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I have a few questions about using the editor if anyone would be so kind :) 1. How do I properly toggle editing for cells? Sometimes I can't edit and it seems more common now because I have so much on the map but what I do is find something in the cell, let's say a lantern and double click it in the cell editor so i can edit the world around it. It's not very practical. Surely there's an easier way. 2. How do I know for sure which quad I'm in? There's no labels as far as I can see and if I want to say, delete a texture layer, I have no idea even if I'm in the middle of the quad it might be any of them. 3. Is there a way to prevent the CK from using up so much page file? I was editing for about 2 hours yesterday and my RAM wasn't being used much but yet it ate about 30gb of HDD which is most of what I have left. Closing the CK gave it room to breathe. (btw it always crashes upon closing without fail) 4. If I want to apply a texture smaller than 1 on my map, then I presume I have to use an object with the desired texture instead? I don't need all the answers but #1 and #2 are the most important. I google but either threads are too old to view on some forums or I just can't seem to find the answers. Thanks for the help!
I bought oblivion yesterday right before the steam sale ended. $12 for it with all DLC and misc DLC that people used to complain about back in the day. I think it was well worth it, already it feels like a better RPG experience in my opinion. I have about 88 mods installed and it still looks like a potato but the detail that was put into the game and the inviting environment makes it look like the best potato I've ever seen. I'm a graphics wh*%# and bought an enthusiast video card specifically to play skyrim but despite Oblivion's dated visuals, it seems like a freakin masterpiece. My first TES game was morrowind and I couldn't figure out what I was supposed to do and didn't get the concept of an open world RPG (at the time). So I skipped oblivion thinking it was going to be the same crap til Skyrim pulled me into the series at the midnight release. Funny how that works.
Why can't we use Skyrim meshes in oblivion?
vortexhlp replied to vortexhlp's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
Oh okay, the licensing aspect makes sense! I suppose it wouldn't matter if I give it a go for myself and not redistribute it but of course that would be frowned upon to discuss such an endeavor on the forums :P Thanks for the answer, while it's a little disappointing that for now (and perhaps forever) I'll be stuck with kahjiit and argonians that look like something that came out of final fantasy 7, at least now I know why they still do. :) -
Hi, I was wondering what was causing the limitations for modders to export meshes like characters from skyrim into oblivion? So far I am finding oblivion to look in many ways more beautiful than skyrim even though it's dated and the meshes look like crap. But how come Fallout 4 mesh can't be placed in Skyrim and Skyrim into oblivion? I understand it's all the same engine but only with improvements with every revision. I'm not done playing skyrim but having just bought oblivion, I'm already hooked. So many wonderful mods but I'm merely curious why we can't have the same mesh complexity between two games that has the same memory limitations. (I googled this but no answer)
Paid mods = potential for great talent to make great mods DLC-level type of mods. I believe that something as big as Dawnguard or Dragonborn can be made by fans but those willing to go through and treat it like a business (which is absolutely fine) can potentially make a living expanding games for tens of hours to hundred of hours. Look at Skywind for instance, it could take maybe a year to develop or less and the staff could be paid with sales of $10 for the mod. I don't know about you but $10 sounds like a steal to get a quality DLC that is essentially a whole new game. I don't think it's as bad as what some people make it seem, I think it's just the nexus being worried that mods will be taken away to beth's website where people can monetize their projects there instead of here. Remember, nexus makes a profit from your hard work and if beth takes it away, of course they'll get their panties in a ruffle.
Very cool! I disabled adblock after coming back recently for the sake of supporting this site but then after a few pages I was being redirected to auto-download exe files and other things. So I had no choice but to block the ads. I'm really glad to see that you guys aren't being dicks and really do care about us! I'll allow ads on nexus on saturday and see how it goes. I do think that nexus is big enough to have its own advertisement platform though, there's so much traffic here it wouldn't take much to attract legitimate sponsors.
How do I use someone's mod as my playable character?
vortexhlp replied to vortexhlp's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Thank you for the quick reply! I will try that when I get home :) -
I'm not sure how to search for this so I apologize if it's been asked more than once but I want to use a character from a mod (Elfkko Followers if you're wondering) as my playable character. From what I gather you have to find the .nif file and somehow bring it over to skse presets but when I do it doesn't show up, probably because it's not the right file / format since .nif is not the same as .jslot. So there are files here that I could use: Data\meshes\actors\character\facegendata\facegeom\_Elfkko1.esp\0000182D.NIF and 0000285D.NIF Now where do I copy those over to? I don't care so much about the body shape, I could work on it in racemenu but is it even possible to import like that? It's what I heard anyway...
Optimizing Skyrim & Improving Stability
vortexhlp replied to Prenihility's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
EDIT: I have just found a guide that is very helpful and probably what I used (or something like I used) from back then. It contains advanced tweaks that should really boost the way windows / skyrim works. Here's the link: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32363/? EDIT 2: I did the optimizations suggested in the article linked and I'm getting a smooth experience! Totally 60fps with the only exception that sometimes it jitters on those random moments (rare but it happens). Yay, so the biggest key was to unlock the other processors and change the timing. Another thing I noticed was that on boot, I had my ASUS A.I. set to power saver rather than performance, this helped a lot but doing the other things made it perfect. :D I just started playing again yesterday... and by playing I mean installing mods. Oddly enough I'm hitting performance problems and am using less mods than before on a better setup. I've got less than 100 mods installed, figured I wouldn't be playing for 300hrs+ again on this build so there's no need to go overkill. Before I had closer to 300 mods. Most of my mods are related to new equipment. The visual mods I installed aren't 4K (they are 2K), but I used your typical tuning like LOOT, and cleaned up what was necessary. There are no particle ehancement mods either. I don't have script-heavy mods like that mining mod, I think I only have less than 10 that uses any kind of scripts. Since my last build I have an 8-core CPU running at about 37ghz at full capacity (not overclock) versus the core2duo that I had long ago and upgraded the motherboard to a gaming one with 8gb of speedy ram. Yet for some reason I'm not getting the 60fps like I used to (it wasn't a constant, there were slow-downs usually in homes but it wasn't as it is today). I'm not sure why that may be... I know last time I combined mods together and did something to tweak the memory and all that but still.. My videocard is overkill for what I'm running and of course my PC is well optimized on windows 7 64bit. I can't understand why it would be jittery, and I use LESS visually intensive mods than before. I know there's a guide I used a while back to really tune up the performance but can't seem to find it. The only thing I can think of is the ENB that I'm using but I tried a few different ones and they are pretty shitty in framerate too. Any suggestions beyond the basics? Skyrim is an odd thing... lol I'll gladly use a different ENB if you know of one that looks good but doesn't kill the living daylights out of the framerate. -
Skyrim works with windows 10 and clocks at faster framerates than on windows 7 and 8. Whether it works on w10 mobile devices, I have no idea.
Hi! I'm looking for the mod that swaps the left and right hand so it matches the mouse accordingly. Forgot the name of it or how to search for it >.< I also have the Erin Race mod (basically child race) but third person is too high to properly see the character, I'm looking for a fix for this :X Thank you!
New AMD driver update fixed my Skyrim
vortexhlp replied to Galacticat42's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I modded my 6950 to 6970 to unlock the extra oomph and I had perfect 60fps until I started modding. Over a hundred mods later, many of which are visual, it drops down to maybe 55fps but it peaks at 60fps in towns and indoors, or in caves and dungeons. This includes having the 4K HD pack, lush packs etc... The new beta patch ended up destroying whatever was enjoyable in the game and causes continuous crashes and updates normally run fine for me. After disabling all the mods, the game was even more unstable but for those that do get the beta to work, it boasts a delicious 25% performance increase. -
Oh wow thanks! I didn't even think about checking that :)
I was wondering how I could change the sun so that instead of changing the dynamics of the shadows etc being "all at once" every so increment, if I could change it to either live or something that's 5-10 seconds in between. I'm looking around and don't really see an option for this in the creator :( Just to clarify, when you play the game and stand still (find a spot where you can clearly see shadows like a forest) and watch how the sun moves every minute or so and drastically changes the lights.) Thank you!
"ever since I was a girl" So do you mean you're now a boy? :P Try dragonporn's website. It's not porn, but it's full of anime-esq mods that you sometimes don't find on this site. Most of the mods are found here but it's better organized as far as quality goes. Use chrome or google to translate the site if you don't know Japanese. I hope this helps!