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About kmfdm515

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  1. Since having a Mage in the party (or using any other healing spells) makes a lot of the items you would find or combine while exploring basically useless other than for gold-generation, I think a mod that makes healing items used also restore a small % of your missing max health would make you actually pay attention to combining items and and using while exploring. Ideally the % would be adjustable. Thoughts?
  2. There's also a ton of "MainPawns" in the rift because people probably missed that they needed a Name in addition to a Moniker.
  3. This probably seems silly, but one thing you could do in DD1 that you can't do for some reason in DD2 is rename your main pawn. The metamorphosis book lets you change everything except the name. It would be great if you could rename the main pawn without starting over.
  4. Looks good so far - that might have been the issue with the mod I was using. I have fast traveled a lot and my changes are still in place. Looks like you do in fact need to change both the Climates and the Game Settings. Thanks again. I'll update if it stops working for some reason.
  5. I didn't know about that. I changed the Sunrise/Sunset settings there to match the climate changes I made. We'll see if it lasts this time. Thanks for your help.
  6. Sorry, I'm not sure what GMST refers to? I have to quit to desktop and reload.
  7. I removed that mod and made my own .esp in the CK that only changed the climate settings for a longer day. Same issue - the mod eventually is disabled, usually after fast travel. Saving and re-loading doesn't help - I need to re-start skyrim. I don't use any mods that would really mess with the climate (like CoT). I guess there really is no long-term solution for this.
  8. That looks pretty close, yes. another thing I;m wondering is what do the "TimeOfDay" ENB settings even do? They read like they control the sunrise, but the NEB wouldn't even be able to do that, would it?
  9. Still can't figure out why that mod keeps getting disabled during gameplay. It's last in my load order...
  10. I didn't know I could do that. Very helpful, thanks! Easy to see: http://i.imgur.com/KkrWLKg.png I also have an the option to change those right in TESVEdit. Is that OK to do or would it cause issues?
  11. Ok, thanks...I'll have to mess with it to see if I can get it fixed. Regardless, that mod has the sun set around 10pm based on what is changes, and I'm trying to get it a bit later. Is there a simple way to adjust that in the CK? Edit: thanks bananas, I will give that a shot. I assume the Mod author did it the same way.
  12. Hmmm, strange. I'm not the only one complaining about it not working after fast-travel, waiting, etc. It works for a while and then stops. Even so, that mod only makes the morning longer. Is there a way in the CK for me to change both the Sunrise and Sunset time?
  13. What I've been looking for is a way for the sun to rise at around 4-5AM and set at around 11PM-12AM. I don't want to affect the speed of the day, just the amount of sunlight. I tried this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/28697/? but it only seems to extend the morning, and it often deactivates for some reason. I tried these ENB settings: http://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:ENBseries_INI/Timeofday but I can't seem to get them right. If I set it up for a later sunset, the sun seems to set anyway but I get a very "bright" night sky". Is there an easy way to do this? Is there something I can adjust in the CK myself? Thanks...
  14. I've lost all quest markers in some cities - Whiterun and Windhelm. Thy show on the world map and city map, but not int he world itself. Is there a way to fix this or "reset" them? I searched for this and saw it was a common issue, but I've not been able to find a fix.
  15. Thanks, that is exactly what I was looking for. Incredibly helpful.
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