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Community Answers

  1. Rather than downloading the same file multiple times, which will force multiple archive versions (with .1,.2 appended to its name), you can just add one copy of an archive to multiple game via downloads tab (double click on archive). The only caveat is game added to must be active in Vortex at the same time - in order to assign it. Then each game installs a variant to Mods tab.
  2. Timestamp of their files - which makes it circumstantial and quite arbitrary to base a decision off what should win or not.
  3. Also, if user imports their appropriate files/ini tweaks as a "mod", Vortex is perfectly capable of running any profile as an "instance" that can easily manage something like Fallout London (root folder support). Been doing it with TTW for 5 or more years. At some point think I had 3-4 different versions of SkyrimSE globally managed and fully capable of running profiled mod version dependency (with variants and such). Hardest part is creating a custom category filtering-system that can organize/adapt globally - as well as on a per profile-basis. Collection.json drafts have helped tremendously with that by remembering its custom assignments from an uninstalled state.
  4. Check HPP's nexus page comments, there's another mod linked that potentially would fix High Poly Project - My fixes SE by Xtudo
  5. https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/Vortex/releases/tag/v1.11.3 collections: Added comparison of patches, installer choices, hashes when installing. (#15396)
  6. Disable MenuQue and deploy (to remove hard link). Right-click on MenuQue in Vortex Mods tab > Open in File Manager Then find and delete (or hide) OBSE_Kyoma_MenuQue.dll. Re-enable and deploy. It throws error bc is not meant to be actively used for gameplay. Post in the relevant Game forums for mod support next time.
  7. Sounds like they've set Fallout4's Staging to be the same folder as Enderal (which has merged their content).
  8. Yeah, or possibly the path beginning in a root subfolder. Might not matter but my custom install path is C:\Vortex\\ vs C:\<folder>\Vortex\\
  9. Is your other PC using a similar custom install path for Vortex? .NET seems to have an issue finding or accessing E:\\ModInstallerIPC.exe
  10. Had similar issues a while back and it ended up being a non-typical .NET error - which redownloading off of official Vortex page enabled me to fix/repair. How you tried that? I had to reinstall and then boot again for it to display the repair option - https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/1
  11. Try to capture a specific example of one of these external changes that doesn't add up and log as much detail as possible. As you previously mentioned, there's fairly low chance of it being critical Vortex bug vs something else, simple or complex. Which can hopefully be reasoned out and worked around - as I have yet to meet an external change that can't be resolved.
  12. Oof. I think I can visualize what kind of situation you're describing... and know that pain all too well but without getting into details - I've never found an efficient way to recover from an orphaned Staging folder (which has lost the install/metadata connectivity) - except to be mindful to not break, again. All I can add is; I've learned to build each profile that's important to me into their own draft collection, so I can always revert Staging folder to an uninstalled state and automate their entire restoration. Currently, I'm sitting here dropping 5578 archive into a new fallout new vegas set up... but thankfully, I've got 7 highly curated drafts ready to install stuff, once they're added
  13. Okay, I see it now... If I take 3 non-conflicting folders (sorted by deploy order), they deploy 0/1/2 alphanumerically and then if I introduce an artificial file conflict for 2 to "load after" 0 - it'll readjust "deploy order", overriding defaults sort assignment. Guess I never bothered to pay attention to that detail (or sort by deploy order priority), which led me to ignore the correlation to conflict resolution rather than simply being arbitrarily linked to the defaults state alphanumeric sort. Also interesting that install status plays a part in where the UI display shifts it too. Thank goodness for collapsible custom category because I'd go insane trying to sort by anything else. *Actually, I can't figure out what sorts by default to determine initial deploy order. No wonder I ignored
  14. Yeah, is plausible that my cognitive dissonance resolution had a cyclic error moment in regard to conflict and deployment because I generally don't consider conflicts as part of the equation when I deploy, since Unless you're a mod type conflict
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