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About kloka123

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  • Currently Playing
    fallout 3,left 4 dead 1,l4d2,tf2,zm,other hl2 mods
  • Favourite Game
    fallout 3
  1. Welcome to Nexus,comrade.enjoy your stay!:biggrin:
  2. my opinion of piracy is quite neutral,if someone really likes the game he buys it,if not he just downloads it,thats pretty much it :pirate: Yup, and you walk the plank - banned for piracy. Don't be so cheap, buy the game. Bben46, Moderator
  3. i would say good ol' fallout series(1,2,tactics)and maybe mario playing times:biggrin:
  4. well,i had similiar problem,on the strip 2 ncr mercs came and said something about me betraying ncr,although i was liked,if it wasnt for the save,and bug(ncr merc stopped moving and acted normally)i would be hated by now.for your problem havent u attacked those ncr soldiers before?maybe did some quest that may turn them against u?
  5. Hey everyone,after i killed mr.house and the woman robot that accepted the snow globes,how can i put the rest of'em in my apartment?ive already collected additional two,and i dont just wanna keep them in my inventory,thanks.
  6. Heres video i made,same thing happened to me... : i case video dont work,it still may be processing and if,try it later...
  7. I'm still not all that familiar with Fallout scripting, so I used someone's 'Rat Companion' mod, and swapped out the rat for a molerat, and changed it's name. I've wanted a pet molerat ever since FO3, and that cute tame molerat locked in a cage named 'Pumpkin'. I was sad that I couldn't set it free. D: Heh,i see.Im too lazy to play with scripts and modding,ill just wait till someone realeses similiar mod for nv :)
  8. i just raided the entire f***ing camp,i admit,i was vilified,but still no reason to start shooting at me so i had no other choice but defend myself...and i wanted to have talk with ceasar so bad,and then of course kill him :biggrin:
  9. after i killed mr.house and the woman robot that accepted the snow globes,how can i put the rest in my apartment?
  10. hey,heres a simple mod,without need to send the power to archimedes: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35007
  11. blood room?where exactly in gommorah is it,i checked the place out and havent found it anywhere...
  12. I remeber i met these,umh,grandmas with kitchen equipment,they said something about robbing me,and started to meeleing me with that,it was quite funny though... <br>edit:oh wait,thats already in the video,ah nevermind xD<br>
  13. I thought bethesda just published the game,not develop it ah well
  14. mines:former ncr,now is brotherhood paladin and also a member of kings,helped in jacobstown curing the nightkin.Fighting for independent New vegas.prefers to fight with words and knowledge,rather than with bullets,however is very good at all sorts of firearms except energy weapons,is not good with melee weapons at all....
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