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Nexus Mods Profile

About goranga

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    Making mods
  • Favourite Game
    Oblivion, Portal, HL2, Silent Hill 2, GTA 5

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  1. @Jokerine Hilarious :D That's the problem of all popular websites. Hackers are trying steal emails from members and sell them to advertisers. Expect viagra ads in you inbox. Sometimes they do it just to show they can. They change some content of a website to say "we were here". We need to light our torches and hunt them down (just kidding. don't touch my mods hackers).
  2. In a few months when i get my website back on. It will be only prostitution and it will be compatible with my old dating system.
  3. It's good to see that some old members are still around :). Yeah, Oblivion is true classic.
  4. Hopefully this will bring some people back to Oblivion
  5. You will find this mod here http://www.modocean.com The mod is called The Sex System (you need to register to download this file). This is the most advanced sex/prostitution mod up to this day (and I believe it will remain that way in the future as well). You can download other, smaller, files without registration. Update: Now dating is supported. Download TSS V7.1 first and then GDS V2.0
  6. That's a standard way to pack things (standard = almost everyone does it). There is nothing unusual or strange about it. Modders usually put .esp and other folders into data folder so that you can directly copy everything into Oblivion directory. Why do you need to repack it if you use Wrye?
  7. The previous dude told you what to do...Bring a companion that you can summon. You will usually have some kind of spell to summon it. When you enter in the world alone, cast the summon spell. It will appear.
  8. There is no reason why you shouldn't. Bring a silent companion though. If you bring Vilja, she will ruin some of the cool atmosphere in that world because she chatters all the time.
  9. @ forli1 They will not "cooperate", but you will be able to use them separately (just like you use OBMM and Wrye). I guess, you will be able to set any of these as your default mod manager. Nexus client will probably import list of mods you are already using. @ ub3rman123 What do you mean by "making a special file type" to guarantee that file will work? Do you mean that modders use the client to make this file type and then upload it on nexus so that it can be successfully installed by client when downloaded?
  10. That's what I call a good project. If the software is going to be smart enough to download mods, track the updates and, especially, to install and uninstall mods automatically, any amount of time spent developing it will be well spent. That will also differentiate Nexus from other mod-sites.
  11. Using this new site I've noticed something... It doesn't generate those strong feelings in members that the old one was able to. The old one succeed to create some sort of addiction in members. You felt as if you belong to something, almost, important XD. It seems that some of the magic has been lost with this new design. It's not that this new site is bad. It looks nice and it functions well. It just doesn't create any feelings inside you while using it. You don't care about any of those things that were important in the old nexus, like, receiving kudos, endorsements, PMs, publishing mod, someone trying to trash your mod and you snap back at him XD etc. I can't make this post too much constructive because I don't know what was it about that old site that made members to care about all those silly things. There are some cities in America that almost prohibit construction of, new, modern buildings. They have pictures and blueprints of buildings of that city from 1930s or so. They only recreate that type of buildings and architecture. I guess that's because they want to preserve good, positive, feelings that go with that type of architecture. It's also called a good tradition. Should it be done with nexus? (Robin will probably be pissed about this post XD, but I needed to unleash this.)
  12. About that new look of home page... The central slideshow is very attractive feature. Don't get rid of it please. Just make it so that a text appear from below, like on the old nexus. You can leave an option so that each member can pick what he/she wants a slideshow for (FOTM, hot files, latest files, top images...). Bunch of images in the center don't look particularly good. It's good that news take up more space. I hope that news - comments are going to be as wide as topic description box. I know that you want to have things your way ;), but those stripes should be replaced with solids. The only place where stripes look good is circus.
  13. @ Robin It's great that you moved file info below pics. Now all important info about the file are available at glance. Boxes for comments are also wider and member's image is bigger. Keep making these positive changes! Additionally, you can consider making member's name and stats bigger. It would be great if you made news comments wider as well.
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