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About LordWushin

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    Morrowind, Battlezone, Fallout 3, Fallout NV, and Skyrim

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  1. Alas, the snowy storms are already upon us! We are going to have a bad winter.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LordWushin


      Yes I have room to spare several times over. Besides I need company. Any one else?
    3. Deleted54170User


      Sake's alive! What?! The boy's and girl's (who plow the snow off the road's will have a good season to assure those snow shoveling vehicles, about to rust away because of the dry drought) will wish they had used the WD 40 on the vehicle's to keep them in good shape for the Wet Drought as it return's with a vengeance. Time to start thinking about moving to higher ground.
    4. LordWushin


      I am thinking of heat filaments put under the house and some drive way roads. That might help!
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