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About Foxknot

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  1. Oh wow. Thanks, Galejro! I will try that out. It looks nice. Will have to get some chandeliers while I'm at it too. lol
  2. Does anyone know of a mod that fixes a problem with some light bulbs at settlements, where when you put them up they give off light but the bulbs themselves are dark? It doesn't happen with all the light bulbs; the basic (and boring) light bulbs are fine. But when I try to get fancy and attempt to string up the more decorative lights, I run into this little annoyance of an issue. Anyway, if anyone knows of this issue or if there's a mod that deals with it, would appreciate knowing about it. Thanks
  3. I have my whole game running just fine, but there is this annoying noise companions make whenever they move with me. It always happens after combat, and persists, until next I load a save. The noise sounds like collision noise, like when a corpse is stuck in the ground and starts to rattle around. Except this noise is attached to companions and so follows me everywhere. Annoying. I'm using Willow companion now, but it happened with Sunny Smiles too. Everything will be fine. Until a combat encounter. Afterwards it's like companion footstep sounds have been replaced with clattering collision noise. I've searched all over, but no one else it seems has ever had this specific issue. If anyone knows about this, or a fix, I would be much appreciated. Thanks
  4. Thanks for your reply, Jay. You pointed me in the right direction. I mostly use tes5edit to clean mods or find launch crashes, and CK to screw around with my own little disastrous attempts at modding. lol. But rarely try to resolve ingame problems with other mods using those tools. It was in CK that I found the witchlight race, which the frost entities are from (as well as fire entities). And these are from a mod called Revenge of the Enemies. This is another mod I'm happy with because of the challenge, and have never had problems with until this. Anyway, the actor forms for frost entities had two things checked: Summonable and Invulnerable. I unchecked the latter and started the fight with Gauldur brothers again, and this time the frost entities could be killed. Yeah! The 3rd brother was able to begin combat, and I was able to complete that quest. I posted to Revenge of Enemies page to see if the author meant for these to be invulnerable, as I don't know if another mod could alter something like that. I'm keeping RoE, though, as this was such a small problem and I love the challenging enemy battles. The little entity things they summon just need to properly die, too! lol Anyway, thanks for your help. Glad I looked through CK first instead of having to post another lengthy load order onto here. :)
  5. Does anyone know which mod the frost entity is from? I am fighting the Gauldur brothers at the moment from Forbidden Legend quest and a frost entity appears after defeating Sigdis, the second brother to fight. The problem is is it's invisible and will take damage down to a small fraction of its health and then take no further damage from there, and just not die. Plus, the third brother, Jyrik, doesn't seem to want to fight as long as this unkillable frost entity is zipping around the room. I haven't encountered this before, and the only new mod I've installed is Perkus Maximus, which I've had very few problems with and am actually quite happy with. If I could pinpoint exactly which mod uses something called the frost entity would be helpful. If anyone knows, or has encountered this before, would appreciate the info on it. Thanks
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