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Posts posted by hoshi23

  1. im not so fond of alex myself. haha. hes okay having understood that the money system by debt is crazy and trying to shake pople wake but the things is poeple have to stand up for themself and see that this money is just an idea and does not represent actual value. so it be interesting to see after this crash if poeple fall for it again.



    911 is not real debate here. there are countless engineers and architects standing up to what happened there. one cannot explain building 7 rationally with what the "commission" did give out. if you continue rationally the official story gonna turn out to be biggest conspiracy bulllcrap thats been fed to poeple eva.


    anyway. rfid. they got rfid scanners in the household trash cans in britain already. i dont know how much. but it is ever growing i think. go ahead google it.


    i swear people are crazy.

  2. With the least drop of responsibility such a catastrophic event would not have happened. America wake up.


    You, the whole world, is being fooled on so many level.


    So much violence against nature.




    Everbody suffer from it.

    Not only the enviroment, but poeple polute themself while still paying for it.


    The whole mentality associated with this nonsense has to die or there gonna be more crashes.


    Like has been said elsewhere. Greed eats brain and brings nothing but far greater pain aswell as complexity to the situation.


    A complexity which cannot be managed and understood without applying ethical value.


    If people cannot see this they are easy prey to criminal organisations with the reputations.


    You need not be like sheep.


    Be like lions.

  3. There is always hope that in about a year they will iron things out.


    Make that 'in about 7 years' or 'never' - CCP have a terrible track record in attending to stuff that was poorly implemented.




    Please support this, if you think CCP should spend some time on fixing the stuff that's broken or was forgotten about.

    that is quite funny to see. i stopped about a year ago and was there for maybe 3? back then they used to have this threads all over. fix moar. blasters are weak. :biggrin:

  4. learning about the life force, huh?


    well it depends what is avaible.


    Modding and computer programming are the life force? :confused:


    you speak of life force and the decline there of in human form are you not.

    what makes a good learner.


    that are all the things you ask.


    you cannot understand that if you dont understand what makes a good life and that has to do with what energy is avaible now has it not.


    if there is no ressources avaible you learn this already in the material world then i cannot learn i cannot eat i cannot do nothing so you ask where does this come from.


    i am giving you the answer in you. nothing more. and that is life force. wanna ignore that then that is not my world and you can play alot in assumptions rather then looking what is there.


    all it takes is look at the facts.


    and that is there is alot of life force and it conditions how good you learn among other things. *shrug*


    im not telling anything special new or alien. :teehee:

  5. i dont have any distinctions in that like you may born with them but i dont have them.


    yes and i want to say again war whatfor all this war and how it conditions the individual? the american eagle is looking to peace not war. this is not what founding fathers envisioned. yet what happens.


    so a system like we have it now where everything is owned by private banks is a big fail. highly unstable and arrogant.


    this is very on topic.


    if you dont get the subtle part and are blind on one eye i cannot force you to magicly open it.


    and on that poeple are still trapped into the dogma are they not?


    so here is the individual reflected.


    do you have the courage to see or not.

    love or fear.


    big round for somethign so very small.



    not the intention to derail at all.

    Regardless of intention, your response does not seem to address or answer the question which is being asked. Instead it merely trails on about other things which would be the subject of a different debate. If you were making a point somewhere in there, you seem to have totally failed. You may wish to review your posts before submitting them to ensure that they actually say anything in regard to what is being discussed in that thread. You will not receive another warning.


    - Vagrant0

  6. Democratic system we live in is the worse kind of system as the founding fathers rightly said.


    Poeple are enslaved and have no courage.


    Soldier are so enslaved they have been made to believe to search terrorist in some cave while all they do is protect heroin production.


    need proof? kasai brother is heroin head honcho and they both work with cia since the cold war. this is kown fact likewise that is is known fact that since we moved into afghanistan heroin produtcion skyrocketed.


    whoever does not see the disgrace involved with this is a tool that i could order to do all this things for a hunger loan and worse but then i could not live with myself.


    it would mean to abolish all good for practicly no gain.


    poeple think money has value.







    i believe a cow standing on the field is smarter then that. she atleast knows

    what is good to her.


    human being is an individual that is to realise full potencial here now and what could that be?



    ps: lastly the world is very simple if you understand it in you

  7. First they said 300k then 800k and now it comes out it is 4 million liters per day.

    Lying until it dont go anymore.




    Corexin from Nalco? Yep you guessed it ! BP is in Nalco. Exxon is in Nalco and it is just another poison.


    Arent we all a happy family`in truth as one?

  8. you only conquer death as you welcome it in you-trying to fight it you end up like this society-a perverted/enslaved mind believing his images to be real-its neurosis actually-so try not to be a fool
  9. Each individual creates their own reasons as to why they exist. Which is in the form of free will, in whatever route that takes them. If someone decides for themselves that they have no purpose or reason to exist, they won't have one.

    thats very head driven. none of that actually matters when imploding into is.


    What do you mean imploding into is?

    Imploding, into, is.


    He said "Which is in the form of free will", so imploding into free will?

    What does imploding mean in this context?


    well you say i am this, i am that, i am hot, i am cold, but first there is i am.

    it is not for the intellect. because how can you think i am?

    thus imploding into is.

  10. Each individual creates their own reasons as to why they exist. Which is in the form of free will, in whatever route that takes them. If someone decides for themselves that they have no purpose or reason to exist, they won't have one.

    thats very head driven. none of that actually matters when imploding into is.


    and free will is a resistance to that. like maybe this here is better for "me". i can preserve myself and my story.

    but with that of course comes cost in energy to keep it up. which creates a friction. and that friction is a slight pain.

    and that pain is to bring you to that.


    so you live it and then it is gone. the circle is closed or in that case you are the being.

    so it goes on with every part. but if you want to think that intellectually you cannot.

    for you not the same after it. so leave the head aside. and simply be.


    you cannot figure out being. cannot figure out what you already are.


    seeing that comes great respect for every small thing in life almost spontanous.

    effortless. yet one owuld not even need havin to write effortless. it just is.

  11. lol i tend to agree with vagranto, but also with you IT since with words you can never proove this. it has to come out of oneself. you can not merely discuss soul. this why in church you to be silent. extend church to the universe including yourself mind you. :biggrin: :biggrin:
  12. "but if i die to the unknown then "


    then what? hahahaha.

    you cannot know this.


    "the world in and of itself is not for the truth of my soul,"


    the world is not in and of itself.........there is only soul that is in and of itself.......


    soul does not have a sense of me, my, i,


    why should it be concerned over an self image?


    you have been given a clue. its in your heart.

  13. hahahaha. now you lost it completly. who said i am inlightened? for truth one must die to the unknown. nobody can figure it out with logic. forget logic and trying to control.

    gawd. that is exactly the hell im writing about.


    this no kindergarden philsophical standpoints being taken here. if you wanna write a book go ahead. this here is to burn it down.


    so you better dont try to write a book with it

    or you gonna find yourself in huge turmoil.


    life wants to be lived. the society in which we live on the other hand is supressed.

  14. yes man cannot be peace becausse man is a process.

    but what does the process culminate into ?????????

    can you know this ?????

    this the most basic test of intelligence. im afraid you dont got it cause you never askerd this to yourself.

    you mixing up objectified truth with where you stand.

    to really know is joy.

    joy and knowing are not diffrent.

    that is what einstein say so cheerish the man every life withotu understanding go on.


    Do you consider this a rebuttal? Questioning an other's intelligence because they do not agree with you is not an argument. I thought better of you, I'm disappointed.

    yes what you doing right now i consider a rebuttal to yourself.

    its not to put you down.


    if anything you put yourself down.

    if you have no joyfull answer to this coming out of your own heart you dont got it.


    i mean what is your mind running on? war. war. war.


    like this sure poeple are to get along very well.


    simply holding up the mirror. nothing personal. everyone is welcome.

    no body is invited.


    im not talking intellectual out of my butt.


    claim your price. :thumbsup:


    or let it in the mud. in which case you stil will be in a turmoil. its just the way things are without any coverings.


    what could be more healing?

    nothing is fixed aorund here. nothing.



    we all mirrors in the reflection of light.

    again one can say this but to feel is another matter.


    so yeah. one must be willing to feel what is there. like i have to feel here im prolly writing to much to no avail. *g* its no problem.


    im not doing it out of self gratification. im doing it cause i hate dogma partly. again probably not a good base to go off from and it means there is still stuff to confront.


    with that i stay humbly here saying there is no way to navigate around it via some figuring it out. one must let it act. one is not in control before one has not let go of control and now im gonna "follow" that ......or should i say die...... dunno what gonna happen next moment if i go out that room maybe an alien invasion or cheesburger out a wormhole. mmmmmmmmmmmm. probably tho its just an imaginative mind that has nothing to say.



    now you can either listen to that mind of yourse and go crazy or you can be that space and something gonna happen in your body if you do it right. after a few black clouds have past methaphorical speaking there gonna be joy that is coming out of you 24/7 regardles of outer circumstance and it will overshower you.


    being the fearless type you seem to be from the military coming opposed to the whimp i am it could go quick. in essence it is just confront your deepest fear.


    fear goes joy comes in.

  15. yes man cannot be peace, because man is a process, but what does the process culminate into?




    i could end right here and now and prolly it would be for the best but anyway.


    im afraid you dont seem to get it cause you probably never asked this to yourself so it does not mean anyhting to you.


    so you may think all that knowledge is objectified, but this is not true.


    i mean to really know you is joy.


    joy and knowing are no diffrent.



    whoever told you it is diffrent is a big idiot as it cuts you off from your own feeling.




    so this is not what this is intended for. another thing to archive and boohoo goodbye. how easy.

    just taint it black and white.





    nature gives us a slap everytime we do this. that slap you recieved but probably dont notice because you learned to effectivly supress it.


    poeple are rewarded for it. kinda awkward but you can see it almost everyhwere.



    in truth you cannot put any joy nor any suffisticated knowledge into that.


    the jar has to be broken.


    to sense whats deeper and not just take everyhting for granted that is what hti is about.


    be open to the experience wihtout having to immediatelly judge.



    like are your cell vibrating with joy? can you feel that within and without?


    it is what discern knoweldgeable from dull.




    the ididot has to constantly strive for it via xx drugs alcohol whatever and never question himself or his sourroundings.


    that is how poeple are being brainwashed.

  16. depending where you stand this already qutie the bomb. do whatever you have to? be what already is. what you think is more supreme.

    the being or the process.

    eventually the process culminates into the being. the alchemy of course has to happen in you. its nothing like that what you think. it is nothing like what any book has to say to you except that isby omsone who already completed the alchemy as it can be transmitted by written wrod also in email. just anything.


    yeah? i mean what do poeple think this is all the time. lol.


    if you to busy chances are this will take you another 20 years to understand.


    thus dont run away from any pains you may have. stay true to yourself.

    its what this society does and it has not helped them one bit except to realise they must deal with that is there. it is all supressed here as you can also see in words of pioltics and all but hell dont wanna go there. it is not important to know this for you. beware reading newspaper. you forget your life and become like them. focus on what is in the moment and you will become like space.


    no joking try htis out and see. also you understand science much better as opposed to not living this in actualisation.

    simply stay detached. all is gonna fly to you.


    happy laughing and confusion no more.


    poeple think they are smarter then the laws of physics. revelation. no you not. :laugh:


    objectified truth dont count. depends where you stand that is what counts.

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