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About ProfessorDetective

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  1. I'd do this myself, but I do not have the energy or patience to make heads or tails of the Kit. I like bound weapons. I hate the fact that you don't START the game with any bound weapons. You always have to wait for the tome to turn up in a chest or in a merchant's stocks, mostly because there wasn't a low-level bound spell until Dragonborn added the Novice-level Bound Dagger spell... to Solsthiem and nowhere else. With the DLCs, pretty much, being part of the standard game, at this point, I honestly wouldn't mind a mod that just dumps the tome for the dagger somewhere in Helgen for you to pick up as a starting spell. Maybe put it with the Sparks spell tome in that cage with that dead mage or something. It'd fell a lot less cheaty then using the console and even more convenient than going to the College. (See this mod: /skyrim/mods/70752/) Or add it to the Riverwood Trader's stock, maybe? Or Ferringar's at Dragonsreach? Getting ahold of a NOVICE spell such as this should NOT require going on a trek specifically for it. Please and Thank You!
  2. One of my favorite mods has always been Nudist Skyrim (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/62789/?) So, I am totally on board for something like this.
  3. I second this. Tracer costume please?
  4. Mora: A tome. Naniria: A human heart Sherogorath: A CHEESE!!! wheel.
  5. I meant to say 'Restricted to Jewelry Items.' Just to clarify.
  6. I'd take add it to the Dragonsreach court mage's stocks, at least. Just make it easy to get early without having to abandon the main story to get it.
  7. I'd use it. Although, the figures DO seem a bit OP to me.
  8. Or make it so the tome always shows up in the knapsack next to the Dragonborn book, if you don't want to mess with the items in the room. And please make a version for both SE and Original, My PC can't run SE, but the people who upgraded shouldn't be left out.
  9. And make the enchantments specifically for Jewelry items (rings, circlets, necklaces)? To me, it makes the most sense to have these enchants on items that don't use the main item slots because then you could put them on armor which feels off to me, given that the main way you increase the power of flesh spells is with the Mage Armor perk (and skill level, of course). AKA, the perk that stipulates that you can NOT be wearing armor for it to work. It seems counterproductive to me. I also do no-clothing runs for the challenge (I don't count jewelry in that stipulation) and because I like to get the most use out of CBBE. (Sue me)
  10. I'd do this myself, but I do not have the energy or patience to learn how to use the Kit. I like bound weapons. I hate the fact that you don't START the game with any bound weapons. You always have to wait for the tome to turn up in a chest or in a merchant's stocks, mostly because there wasn't a low-level bound spell until Dragonborn added the Novice-level Dagger spell... to Solsthiem and nowhere else. With the DLCs, pretty much, BEING part of the standard game, at this point, I honestly wouldn't mind a mod that just dumps the tome for the dagger somewhere in Helgen for you to pick up as a starting spell. Maybe put it with the Sparks spell tome in that cage with the mage or something. It'd fell less cheaty then using the console and even more convenient than going to the College. (See this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70752/) Or add it to the Riverwood Trader's stock, maybe? Or Ferringar's at Dragonsreach? Getting ahold of a NOVICE spell such as this should NOT require going on a trek specifically for it. Please and Thank You!
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