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Posts posted by mikeloeven

  1. I was thinking long and hard about the dragon spawning issues people keep running into and i hear two major issues.


    1: Dragons spawning inside of cities and constantly killing npc's.

    2: Dragons Spawning after fast traveling.


    so far it has been impossible to find a good spawn control mod for dragons without either

    A: Sacrificing Random Dragons entirely,

    B: Adding a whole bunch of other mechanics to dragon encounters.


    Even if you choose one that reduces dragon encounters but does nothing to block spawning on fast travel or in cities



    So what i am asking for is completely redone system for precise control of Random Dragons.


    Features I want to see


    1: and possibly the most important a check box for preventing Dragons from spawning inside of Holds.

    2: Random Dragon Duration (the time between checks)

    3: Random Dragon Percentage ( percentage of spawning each check)

    4: This is the good one Use System Clock !! This is my idea to fix the fast travel Dragon Spawning issue and it's pretty clever. When this check box is checked the Duration will be converted from game time into real minutes based on the current time factor. the new value will be compared against the computers system clock instead of the game clock. this will make the duration and percentage occur based on real time so that dragon spawns consistent and immune to fast travel and waiting.

  2. Add a NPC of Gaben to the game wearing the half life hazard suit and armed with a crowbar that when he hits you it deals damage directly to your gold and you die when your broke


    Figured this would be a good more comical replacement to that other mod <-< that was pulled down for some reason

  3. I am looking for a script that will automatically check the targets of Dark Brotherhood contracts to see if they have an essential flag and automatically remove it.


    There are plenty of mods that will make a decent number of characters within cities essential simply to protect them from dragon attacks or just because it prevents accidental deaths of merchants and other minor characters The problem arises when you get a Brotherhood contract on a NPC who was made essential by some mod or another.


    Adding a dynamic script that automatically removes the essential flag from a target when specified in a Brotherhood contract would make this hidden protection system transparent to the player without them shooting the target in the head watching him stand up seconds later than alt tab to the wiki to look up the targets base ID cursing the entire time because they will have to redo the assassination.

  4. In response to post #24639199.

    Tantalus010 wrote:

    Honestly Bethesda would be committing suicide by destroying free modding. The thing is that Bethesda may be talented game developers but they rely almost entirely on modding for continued sales after the initial release year of their games. Looks at fallout3 released in 2008 Still has a active community and is still selling on steam. Now go back farther Morrowind is still being sold on steam as well. when you look at it Bethesda has a track records for making video games with incredible longevity and the longevity is 100% based on active modding communities because it enables these games to have a completely different experience each time you play and for constantly expanding UGC.

    If modding was reduced to DLC it would seriously hurt Bethesda's bottom line in the end while they would see a small increase short term from the DLC model eventually they would loose out on the sales of the main game that continue year after year due to modding

    In my opinion valve is the snake in the grass
  5. In response to post #24566659. #24566689 is also a reply to the same post.

    mikeloeven wrote:
    boulegue wrote: then you will just alienate modders from the nexus there are those who want their stuff to be free... those who want to charge for their stuff and those that have free stuff and are thinking about maybe charging for it in the future... also impossible its their right to hide/delete their files from the nexus whenever and for whatever reason they see fit

    doesent change the fact that there should be penalties for pulling content without good justification. for the most part the only times you will see files pulled by the author is if there are major game breaking bugs of a destructive nature or if there is an excessive amount of forum drama. frankly this is a new phenomenon that has the potential to literally damage the integrity of the nexus database by plain and simple greed

    Some modders may end up butt hurt but in the long run such a move will serve to protect the community from this abomination. Currently many mods already have a donate button so you cant say that modders cant get paid for their work
  6. I would like to request that the nexus web site make a slight change to their policy that prevents existing mods from being pulled down in order to be moved behind a paywall. Personally i think the authors have a right to post new or improved mods behind said paywall but something definitely needs to be done to prevent the most greedy authors from removing large swaths of data from the nexus server


    Most of the hate regarding paid content comes from the fear that mod authors will b removing or hiding their content from the nexus servers. this is something that desperately needs to be stopped before it can begin

  7. Ok first of all the major problem is with the value of gold coins to begin with.


    if a bowl of chicken soup costs 30 gold coins you know immediately the purity of the imperial coins is crap.


    So lets say the imperial gold coins are about 10% gold with a core of some non-precious metal A bar of gold is pure solid metal usually either 18 or 24 carrot. Your logic is even more flawed than mine for failing to take into account the obvious differences in purity. if the imperial coins were pure gold and valued at a semi realistic price than forget the chicken soup those 30 gold coins would buy the whole god damn inn.


    So right off the bat in order to justify the low value of the imperial coins one must assume that they are not even close to being pure gold but rather an alloy of gold and some other metal. Apart from an adventurer or professional miner the average citizen would never even lay their hands on a bar of pure gold and considering how hard it is to get enough ore to actually make a gold ingot the value would obviously be much higher than 100 gold coins.


    Honestly comparing costs of in-game food items with prices of similar real life food items the imperial gold coin equals around .12 USD or about 12 cents a little over a dime


    so its kinda funny your nit picking my post despite the horrible brokenness of the overall game economy

  8. I am looking for a mod that fixes an annoying flaw in the mechanics of soul gems. for example your killing monsters and your grand soulgems end up filled with petty / greater souls now you cant collect any grand souls because the gem is clogged up with these smaller souls.


    I am looking for a mod that allows you to use one soul gem to refill another so for example i have a Black Gem with a Petty Soul i can use the Black Gem on a empty petty gem the same way you use a gem to recharge a weapon but instead it will transfer the soul to the empty gem provided it will fit allowing you to empty a filled grand gem without actually loosing the soul !!

  9. Does anyone have a mod that makes gold and silver ingots buy and sell at the same constant price rather than being subject to the price reductions and gouging common in the economy. Generally speaking in any economy ingots of Gold and Silver would be traded using standard values much like coins and would not fluctuate between vendors.

  10. I Ended up with a strange issue that just suddenly started without warning i belive a mod or something may have changed something in windhelm with broke the faction mappings.


    I noticed something was wrong when i started gaining windhelm bounties for killing storm cloak patrols (this is unavoidable since they are pretty much all hostile after the civil war ended. When i went back to windhelm things got weird i saw that there were both legion and storm cloak guards walking around at the same time and when i entered the hall of the kings i noticed that both brunwulf and Ulfric were standing there in an animation loop where one would sit down on the throne and than be forced off by the other one.


    The only thing i can think of is that something called a setstage and screwed up the whole town but i am not sure what the commands are to reset windhelm to post civil war after a legion victory

  11. Can you please add a simple function to the NMM so that on exit it will automatically save a snapshot of the load order for bethesda titles and if the load order is changed by a third party program *Cough Steam workshop Cough* without permission NMM will pop up a message saying "The load order has been modified by another program do you wish to keep these changes" and if you select no NMM will restore the last load order it remembers.

  12. The thing that scares me most about the curated workshops is the obvious issue of DRM. As a long time user of Bethesda games we all know that there are times when in order to make a Load Order work you have to merge mods, edit them to remove conflicts, or simply tweak a spell or mechanic to fix a balance issue. With curated workshops you now end up paying money for a file that has no guarantee that it will function with your specific load out. So the main concern for the skyrim workshop is will you be able to edit the paid mod?? If you cannot edit the paid mod or can edit the paid mod but your editing cannot resolve the conflict in your load order will you be able to get your money back??


    Version control is another issue we also know how badly mod updates can go now with curated workshops will mods be updated manually or forced?? will previous versions be available in a curated workshop like they are on nexus???


    which again brings me back to edit ability. there have been many times updates to mods have brought with them unwanted changes such as nerfs or re balances. Often times i just open the mods in tesvedit or the creation kit and revert the unwanted change myself.


    again i think the curated workshops will signal the death of modding for Bethesda games unless there are strict controls put in place to preserve the users ability to edit the files for nothing more than compatibilities sake



  13. i know it's a necro but does anyone know why the unlimited thane authority mod is marked private and is there an alternative because i really am getting annoyed by these dumb little mini bounties for stupid crap ??


    something that always pissed me off about hidden mods is that the website doesent have the GD common courtesy to tell you who the author was so you have to really dig to figure out how to get in touch with them

  14. So i have been encountering issues regarding skyrim mods and the steam workshop. in order to trigger the download of workshop items your forced to run the (shudder) default skyrim launcher. the problem here is that just the act of running the skyrim launcher will seriously screw up the load order randomly rearranging things and enabling disabled mods.


    i would like to see a feature in NMM to counteract this behavior that can be applied to all bethesda titles allowing you to save your current load order to a text file and than restore it from the file.


    essentially it will arrange the mods as they were in the file and make sure the proper mods are enabled / disabled while shunting any new files to the bottom of the list and marking them disabled until manually enabled.


    currently the simple act of subscribing to a workshop item can rearrange your load order to the point where your pretty much guaranteed a CTD on next load and the ability to save and restore your load order from a text file would eliminate the need for manual damage control.

  15. Ok basically an issue i keep running into is that the armor perks often specify "when clad in a full set of X armor"


    the problem with this is that removing one part of the armor set negates the whole bonus rather than adjusting the math.


    what i am looking for is a mod that allows mash up armor sets to gain partial perk bonuses


    take for example a character with the perk Bastion 25% bonus to AR when fully clad in heavy armor.


    the mod would change this to 5% bonus to AR for each piece of heavy armor equiped.


    AHHHHHH see we did there.


    exactly there are 5 pieces of armor a player can wear Boots, Bracers, Chest, Helmet, and Shield.


    now if you take that 25% bonus and stack 5% by 5 pieces you now get at least part of the bonus rather than loosing the whole perk because you just want a different helmet.


    see magic boots you like but they are made of leather take away 5% still leaves you with a 20% bonus.




    basically am looking for a mod to change all the perk bonuses that apply to a full set of armor to smaller stacking bonuses per piece of armor that allows a player to retain part of the bonus without having to like he just walked out of a mass production plant

  16. This should be a very simple mod to toss together. There are a ton of spells for smashing spelling picking and even blowing locks in the game but i am looking for a very simple mod that when you click open door while sneaking the door will lock if you have the required key in your inventory

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