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Everything posted by stormofshadow

  1. have to disagree. in arkham asylum & arkham city i constantly reload after dispatching a group of thugs because the fighting is just THAT thrilling. in skyrim, i have to stick to mediocre bows & magic and keep hoping i'll forget how horrible melee is. and that's just asylum. in arkham city, they took a brilliant combat mechanic and made it even better by adding skills like beatdown. sounds like turn-based combat is not your cup of tea. fair enough. however, the term targetting system can be a bit misleading. in terms of batman aa & ac, while i'm sure there's a targetting system at work under the hood, you never notice it. it just knows that you want to hit thug 1, then hit thug 9, then dodge thug 6, then hit thug 2, then counter-attack thug 4, then dodge thug 7, then stun thug 3, then counter-attack BOTH thug 5 and 8 at the same time, then hit thug 3 whom you stunned 2 moves ago, etc etc. and that's just basic combat and just the thugs... don't get me started on the special skills (batarangs, grappling hook, takedowns, beatdowns, etc) or the bosses. 3 hits? kind of telling that you can get into the flow of combat in batman aa & ac and pull of 60+ hit combos while fighting 20 enemies at once, while in TES, we're still waiting for a 3 hitter. yikes. disclaimer: i DO think skyrim is very cool game for what it does well (open world exploration, can look BEYOND BEAUTIFUL with mods), but in terms of combat, it's dull to the max.
  2. meh. just be glad that you can at least recognize fun combat when you see it. while stumbling onto this thread, i've noticed the net is sadly abundant with fools going "skyrim combat ROCKS!!! skyrim is way better than arkham city. i haven't played arkham city yet, but yes i plan to someday". oh the humanity.
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