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  1. But how come It's still possible to breakdown those ammo in the reloading bench? If I make new breakdown recipes for the 10x mod, does it make additional recipes for surplus ammo in the reloading bench so that I got pointless option to breakdown either 1 or 10 ammo. Or does the new recipe replace the already existing one that has no existing recipe in the geck?
  2. I'm making a mod that makes ammo crafting 10 times faster. It's done by changing every recipe to consume and produce 10 times more materials. It's slow work because each recipe has to be changed manually, basically by adding one zero after each value. However, I can't manage to find the recipes for surplus or any other special ammo breakdown, which means breaking down them is as slow as now. Can anyone reveal where those recipes are located in the GECK?
  3. Can you do a loading bench mod where it is possible to create and break down more than 100 ammo per time? It sucks to have 5k 5mm surplus ammo and grinding them to ap ammo. Takes about 300 clicks.
  4. I've tried to make automatic weapons more useful and funnier to use but just toggling the spread makes them simply burst snipers. I'd like to know if there's a way to have such mechanic that makes the gun's spread increase after x shots fired. this guy didn't seem to get any answers, but i'd like to know if the situation has changed or if someone has managed to come up with alternative solution.
  5. I'd like to use a mod which would allow more companions but to not to make combat too easy, I'd like to increase the global npc health aswell. There's so many health-related settings in GECK that I don't dare to touch them. Which one of them measures npc global health? Increasing global Damage Treshold could also work.
  6. Is there any mod that makes burst fire weapons more accurate? Even with steady, crouching and trigger discipline trait all burst fire weapons are awfully inaccurate. I mean with assault carbine and lmg the first bullet should hit precisely and few rounds after that shouldn't have much spread either.
  7. Hey thanks man, those mods seem really promising. They seem to include some badass features which are hopefully going to to keep the player on his toes all the time.
  8. What I'm looking for is a gaming experience where the challenges related to enomics and survival (food&water&sleep) were dynamically implemented with the rest of the gameflow (questing and exploring). The way I see it, hardcore isn't about grinding and fighting against boresome tasks, but more challenge to the wits. I wish the game could maintain the challenge level the player feels the moment he starts the game. Then I'd just fast travel more and spent time on repetitive walking. Say I run out of ammo, I'll just go fetch more from my safehouse even if it meant walking through all floors of vault 22 while overburdened. It's just time. Spending time isn't challenging and I want to spend my gaming time solving challenges, not killing time by walking through empty corridors.
  9. I've noticed that carry weight serves only the role of a nuisance or retardant for player's economic progress. It may restrict the ammount of equipment and loot a player can carry, but so what? The player can always fast travel to his stash or shop and then return where he was. It just takes time to go back and forth but spending time isn't challenging. Because of this, I always set my cw to about 100k. Why wouldn't I because otherwise I'd just haul stuff via fast travel, upping cw just saves me from boring travelling. Having high cw and being able to sell everything quickly makes the player rich very fast and game starts to lack challenge even with very hard difficulty and EN1. I had hoped that the food system would prevent excessive fast travelling but it appears food and water are plently in the wasteland and hunger/thirst are absolutely nothing to worry about. So I'm wondering if there's any mod or mod combination out there that really challenges the player's economic and survival skills?
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