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Nexus Mods Profile

About Decathlon2010

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Well, I have been having a few other issues lately besides the whole green button thing. I HAVE FOUND A FIX!! It is not easy but it is at least working now... I did a system restore on my laptop and had to wipe everything and start all over. At least now the nexus works. A different fix would be much better without having to go to such extremes, but it is working! P.S. - It took about 4 tries to finally get my system restored :sad:
  2. I am using Windows 10 and Firefox for browser (same issue on Chrome and Microsoft Edge). I was able to open up the developer tools thing and felt like a deer in headlights. I am not a programmer so it is kinda confusing. All I was able to decipher was that there were several 'warning' tags with JS. I do not know the origin or how (if possible) to fix. @ DraketheDragon - If you are able to guide me through the process it might be much easier, but on my own it will be very difficult. It is obviously an issue with my computer because I tried creating a new account and the issues still persist. I am not sure what other information you would need so let me know please. Thanks for the help and support; I cant wait to get my mods back!
  3. disabling java has not helped.. cant change CDN because I do not have premium account.. any other suggestions?
  4. Still having issues. Whenever I hover my cursor over the green download box there is no url link showing in the bottom left corner of the screen. I will keep trying but this is really frustrating. Is it possible that I have been somehow blocked from downloading without being notified of it? (I have not done anything wrong to my knowledge)
  5. Hey guys, and gals, I am having problems with the nexus mod site. Any time i try to click on one of the green buttons to download NMM or any NMM files nothing happens. I cant even do manual downloads. Anyone have any advice?
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