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Everything posted by TechN9ne420

  1. Still having problems any help world be appreate it thanks.
  2. Hello can anyone help me setup/reproduce the Shooting Range from Vault 75. I have managed to get the targets to work by copying everything I found linked from the terminal to trigger boxes to targets in vault 75 and pasting it in my cell. But when i tested it the targets activate but there is no scores on the terminal and no announcer voice for the startup not shur how to get that to work if anyone can help me out on how to do this or what I'm missing I really appreate any help thanks in advance.
  3. Please anyone i really need some help.
  4. Hello everyone I'm trying to mod skyrim and I'm making a new spell but I'm having some trouble with it. See what I'm trying to do is make a spell like the sparks spell but have it act like chain lightning when it hits kinda like JoO Sith Lightning mod how it looks when casting but when it hits it chains out like chain lightning spell. I'v been trying to figure out how to do so but with no luck yet if anyone could please help me out I'd really really appreate it thanks in advance.
  5. Hey invalidfate was just wandering if there was any update as to if you are still thinking about relessing just couries thanks.
  6. That is great news to hear invalidfate hope we see it soon can't wait to ride the wastland in style lol. Oh and great videos by the way I may have to check out that radar mod looks cool also keep up the good work on the bike can't wait to use it in NV and thanks for the effort on behave of myself and everyone thats been wanting for this mod to be ported good luck with it.
  7. Is there anyone that think they can do it??? IMO it would be so epic to use in NV anyone.
  8. Hello everyone I was wandering I don't have the modding skills to do this and was wandering if anyone would be up to do it. See I talked to J3X today about if he was going to port over his motorcycle from FO3 to NV he said he didn't plan on it so I asked him if someone could port it over and reupload it and he told me shur do whatever you want with it he didn't care. Here is the conversation. TechN9ne420 Newbie Group: Members Posts: 11 Kudos: 0 [+] AP: 14 Joined: 30-January 10 Sent Yesterday, 02:10 PM Hello let me first just say I love your mods they are bad ass I use them all. But I do have a question I would like to ask you your mod for FO3 Driveable Motorcycle is a great mod really enjoy it a lot and so I was wondering if maybe you were or are going to port it over to new vegas where imo it would be better suited for. Well I was just wondering cause it would be the best mod ever for new vegas if you did port it over if you have plans to please do it would be just epic. Well thank you so much for your time and hope you think about it thanks. Report Reply Edit J3X Fan Group: Supporter Posts: 453 Kudos: 371 [+] AP: 1,540 Joined: 07-May 06 Currently Playing: All kinds of games Favourite Game: Psychonauts, Jets \\\'n\\\' Guns, Fallout 3, Morrowind, Touhou Project Sent Yesterday, 02:16 PM Hello, Probably not. I don't have time for it. :< J3X Report Reply TechN9ne420 Newbie Group: Members Posts: 11 Kudos: 0 [+] AP: 14 Joined: 30-January 10 Sent Today, 07:27 AM Oh ok well thanks for the reply oh if I may ask would it be ok with you if someone ported it over to new vegas and reupload it to nexus giving you full credit of corse would that be ok with you just asking thanks for your time again. Report Reply Edit Delete J3X Fan Group: Supporter Posts: 453 Kudos: 371 [+] AP: 1,540 Joined: 07-May 06 Currently Playing: All kinds of games Favourite Game: Psychonauts, Jets \\\'n\\\' Guns, Fallout 3, Morrowind, Touhou Project Sent Today, 11:41 AM Sure, feel free to do whatever you want with my mod. J3X Report Reply Sorry I just copied and pasted it but as you can see it is ok to do so now I would do it myself but I don't even know where to begin and I'm not very good at modding so I was wondering if someone out there would be willing to port it over to NV so we all can have a fun way to get around so what do you say anyone up for it????
  9. Can anyone help I'd really love to get it to work again thanks in advance
  10. Hello I was wondering see i'm trying to get people to explode when I shot them with the district 9 arcgun mod for NV but I can't seem to get it to. See in FO3 I used the liberty prime mess effect that was in the GECK to get it done but it seems that that effect don't work anymore in NV so my question is there anyway to get it to work again in NV if so how do you do it. Also i'm new to modding Fallout so I don't know much of what i'm really doing any help would be greatly appreated I really would love to get it to do it again thanks in advance.
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