actually affects the world instead of triggering different dialogues, like Megaton's. In Skyrim the civil war, the Dawnguard quest, absolutely doesn't matter who wins. Maybe they will learn something from New Vegas, aswell. And you don't have some kind of magical 3D map that tells you exactly where you have to go. Or maybe it will be a casual boring shooter, but let me dream. Atleast the map is huge.
  13. How can you say that? I can't wait for Fallout 4. Finally we could have meaningful quests which actually require some brain and that reward the player. No more fake, bland npcs. And yes, no more armors and weapons that look forged from clay.
  14. That looks a little out of place, but there are many ways you could have a reptilian humanoid as playable race in the Fallout universe. Have a look at this: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Tunneler I wouldn't really like furry races in my game, but atleast ghouls as a playable race (in the vanilla game) would be appreciated. And maybe other kind of mutants?
  15. The second. Boots can be converted quite easily, but I have no Idea what Drohung could make with shoes.
  16. Here, the ubiquitous Unique Beast Races mod. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/935973-unique-beast-races-wip/page-235 Ignore all the off topic chatting, It is about to be completed. Maybe.
  17. Could be, but there are definitely better alternatives. I have seen some crazy stuff with the Unreal Engine 4. Also I still have fun with an old game called Cube 2: Sauerbraten. It has an amazing editor, not good for landscapes but you really learn lot of stuff at level design or detailing maps.
  18. More like the second, the engine actually is pretty... Meh. And scripting with papyrus is painful, to say the least.
  19. Hey guys, sorry for that post... Thinking about it, I won't stop modding Skyrim, atleast until I find an alternative (Fallout4?). Soon I'll have all time I want to improve modelling and texturing. But what I mean is, I'll use Skyrim as a sandbox to test my models and stuff. No large projects like this, quests and areas. I'd like to make stuff entirely mine, without Bethesda's copyright.
  20. I think Drohung could release a lite edition, just with the bodies and no armor/clothing. I'd use it in the first page then.
  21. See the first page for an ancient alpha. That post looks even more confusing now, but atleast it's updated.
  22. Well, no. I am the one who created all the original bodies, both Khajiit and Argonian which Drohung is still using. I gave the leadership of the mod to Drohung since I hadn't the time and the will to convert all the clothing and armor in the entire game, plus keep the mod updated or fixed during time. That's why he's taking so long, not because he's lazy, because there's lot of stuff to do. How can you call this dead?
  23. Well, I think we just invented the early access in mods.Now, seriously talking, I finally made my decision. Modding Skyrim just gives me nothing. I find it slow and frustrating, expecially since it's a game I don't play anymore and that gives me nothing aswell. If that wasn't enough no real reason to make mods since it's pretty clear what most people here want, and I just can't stand all this nonsense sexualization or anime stuff, which I'm really not into. Of course it's people choice to mod what they want in their game. On the other hand, I'm not in the fandom. Furries, scalies, whatever you like. This is not even a rant. I'm just saying, there is no reason for me to stay. I'm don't know what Fallout 4 will be. I hope It'll last me more than Skyrim, and perhaps, they are finally going to scrap that engine. From the trailer, it reminds me of Unreal Engine 4. But let's see.
  24. Bethesda, is that you? You finally learned how to make animations? (Kind of). Can't wait! Well... As long they won't turn it into a shallow fps without any rpg mechanics.
  25. Atleast Oblivion is a true Rpg, doesn't have perks like: heavy armor is now exactly like light armor, but better! And more skills like unarmed that didn't deserve to be removed. Graphics were atleast colorful and not various shades of grey and white (ENB are broken and just make everything too dark instead of fixing rhe lighting). Oblivion has mods that truly fix the enemy scaling system plus adding new creatures, not like Skyrim mods that just ripped content or recolored models. And Deadly Reflex! That is a mod! No games are perfect but I'm probably just tired of Skyrim. Dark Souls with modding and first person mode would be a dream but... Won't happen.
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