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  1. I have this same problem. I don't have IA installed. I don't understand either. Looks like no here does.
  2. "Dragged and dropped from where? I've been right clicking all over Gen parts but can't seem to find a list for scars. The only editable window I see is Scripts - that maybe the source. So I would have to know the name of the scar I guess. " Drag and drop them from the object window, under 'headparts'.
  3. If you're using MO, you'll find the presets in the overwrite folder. overwrite\skse\plugins\chargen\presets
  4. Here's a simple question I simply CANNOT find an answer to: Does MO2 work with Windows 7??? it has never run for me. the latest beta 2 gives me the same thing it always has: Side by side configuration error. SXSTrace says: INFO: Begin assembly probing.INFO: Did not find the assembly in WinSxS.INFO: Attempt to probe manifest at F:\ModOrganizer2\dlls.DLL.INFO: Attempt to probe manifest at F:\ModOrganizer2\dlls.MANIFEST.INFO: Attempt to probe manifest at F:\ModOrganizer2\dlls\dlls.DLL.INFO: Attempt to probe manifest at F:\ModOrganizer2\dlls\dlls.MANIFEST.INFO: Did not find manifest for culture Neutral.INFO: End assembly probing.ERROR: Cannot resolve reference dlls,processorArchitecture="x86",type="win32",version="".ERROR: Activation Context generation failed. Same result with x32 and x64 versions of SxsTrace. I have reinstalled ALL of the MS libraries TWICE now. They are current verified in regedit. This is the ONLY piece of software I have ever seen this issue with. So does it work with Windows 7, or have I been wasting HOURS AND HOURS trying to get it to work????
  5. In response to post #29718855. THANK YOU FOR THIS!! +1
  6. In response to post #29719250. Good question! +1
  7. I hope for the best... But I'm afraid this is going to be a disaster. And right around Fallout 4 time. Ugh. Hope it works.
  8. In response to post #25782884. GTA V is an amazing world; definitely a highly advanced engine, and I played it for a few weeks... Came right back to my wonderfully modded Skyrim. It didn't make the grade. If I wanted a modern open-world at this moment, I would go back to FO3. I still follow the mods available for GTA V... Nothing that really interests me for very long. Mostly gimmicky stuff like whales in the streets or complete traffic insanity or guns that shoot out a strem of cars.. LOL. That kinda thing gets old in mere minutes.
  9. In response to post #16172465. The only problem is I see is unreasonably slow propagation of new files to the servers. Older files download at full speed.
  10. In response to post #16162200. #16162375 is also a reply to the same post. You don't know they're all kids, and you don't know how many mods they are downloading at once. The issue seemed to effect only newly added files, so this lengthy explanation doesn't really answer the questions I have.
  11. Are you going to post about the current download issues we've all been seeing for at least 24 hours now?? Downloading of new files is BORKED! please enlighten your subscribers!!
  12. I have been silent about all the troubles with the site for a loooooong time. A much smoother site experience??? I gotta say... With all the 'upgrades' and additions you've all made, the site is as unstable as I've ever seen it. I have contributed to the site in mods and in money. I love the site. But the tech problems are never-ending, and they seem to be getting worse. I'd say close to 50% of the time, I wait an inordinate amount of time after clicking on a link, and way too often the link fails. I don't try to block ads; I know you need money to keep doing this. But with all the money you've obviously spent, why are things not really much better?? I'm not even talking about downloads. I'm talking about just simple site navigation. I don't know of another site with this many slowdowns. It's crazy. Maybe it's time to hire another consultant. I dunno. I don't mean to be disrespectful, but there comes a time when things just get ridiculous. Also I'm not just hating on you guys. I love what you do for us all. I truly don't want to be banned. But I gotta be honest... WTF, fellas/ladies?
  13. In response to post #10852019. #10853486 is also a reply to the same post. *than
  14. In response to post #10483268. #10487483, #10487825, #10488349, #10491602, #10492659 are all replies on the same post. Squeaky wheels get the oil, folks. Like it or not. But then again... That means you, too! Look at all the whining about the whiners here. Just a little perspective. ;)
  15. Zarkin, for what it's worth, I've been trying to get rid of this problem for ... Well, way too long. It is the one thing I genuinely (and highly) dislike about ENB. You are not alone, though I don't have a solution. It is caused by ENB's high-quality shadows, but don't ask me why.
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