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About SoraKitsune

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  1. Greeting Everyone, I have proposed 3 main mod ideas of possible mechanics. Hacking using Pip-boyMinor Stealth-Related SkillsPartially Pacifist Methods (By which I mean you don't have to massacre EVERYONE, but you still have to sadly fight)Allow me to elaborate, [The up-coming G.E.C.K is required for this] Hacking This game needs more use of hacking. I liked the vanilla hacking, but having to fight to terminals to disable devices you probably met and destroyed already kinda sucks. Now using your Pip-Boy instead of the terminal, you can hack robots like Mister Gutsy, Protrectons, Assaultrons, Turrets whilst sneaking in order to turn things in your favour. Now Watch-Dogs was a dissappointing game to many, but I still believe the hacking mechanics DID sort of make it up for me. You should be able to disable, self destruct or even re-program them from a distance. Options include doing the terminal word games, Watch Dogs' minor hacking minigame, or simply make it a slow dice-roll process. Hacking Perk Additions Perk 1: You can hack protrectons, eyebots, turrets, lights, security doors and other minor devices discreetly. as long as they are visible and in a certain range. Protectons, Turrets and Lights can only be de-activated.Perk 2: Hacking Mister Gutsies, Mister Handies and Miss Nannies is now available. You may now self-destruct all available robots.Perk 3: Hack Assaultrons. Re-programming to turn them to your side is now available.Perk 4: Hack Sentry Bots. Network Hacking. You may now make a mass-hacking device, this will temporarily disable robots for a certain amount of time. Investing in Science Perks can perhaps do more.Perk 4's Network Hacking allows you to access the terminals from connected turrets, lights or protrectons. This allows you to access them despite being on the other side of the building or something. That's Amazing Since the Pip-boy wasn't made for this, perhaps you may ask one of the four factions to install it on you. Stealth Skills These involve Disguises, Hiding Spots and Climbing, etc. The Climbing probably being the hardest. Disguises Remember how Deacon does disguises? THATS AMAZING. Well, while I don't know which perk this should go to, you should be able to blend in with your enemies. This is also slightly pacifist, as if you have missions where you just have to kill a certain guy, you can blend in with your enemies, and then kill just him and leave. By wearing outfits that match those of your foes, (wearing road lather and raider armor to disguise as a raider) your enemies will believe you're one of them and y'know, let you be. (Also, I should call out that enemies shouldn't be able to be cautious just because he heard footsteps and there's a lot of people around him. Are you guys ninjas that detect different footsteps?) Using Charisma, you would have a better chance of remaining undetected, whereas being detected involves being shot at Alternatively, you may do surgery and confuse your rival factions. How that works is up to your imaginations. Hiding Spots I find trash bins as large as the ones in Dishonored, spaces under beds, and other large containers. It should be possible to hide inside them. Using the Sneak perk, you may now hide from enemies that are looking for you in unexpected places, this raises the chance of being undetected and thus remaining that stealthy character you roleplay as. Climbing or Free-Running I'm all about being a ninja, you should be able to scale walls, jump roof to roof, walk/climb ledges and all. This does require heavy scripting and animation, it's very hard but just imagine being that infiltrator that climbs a wall, finds that unaware enemy and kick him off the roof. Hell, with the hacking and hiding skills you are now that unseen ghost that enemies don't know about until they scream "OH SHI-" and die off. Perhaps tools are required for this, maybe agility affects your chances of not falling off. Or maybe the Covert Ops Manuals teach these to you. Peeking Another Dishonored inspired mechanic, I'm sure they appeared in other games. Peeking should be something you can do, just a slight glance instead of exposing half your body just to see that enemy in the corner. You may also look through keyholes provided they're in the cell just to take a peek. That's useful and a nice roleplay skill. Bonus: Enhanced Senses It's weird how your compass just detects enemies, like does it have some sort of mind on it's own? This mechanic allows you to be like Joel and Emily in The Last of Us. You can use all your senses, and detect enemies through walls, see the sounds they make. Or you know, get Dark Vision from the Outsider, but that's a different request altogether. Perception and the Awareness perk should do this. Slightly Pacifist Methods "Do you know what's worth fighting for When it's not worth dying for?" -Green Day, 21 Guns Do we have to massacre EVERY enemy? Well while it's nearly impossible to not kill anyone, it should be possible to lessen the guys you kill. These methods include sleep syringes, chokeholds, knock outs and surrenders. Yes, it's also inspired by Dishonored Sleep Syringes Put them to sleep for a few hours, good enough for you to go through the area and leave, this syringe, crafted from a special herb that should be the only recipe for it. This puts them to FORCED sleep, so you can loot their bodies however you want and not wake them up. but damaging them may wake them up. Mister Sandman perk does apply here however. Choke Holds and Knockouts Sneak sneak sneak until you're behind them, and then put them in a choke hold, putting them into a forced sleep just like it's syringe counterpart. This relies on your strength as well or else you'll fail. Knockouts should also make forced sleep, and is done by hitting someone hard with a blunt weapon. Surrender If I was just a regular guy with a gun with a whole lot of friends. and then one guy or a couple just started killing us like swatting flies I will definitely surrender, I mean what chance would I have to just kill someone who's taken down a lot of people? This mechanic relies on the intimidation perk and charisma, depending on the percentage of their allies taken down and your equipment compared to theirs, enemies will have a chance of laying down their weapons and surrendering. If you shoot even then they WILL go back to killing you, since they might die trying. this only applies to humans and non-feral ghouls and maybe synths depending on generation. Super Mutants are too stupid and FERALS. When they surrender, you may make a speech test to make them leave (edit voice files maybe?) so if the mission involves a rescue mission or clearing out, you can make them leave and thus complete the mission. Now since killing is a source of exp, these methods should also give a similar or more amount of exp given how much effort they take. Thank you for reading this, if you plan to do any of these, you may change it or add features provided the main idea doesn't change.
  2. Is this Rimworld? It's possible, but what would you even do with them when in jail? Torture them? Abuse? Enslave? Convince to work for you? Huh, now I think about it, having a prison would be amazing
  3. Temporary Solution http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1886/? Doesn't fix the pip-boy problem, but it does fix some other problems. It's buggy but right now it's all we have.
  4. I have another possible solution but I'm not entirely sure if it exists. Some mods other there allow crafting various armor, clothing etc. and I believe one of them could craft the Railroad Armored Coat. I don't remember which one but I did see atleast R.A.C Mk 1, not sure about the rest.
  5. I support this idea. I think what would have to be done is remove the time consumption after being the director, and add animations to teleporting.
  6. Although I'm not entirely sure about the whole hardcore thing. A slight solution would probably be console commands It'll take some time but if you can find a mod that makes everything tougher, then you could do just that.
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