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Everything posted by roninsoul7

  1. I laughed, I laughed harder, then I laughed some more at the videos. I tried out the second option with my warden, though I used slightly different conversations. To the question at hand, I completed the game once with my very first warden, then on ever subsequent playthrough, I just never got around to finishing the game again. I did have fun with all the different decisions though, so I don't really consider it a loss.
  2. @darkewolf Don't worry about it, I always assume everyone knows nothing about how their computer works, mostly because I know exactly 1 person in all my real life friends who can actually discuss bios settings without getting lost. It isn't a blow to those who don't know, I am not calling them stupid, but when dealing with something you don't understand, it's always best to use the K.I.S.S. method (Keep It Simple Stupid) a military term that has endeared me to many a person over the years. By the same token, the guy who repairs my car (my dad actually) tends to lose me once he starts talking about torque ratios, so I just nod, do what he says and hope for the best.
  3. warriors focus more on str/dex, while rogues focus on dex/cun. The damage can be different depending on stat and skill placement.
  4. Really well actually, my new video card makes running multiple programs easy (I am guilty of leaving on messengers while I go play games such as Dragon Age, and Mass Effect 2) so I am happy with that at least. One day, we have to get a permanent thread for tech support, one that has some of the best options to try first before having to ask others, since I have seen advice repeated a few times.
  5. I know that feeling well Darkewolf, I got my A+ certification, and I am still constantly learning more. Computer programs are evolving at an exceptional rate, when I was a kid the "new" thing was basic, a step up from punch cards. Never feel bad that you don't already know something, instead be happy that there are a ton of people around who have fun teaching others.
  6. The only other way I can think of, is to try installing the DLC's Dazip's with something like DAModder, or DAOModmanager.
  7. the limited installs are a really bad way to "reward" the customers that do bother paying for the game.
  8. I have to agree with some other posts about buying this type of thing from them. They will never get around to fixing their mistakes and creating good solid content if the playerbase they have continue to buy the fluff such as this. I am sadly remembering the days before DLC became something you paid for, and developers still put a lot of thought into it. RTO wasn't the best DLC, but at least it was following the storyline of the game, and advancing it a little.
  9. It is the rhyme that you hear while in the deep roads Lehcar, it is rather creepy to listen to, but most people ignore it. I paid close attention since my favourite rhyme is "1, 2, Freddy's coming for you, 3, 4, better lock your door, 5, 6, get a crucifix, 7, 8, you better stay up late, 9, 10, never sleep again" all sang with a small girls voice.
  10. Dex is the only attribute that adds to your ability to hit. Str helps with damage, as does cunning for a rogue. The ideal builds I have seen so far without cheats have a str somewhere close to 20 or so for some nice light armor, 20-30 dex for the ability to hit (Most guides say that 40 dex and you should rarely if ever miss) and the rest into cunning for damage. How you build your character is up to you though.
  11. I was kind of thinking the same thing myself. While a lot of the anime hair designs look good, I too would prefer something a little more western style. I once tried to recreate the look of Thor from marvel comics and it failed horribly since there are no long hair designs for men that don't also cover their faces.
  12. In the Dragon Age: Origins game, yes. There are more games to come, so ultimately we cannot answer past the one we have. As of this writing, the expansion Awakenings is out, and has absolutely no romance in it. Therefore we probably have to wait for DA: 2 to come out before we can see if they will continue with everything they started, and let us start.
  13. @Paxan_1 Dragon Age Beguiler is one of the mods listed on the Nexus site. It allows you to change things on your characters, like attributes, skills, talents, love levels, backpack space, and much more. My favorite use for it is to put my characters at lvl 20 add some talent and skill points, make everyone love me, and then play the game for pure fun rather than struggle to level up. I only started using it after my second playthrough though, which I advise so that you can go through the vanilla version of the game first.
  14. My suggestion is to either look for a ghosting program to move stuff from the old to the new hard drive, or to install your windows on your old Hard drive, reinstall the programs and just move the saves over. Both will take some time and work, but the second version has the advantage of being a clean install of your operating system. Then get the program PCdecrapifier and run it once, it won't get rid of all problems, but it does go a long way on helping get rid of some of the more common ones. A new hard drive is always a long process, but well worth the time when you have more room to play around with.
  15. @Thandal I love the reply you gave. For now, I have uninstalled the game and am taking a break from it, waiting for the patches to be fixed, so seeing one of the devs getting a small amount of the flak they deserve made my night.
  16. The dwarven society has the children take on the social class of their same gender parent. That means a daughter will be what the mother was, and a son will be what the father was. As for a ruler who does change some things for the better, it is not Harrowmont, he is actually quite ineffective, being too "nice" for dwarven politics. The best option I guess would be Bhelen and kicking the DS back to the deep roads as a dwarf for a good future.
  17. Nah, dog doesn't need to be a warden to avoid creatures as loud, obtuse and stupid as darkspawn... or other forms of humanoids for that matter. A dog in a house can hear it's master's car coming from a mile away, it can use it's sense of smell to track through water, a city actually gives it more trouble since there are so many scents at once, with all those sensory advantages, it would hear them coming from miles away, and smell them from just as far, plenty of warning on where to avoid them. The darkspawn do seem to follow a hive mentality to a point, though more like a beehive than an anthill. The individuals are autonomous, but not very bright until they move up the "ladder", how that happens I don't know, but I figure the architect was once a normal darkspawn that just kept getting better.
  18. @Codifier If your hard drive is making noise above and beyond the usual, then yes, it is usually the first hint that it is going to die soon. Backing things up and getting prepared to put a new hard drive in it's place is a good idea. As for room on your hard drive speeding things up again, that would be the page file system, all programs are loaded into there and the ram to run, so no room or little room on your hard drive can create a chokepoint as the page file fills up, then has to empty again to keep things running.
  19. Thankfully the old video card was still under the store warranty, so I was able to upgrade to a better card with little expense (new card was on sale :D ) and just a bit of time.
  20. My take on the Grey Wardens. I would have to say that they ARE the sheepdogs of the world of Thedas. They exist to serve one purpose only, to kill darkspawn and end blights. They are a force of soldiers beyond boundaries, which is why they are feared. They exist outside of the system to protect everything living within it. Power does corrupt, and that being said, even a corrupt warden will only be a problem for at most three decades. During the off-blight times, I think that they should have been more focused on hunting in the deep roads yes, but not all of them. Without the Grey Wardens being in plain sight at all times, people would forget about them and what they are there for. Out of sight, out of mind, was a term coined and used so often because it was true. During times of peace, everyone has mixed opinions about soldiers, fully outfitted and trained killers on a leash, only during wartimes do people finally understand why a standing military force is kept. A good example is the United States, during peace times the military is cut to almost nothing, only when something comes up does the government start grinding out soldiers in haste to compensate. On the other hand, look at Israel, a small country (actually about the size of the Canadian city of Toronto all told) which is in an ever present state of war, they have a steady highly trained military that has proven time and again to be up to the task of dealing with threats. (Side note I am not exemplifying or villainizing any countries, just pointing out a very simple piece of each of them, please keep the real world political debates in the real world, thank you) In the end, the Grey Wardens could not function if they were ONLY active during blights, they would always be scrambling to make up for a lack when it happened. The instance with your character becoming a Grey Warden is unique in that all the senior Grey Wardens with ties to everything are dead, and only two junior members without all the preparation are left to deal with the situation. That means mistakes will be made along the way, while the barely (in Alistair's case) or not at all trained (in the PC's case) attempt to deal with a situation that is entirely beyond what they are accustomed to dealing with.
  21. For the best your son can get? Make sure you end up a dwarf paragon and your kids will live the cushy life.
  22. The only workaround I can suggest is to use a mod that drops all the cooldown times to 0, or ask the creator of that mod (if they are still active) to modify the original to only work with the one skill.
  23. When did the problem start, did you add any new mods for gear, and are you having a problem with any other programs?
  24. I am crazy like that, besides, half the time my skills for fighting are on cooldown anyways, so it doesn't hurt too much to rip-off an enemy you're about to kill anyways. Denerim seems to be one of the other places where you can pickpocket at will as long as you don't get caught. But I have honestly found that the amount of coin you get off of most NPC's regardless of their social status is chump change. I got to the point where I only pickpocket enough to get the achievement, then use Dragon Age Beguiler to get money. Well other than robbing darkspawn blind, but that's more for fun than anything else.
  25. Between Daveth dying and Jory biting the big one, I felt much more loss with Daveth. As for being like Zevran, I have to disagree, their class/skills may be the same, but Daveth was much more interesting to me.
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