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About batlham

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    United States
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    Atari Frogger
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  1. LOL your kidding??? LOL I have a very big disdain for elitists...they are the first to freak out from someone making fun or saying one of thier mods suck..then they take all their mods off line....(take all their toys and go home crying to momma) personaliy I would boycott them and ban them for it...LOL A elitist with a bad attitude...forgotten...is a very very lonely humble S.O.B. Damn more beer bitching...sorry but there it is.... Love to DesuChan who I view as a prodigy not a elitist :)
  2. I am working on updating Mr Bean Cm Partner and adding Kat CMP which I should had finished a year ago....however!!!!! Everytime I am nearly finished with Kat...my laptop either catches fire (like last year on the airplane), hard drive fails...or..I burn up a 2 gig ram modual (2 weeks ago)...hopefully I will get her done...she was one of my favorite characters I played. I was working on them tonight..but got too ummmmm...filled with beer and this girl on my lap stopped me (she says hi)...read Mr bean on his creation....its true LOL http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14896 here are some picts I made of kat...I would marry her if she was real LOL ( I just got hit for that)...damn beer..hmm wonder if I can get this chick to wear cat ears...OWWWWW (she bit me) LOL http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=32126 http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=32125 http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=2124 notice the image numbers??? I am such a procrastinator LOL EDIT: ANY IDEAS would be helpful for her. I need a weapon or two for her...the armour is done. I am thinking I might script her items so they can't be used by the user...just her. She was a thief/assassin/archer type
  3. Banning Wasder for not banning the person before him
  4. I ban overload1977 for getting me to play my brute. http://batlham.mybrute.com/
  5. Ban hammer to AzirAphale001 for going awal from guarding the Eastern Gate
  6. Banning floggingmolly22 for giving the impression of realism... LOL :)
  7. no..doesn't work that way. the flamer never learns what he is doing is bad. They are too ignorant to know what they are doing is wrong and narrow sighted. All the flamer does is get everyone upset and they start flaming as well. It never ends well, and people get banned. Unfortunately, there are many with poor social skills who always think they are right and have to jam their opinions down others throats. Sooo..to keep from banning a lot of people..the rule is made to protect those with poor social skills from their own stupidity. There are MANY other sites on the net that you can go debate such issues.
  8. Looks to me those are the posts for the animations....however..they are just the kf files that are works in progress...meaning you would have to make a mod to run the animation....you can look at acters in charge to see how they did it. However, after looking at the links for the files...they look dead...that site likes to upload files like up-load.ddo.jp/upload/data/up2600.jpg then in the description tell you that is really a 7z file Keep checking that site...because they often tend to repost mods using that kind of naming convention (jpg -> 7z) since the links die pretty fast. I have yet to make animations...or utillize them in a pose mod....but I understand how it works.
  9. The only one I know of that does that is Reneers Guard Overhaul. It does change ALOT of things about the gaurds though. It is here on nexus (version 1.64b )..however, the newest updates are not posted here.... http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5977 The newest update 1.75 is here. http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View...ail&id=1603
  10. Whoa..maybe WoW is the worst....for other reasons... check out a yahoo story I just saw... http://us.i1.yimg.com/videogames.yahoo.com...arcraft/1186366
  11. When I was growing up...I had to spend a lot of time in the Childrens Shrine Hospital in St Louis Missouri. If it had not been for people donating to the hospital.. Atari, NES and full arcade machines..I think I would had gone mad. when I get a new job....I am planning on donating current games and consoles to the hospital. They say video games are bad..because it limits outside exercise. However, when you are in a body cast...they are the only thing to get the blood pumping. It also turned into a social event when we played. Metroid was the fav on the NES...I memorized the whole map...so I was always needed when someone played LOL Most of the children in the hospital were too poor to own one at home...so they appreciated it more than I did. Many don't know what the Shrine is....this will help. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shriners So...if you are not short money...consider those children hospitals that might need machines. You could be giving a kid, like I was, the chance to play.
  12. I would agree to that...the army making a video game to get kids wanting to join is wrong. There used to be a flight sim game that the air force took on tour. The targets were oil rigs in a middle east environment...hmmm It was a good game at the time..I tore it up. But after I was thinking...why oil rigs? They worked real hard at making it look like being a piliot was not dangerous...and you get to blow up things. If I play a military like first shooter....there needs to be aliens and such. I am not into the realness of combat sims where you kill people. I know..not very sensitive to aliens... :)
  13. here is another tasteless game LOL http://www.adultswim.com/games/fiveMinutes/
  14. LOL How did a bunch of neo-NOTzis gather the brain cells needed to make a video game?? LOL OMG..they are still trying to selling it for $14.88...geeez lest they are too dumb to keep making new versions. But then again they make that stuff so people will do the big freak out and start screaming about it. I wouldn't have even known it existed...if it wasn't for ninja_lord666's freak out... hey ninja_lord666 got one you probly will like :) biblefight
  15. I loved my Atari... However, we owned a pong that I played for hours when I was very young.
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