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Everything posted by wolfpack91

  1. Is there an alternative program other than the creation kit that can load dawnguard. I'm working on a mod and I need a resource from dawnguard but creation kit always crashes loading dawnguard
  2. how do you edit it. im trying to make a new "super predator" race which is suposed to be a lot faster and stronger than the average human, mostly so i can hunt more effeciently by being able to out run deer. the only thing i cant figure out is how to make it faster than anything else. id like to make it really fast, running/walking id like it faster than most animals and also capable of possibly out running anything in the game while sprinting.
  3. how do you remove script dragon? i deleated the whole skyrim folder reinstalled with no mods and it still says script dragon is there and wont run.
  4. i thought it would bee cool to have both of Alucard's pistols the 454 casull and the 13mm jackal is there anyone who is good with making weapons who would be willing to give it a try. these are the best photos i have found this is the jackal http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091002205142/hellsing/images/c/c8/TN_jackal02.jpg this is the 454 casull http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs14/f/2007/064/4/5/Hellsing_ARM__454_Casull_Auto_by_Rethana.jpg
  5. is it possible for someone who really knows wat theyre doing make a video tutorial on how to make a new race with working customization. i have a work in progress "Demi-god race" mod based on the vanilla races, but every time i load it into the game there is no presets and none of the customization sliders work. any help would be nice i really want to finish this to upload it.
  6. ive been searching online for a week and still cant find a program to create new weapon textures and 3d models. Does any one know a good program(s) to try?
  7. i found a mod for lightsabers on nexus but there is no robes is it possible for someone to PLEASE make Sith robes/hoods simmilar to emporer palpatine and darth maul's robes and hoods as well as a set of jedi robes
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