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Everything posted by Veixlar

  1. I managed to fix the problem myself. I basically (from the mod manager menu) selected "Launch SKSE Skyrim" then chose not to close out the manager (to save time) I went through mods 1 by 1 or 2 by 2 unclicking a mod and trying to start up. If it still crashed, I knew it wasn't that mod giving me trouble and re-enabled it. As it turned out, it was dD-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp=1 - which was the realistic blood patch for Dawnguard. I went back to the regular realistic blood patch and everything is working smoothly. Do as I did, friend. Just unclick mods one by one (then re-enable them if you dont start up normally) and go through your list of mods until you find the one that, when disabled, allows you to start up normally. Then go from there! Good luck, and good to be back!
  2. Hello Nexus friends. It's been quite some time since I've played Skyrim and I decided to give it another go. I've since upgraded my computer immensely and was giddy upon seeing that I could now play the game at Ultra High settings, but alas, can't seem to get the game to get past Bethesda logo. I ran BOSS, and deleted everything that was even giving me a warning to no avail. Im sure I'm simply missing over somthing in load order, and would be grateful if one of you with trained eyes could take a gander and tell me if I'm missing something. Please and thank you!
  3. I've had another seemingly random CTD. I'll post my Papyrus log if anyone can help. Boss order is still the same, minus the Imp's More Complex Needs:
  4. Will do, thank you so much for your advice. Shame, I love immersion mods, but not crashing means much more to me than that. :)
  5. Attempting to upload Papyrus through copy/paste even with /spoiler tags results in an error. I have uploaded it through Depositfiles. http://depositfiles.com/files/fqbmynped
  6. Hello Skyrim community, sorry for being a lurker for so long. I'm hoping to join the modding community soon here, and I'm recently back into Skyrim after a long break. I've got a relatively small amount of mods in the game currently and am having semi-frequent crashes to desktop. I can't really make heads or tails of the Papyrus log, so I'll post my BOSS and my most recent Papyrus log. I'd appreciate any insight you can give me.
  7. So I got a program that would help me understand what a hang is, or at least give a report of it. I'll post it in spoiler tags and maybe an expert can decipher what it means...
  8. I'll look into that as well, again I can't thank you enough for your help. I wish the kudos button wasn't broken. :)
  9. Seems I'm still having app hang problems. Ironically when I attempted to roll back the driver, I also got an apphang on that. Did a bit more work on it, it definitely seems to be an issue with the 9800 drivers.
  10. alright, I'll see if I can figure out how to do that, your insight is very much appreciated. --- Edit Alright, I rolled back, and I'll give it a few hours of gaming today to see how it works, thanks again for your insight man.
  11. Inc noobishness, as I typed all of the following out... Exact order from my Fallout Mod Manager menu ^^ ---- Just figured out what Dxdiag is...but not sure exactly what of this information you want me to post. -- under the "notes" part of the diagnosis window, it says "No problems found" But my New Vegas Script Extender is the most recent one released to my knowledge. ...I think its 1.4? (nvse_editor_1_4.dll) As for computer... AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5000+ 2.61 GHz 4.00 GB RAM 64-bit OS Windows 7 NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT just recently updated via the Nvidia driver site as well. (though these issues started getting rampant since then I've noticed, but at the same time I've added a decent amount of mods since then) Again, thank you for your time and responses.
  12. Hello everyone, dedicated Fallout Fan, and fairly new to pc and/or using mods. So new in fact I still don't know what many terms are. I'm having a relatively frequent bug lately (As in at least once an hour) where New Vegas will freeze. Some 90% of the time it says it is an "APPHANG" issue when I CAD close it and the "Unexpected Error and Must Close" screen comes up. I can post what it did tell me, but for the most part I still don't understand what an APPHang is and how I can fix it. Thank you very much for your responses.
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