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Everything posted by Amarthaniel

  1. I am not much into the other games, but the Wayshrines for Skyrim is a fantastic idea. Love it.
  2. Actually having the same issue with NMM. Would chalk it up to the holiday season but going to post the issue here in case it is technical difficulties on Nexus or Mod Managers end. This way it is documented.
  3. The hat mod is ready. I took it a little further than the original request. It is now for males and females comes in three hat colors and three hair colors along with bald, specifically for your use. The male hair may not appeal to you, but worked best with the hat mesh. Hope you enjoy! http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70836/?
  4. Hat in progress video. Just to keep you in the loop of where it stands. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMIt3lOz7l4
  5. Ok, took a look at the texture examples you sent, so gives a decent idea of what you are looking for. This project will go into my rotation and I will let you know when it is finished.
  6. In response to post #28556219. #28557049, #28557104, #28559119 are all replies on the same post. I have to agree about low endorsements. Most people just download and run, never to be seen or heard from again.
  7. Originally part 1 was written for Skryim Romance readers as a fanfic and then Part 2 was requested by someone here on Nexus. I am going ahead and linking my fanfiction posts at my blog, for anyone else interested in a little romance or fanfic or happen to enjoy that mod. In the future I will post more fantasy fiction, whether based on Skryim or not. Anyway, Enjoy or at least try to. ;) https://wordpress.com/stats/post/2/samsaranights.wordpress.com
  8. Very well said, Cald. I agree with everything you said. Support us modders who offer free stuff, say something encouraging and just avoid Steam pay walls.
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