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Status Updates posted by PinkSamantha

  1. Hardware upgrade! Yay!
  2. Happy New Year everyone!
  3. Gosh, now I'm convinced! It's so true that some people just can't/don't/never read... (sigh)
  4. The researchers at Samantha's University of Gorgeousity found a new scientific fact: Filipinos are gorgeous... mostly.
  5. Sorry for that. I'm still puzzled why some people can show up on my friends list and others can't. Not to mention the three users on my friends list were already there even before I approved them. Very strange indeed... ><
  6. Yeah, so I heard. But even the staff had no idea about it, which makes me curious. But at least you have me there in your friends list. ^-^
  7. To anyone I approved as friends, please understand that I did approve all of you, but for unknown reason you are not showing up on my friends list. I've contacted Dante and Dark0ne regarding this, but they didn't know what caused this. So I'm sorry if you are not showing up on my friends list. It's beyond my control.



  8. Still don't know why people I approved don't show up in my friend list... (><)
    1. oldnotweak


      i have mine set to just allow anyone to be my friend


    2. PinkSamantha


      Tried that, but to no avail. Even Dark0ne didn't know what's causing this.
    3. vvk78


      If you are using Windows OS, try a CTRL+F5 on your browser, while visiting your profile.


      Sometimes the browser will display the page from its history cache, so your new friends might not show up correctly. This shouldn't happen ideally, but it is worth a shot, if nothing else works.

  9. I wonder if there's anyone who could teach me how to create a good looking FNV PC preset...
    1. RubikNight


      PC Preset? Se to what?
  10. About few days ago Dante said he'd look into this matter. I'm still waiting thou.
  11. @360Sagacious

    IMHO rules are rules. I still don't know which contents in her mod(s) that made her got banned from Nexus, but it's clear that modders are forbidden to use and upload official DLC contents in their mods. Besides, she can always request for unban. I read somewhere that Nexus allows banned users/members to request unban from the staff.

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