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About osoerk

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  1. I googled it, and yes, NTFS conditionally doesn't update the date modified when a file content is changed. I've just verified that "Save Changes" does work indeed. But I'm not sure "Use newer" is working correctly, cause it had reverted all my changes...
  2. Yeah, if it works for you, then it prolly isn't the Vortex problem. I don't use any AntiVirus except the default defender, but maybe some other programs or Windows options cause that. Thank you for reply.
  3. That's not the point. I've tested that with a Witcher 3 mod and it happens the same. I edited a file with VS code and "use newer" reverted the file. Something is wrong but I don't know it is the problem of my Windows setup or Vortex.
  4. Yes. Use newer and Revert have the same effect : revert changes. I think it could be the problem of Win10 or so. Their modified date looks like the same.
  5. I've just clicked the the mod and masters are listed in the right pane, then click Blues Skyrim change to Dawn of Skyrim and save. Actually, Vortex indicates missing masters before, but after that operation, no more such pop-ups. But when I "deploy mods" Vortex detects external changes and reverts all the changes unless I choose cancel.
  6. Dawn of Skyrim - AI Overhaul Patch. One of its master is Blues Skyrim and this needs to be changed to Dawn of Skyrim.
  7. I've change a mod using Wrye Bash and then Vortex detected the external change. I selected "use newer", but every change was gone and the file was reverted. And then, I did it again and selected "revert", but the result was the same. I did it again and now clicked "see individual file", but Vortex shows that the staged one and the deployed one have exactly the same date modified.(7/22/2020) I don't know it's the problem of Win10 or Vortex.
  8. Thianks for the answer. Then just mod types "data"(default) and "root" would be sufficient. I think more mod types for each specific mod(enb, dinput, etc.) would limit its functionality, unless you add all the mod types for the mods for which manual installaion is needed. In addition to that, a column for the mod type or an icon in the content column indicating the mod type "root" may be helpful.
  9. I really appreciate the feature to install mods(?) to the game base folder(not the data folder). Other than SKSE or ENB, there are many mods which should be installed in the game base folder and it is far easier to manage them through a mod manager. Vortex can do that with the mod types dinput and enb. Both install mods to the game base folder, but...I couldn't find any difference between the two. I have installed enb with modtype dinput for testing purpose and it just works, SKSE with modtype enb as well. Are there any differences?
  10. Hmm, would A → B, A > B and "load A before B" mean the same? If yes, the problem here is that the actual "winner" is mod B, since it's mod B's files that actually "wins" any conflicts and is used in the game, despite this is counter to the order indicated by → No. "→" is "<"(not >) as I wrote. (A→B can be translated to A≤B in mathematics.) "→" or "before" for people think about load order, "<" for people think about wins/overwrites.
  11. Ok, got it. Vortex shows load order with directed graph(with arrows), so I thought it would be more consistent and intuitive to use arrow or order-theoretic notation but it seems I'm the minority one.
  12. I think the symbols "→" and "←" are more intuitive than the words "before" and "after", respectively. Or better, just using "→" and reversing the left and right elements, if needed. "<" and ">" are also ok, because it indicates which one "wins"(overwrites) intuitively.
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