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Everything posted by Preday

  1. Thanks for the reply! I did find some eventually. And I also found a place called Boston Backpacks HQ, with a high-end backpack in there and a chained-up door that I cannot open. It says "Press E to interact with Chain" but that doesn't actually do anything. There's music and the vague promise of a wealth in backpacks inside. Do you know how I might be able to get inside? Also, I found 2 of the Backpack magazines the mod added. Are the others in fixed locations? Is there a list of the locations? And finally: will removing this mod (if, say, I want to exchange it for the CC one) make my save file unplayable? I've installed a bunch of mods so far but I have far less experience with playing the game after removing mods from it.
  2. Thanks. I already have a mod that enables Achievements alongside Nexus mods. If that works for CC mods as well, then that's awesome. Side-question: I'm trying the Backpacks of the Commonwealth mod. As I understand it they're supposed to drop from normal enemies - but can they also be bought from traders? What about the magazines included?
  3. I really like the MMB mod in the Creation Club. I saw the Nexus mod Survivalist Go Bags does something similar but I'm not able to tell to what degree the two mods actually overlap. Furthermore, SGB requires a couple of other mods to work from what I can tell, and I'd prefer to stay away from installing too many mods in order to preserve gameplay as close as possible to the base game. However, I already have a small bunch of mods from Nexus installed. Most are cosmetic (hats for automatrons, fancier shops, pipe shotgun, small things like that); none of them have anything to do with armor creation. Can the Creation Club mods work alongside Nexus mods? Will installing a CC mod disable my achievements? Please help.
  4. Is it possible for someone to make a mod that makes decorative engravings available as a "materials mod" in weapons workshops? For the purposes of visually customizing our favourite weapons I mean. I wouldn't want them to affect the weapons' stats. Also, I don't wish for a mod that makes, say, all double-barreled shotguns or revolvers carry a pattern. But I'd like it to be possible to add that texture to specific weapons by crafting. I especially would like this for the shotguns. In both Doom and Wolfenstein, the double barrel shotgun is engraved with some kind of leaf pattern or decoration. I would love to have my favourite explosive shotgun in Fallout 4 have that as well.
  5. Well I hope it happens. Is there any word on when the GECK might be released? And speaking of terminals, I always found it odd that nobody ever made a mod for either fallout 3 or 4 that allowed us the full use of a personal terminal. Like, to make our own notes, diaries, etc. How come that never happened
  6. You're right. Everyone skips that thing, but you're equally right that it helps with immersion. Can it be done?
  7. Look. This is the thing I'm referring to. Can a mod be made that shows us this on the terminals before the passwords appear? http://i.imgur.com/RI1ioBA.jpg
  8. In fallout 3, you activated the terminal, it asked for a username and password. The character typed in smth to enter a debugging mode for the computer, and in response got the list of passwords to choose from. In Fallout 4 once you activate the locked terminal you get the list of passwords immediately, without having the character type in smth to enter debug mode. It's faster, but also removes a layer of immersion. That's literally the only difference, and what I'd want changed if possible via a mod.
  9. Fallout 4 improved terminals in almost every way, but personally, I am still fond of the Fallout 3 hacking part where the player had to log in to debug mode between activating a locked terminal and being given the list of passwords to choose from. It's not a very big detail, but I would absolutely love it if someone could implement that little thing into Fallout 4. I'm not a modder, I don't know the first thing about doing this or I would do it myself tbh. EDIT: This is what I'm talking about.
  10. I've been trying to sift through my codecs to locate the problem one but I've reached one in Gspot named "MP3 Decoder DMO" that doesn't show up in the list for me to deactivate. The music is playing with it, though.
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