In response to post #65235001. #65238371, #65249136, #65253756, #65257321 are all replies on the same post. Those mods were removed because I hoped to 'clean up' my name and get a CC contract. I signed up to the CC on day one and never heard back in any official capacity. If I had known that past mature themed mods would blacklist me from any sort of contact with official channels I never would have done them in the first place. I originally made those mods for two reasons: I liked working with a professional artist (TheKite), and as a literal-who going into Fo4 from Skyim I knew mature mods were a fast track to a wider audience. I would prefer that 'other sites' not link and/or host to those mods anymore, but I have no real power to demand threads be deleted and links removed. As far as Gumroad goes, I'm much less of a fan of it now that they make users jump though so many hoops to get stuff for free. It's a great system that offers tons of bandwidth and bypasses the tyranny of Paypal, but I feel bad making people go though the extra steps to get stuff free. I'm not sure what you mean by performance, I feel like I get more donations with Gumroad than I did the 'paypal beg' via the Nexus, but that could just be overall increase in popularity, or people just not wanting to setup and use paypal. A lot of the people that complain about the high-res textures are just people that aren't patient enough to read the mod page/sticky comment, there's really no getting through to those folks though text, so I don't put much weight in their complaints. Some hot-takes from your seconds post: Ive never used Vortex, manual downloads and MO2 have always worked for me and its a 'not broke, dont fix' situation. I enable the DP system, and it works, though I feel bad taking anything out of it knowing Robin has to manually process every transaction so I've only 'cashed out' once. Supporting authors by any means is always helpful, I'd rather users support me in the way they are most comfortable with, rather than the way I prefer. Modding is in a great spot, professional grade software is relatively cheap these days for single licenses, and one-off tutorials have gotten extremely high quality with sites like Gumroad that offer direct reimbursement for tutorial authors. I don't think any company can beat Bethesda in terms of mod community support, the CK is such an amazing tool to give to fans. I like the idea of the CC, it's great to let modders add official-ish content to the FO/ES IPs. I don't think modding is threatened by Fo76, or micro transactions in general. I would mod full time in a heartbeat, making cool stuff that people enjoy as a regular job? hell yeah, sign me up. I go in shifts, I will create for months at a time while looking for new things to play, and then I will spend months playing while thinking about what to make next. Its hard to put a timer on a mod, they all have their own hurdles that end up taking longer than I expect. I use xedit/Fo4edit, I only use the CK when I have to do stuff xedit cant do. I like prefer the spreadsheet format. Secret tip is in the interview already, you have to want to learn more than you want the final result, or else you will burn out. Favorite mod authors are Registrator2000 for his technical mods, and m150 for his wacky stuff.