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Everything posted by PinkSamantha

  1. Hi, Wolf. That was exactly what I did, removing the Bolt Action tag from the weapons/guns. Another method to make a gun a semi auto is using ECO to apply the semi auto firing mode, although I prefer to tweak the .ESP with xEdit. No, I'm not using the Two Shot legendary. After testing a lot, I found out that it has something to do with the camera perspective. In first person, semi-auto SPR (with bolt action removed) fires normally: single shot, one shot with each trigger pull. No burst fire, no multiple projectiles/shot. But in third person, it fires twice at the same time. Another mod that I use to test is Call of Duty Weapon Mod Deposit with Colt 1911. It's the default .ESP (I don't change anything) and the gun fires twice or thrice (burst fire) with each trigger pull despite the gun being semi auto, but only in third person perspective. In first person, it fires single shot with each trigger pull. I'm wondering if there's something I can change with third person or anything that can prevent semi auto firing mode from firing multiple shots with each trigger pull. Also it only occurs with certain weapons/guns. CS5 and crossbow with bolt action removed and Subleader's HK-USP don't have the burst fire issue. Enabling either VSYNC or frame limit or both through driver (NVIDIA) or ENB doesn't do anything so it may be something related to the game. Any idea?
  2. Yes, just realized that it only occurred with LibreWolf with default settings. Probably related to the very strict privacy protection or resist fingerprinting. My customized LibreWolf and Firefox in Windows and Mac do not have this issue.
  3. This is not exactly an issue with a mod but I'm really curious about it. So I've been trying to see what semi auto firing mode can do to guns. Just a personal experiment and try to see if I can learn something new. I changed these mods (from many firearms) to use semi auto: BT SPR - Sniper Rifle Crossbow McMillan CS5 - A Standalone Sniper Rifle From these three, only B&T SPR is affected. Whenever I fire the rifle, it fires double shots with each trigger pull, two projectiles consuming two bullets at the same time. Happens in real time and VATS. Crossbow and CS5 don't have any problem with semi auto firing mod, despite the weapons are bolt action. Both weapons fire single shot with each trigger pull without bolt pulling (CS5) or reloading between shots (crossbow). I'm really curious about this issue. Maybe something with a part (receiver, etc.)? Anybody has any idea what is causing it? Does semi auto change SPR's bolt action to burst fire?
  4. And like Piper yelling "They're back!!" Login to Nexus from Mod Categories or a specific mod page will not send me back to the Mod Categories or the mod page, but Nexus' main page. Has been occurring since the last few days.
  5. I noticed this change since maybe 1-2 weeks ago. Whenever I login, Nexus always redirects me to the main/front page (https://www.nexusmods.com) regardless of where I am before I login. For example, if I am at Skyrim SE's mod categories page (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/categories) and then login, after login I always end up in the main page (https://www.nexusmods.com) instead of the mod categories page. Maybe about a few weeks or a month ago, if I logged in when I was at the mod categories page, I always ended up returning to the mod categories page after I logged in. Now it's always the main/front page after login regardless of where I am before I login. Can this be changed so instead of redirecting me to the main/front page, I always return to where I am at before I login? This is annoying, especially when I find a mod page that I've never heard before from search engine and visit that page, interested to try the mod and login to download the mod but after I login I go to the main page instead and have to find that mod page again.
  6. ShowRaceMenu command suddenly stops working in my game. Entering the command in the console doesn't open character creation menu. No error message, but it does nothing. Normally it would open the character creation menu but now it does nothing. I didn't change or install anything in the last few weeks and a few days ago the command worked when I tried to adjust my weapons size and position. Using old saves including the one made early in Helgen didn't help. Anybody has any idea about this issue? Edit: I fixed it! I forgot that I updated one mod, ECE (Enhanced Character Edit) recently. The cause of ShowRaceMenu not working in SE is the racesex_menu.swf in the Data\Interface folder. I'm guessing it's for AE, not SE. Removing the file fixed the issue and now ShowRaceMenu opens character creation menu again.
  7. Thanks for the reply, guys. Yes, I have all of them. Here are address libraries in my Skyrim Special Edition/Data/SKSE/Plugins: version-1-5-3-0.bin version-1-5-16-0.bin version-1-5-23-0.bin version-1-5-39-0.bin version-1-5-50-0.bin version-1-5-53-0.bin version-1-5-62-0.bin version-1-5-73-0.bin version-1-5-80-0.bin version-1-5-97-0.bin I did. Here are the details about the Engine Fixes files in my Skyrim SE folder: Data/SKSE/Plugins folder: EngineFixes.dll EngineFixes.toml EngineFixes_preload.txt EngineFixes_SNCT.toml Main folder (Skyrim Special Edition): d3dx9_42.dll tbb.dll tbbmalloc.dll Manual installation only. I don't trust MO2 can handle non-FOMOD installation properly. I have meh's loader (binkw64.dll) in the main folder too. Skyrim SE's binkw64.dll is renamed to binkw64_.dll. I have taken care of everything else like updated VC redist (always a priority even if I don't need Engine Fixes) and SKSE64 (skse64_2_00_19) which is also important for other mods like SkyUI.
  8. Does anybody have an idea about what Trampoline.h error is about? If I have SSE Engine Fixes files in my Skyrim SE folder, I can't run the game because it stop running with error message related to Trampoline.h error. I tried to run Skyrim SE through Steam (SkyrimSE.exe), SKSE64_loader (directly without MO2) and MO2 (both SkyrimSE.exe and SKSE64_loader) but the game always stopped running and showed up an error message regarding Trampoline.h (187).
  9. Hi guys. I have a problem with Skyrim SE with ENB and ReShade. I'm trying to use ENB with my Skyrim SE but the problem is if I put d3d11.dll in my Skyrim SE's root folder (the one with SkyrimSE.exe and SkyrimSELauncher.exe), the game will CTD immediately after skse64_loader started. It doesn't even make it to the main menu. The same thing happens with ReShade (dxgi.dll). If I rename the d3d11.dll or dxgi.dll to something else, for example d3d11backup.dll, or move the .dll to somewhere else or delete it, the game starts just fine. I can play for hours with SKSE64 and a lot of mods without stuttering or crashing. But as long as d3dll.dll or dxgi.dll is in the root folder, the game will always CTD. Things I've tried: - using several versions of ENB. - disabling ShaderCache in enblocal.ini file. - using several custom ENB presets. - using vanilla ENB (without custom preset). - using Marty McFly's Graphics Enhancement (uses ReShade instead of ENB). My SKSE64 is already the latest version. And I don't think this has anything to do with SKSE. I've also tried both ENB and ReShade (one at a time) with vanilla Skyrim SE: 1. Remove all settings (Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini). 2. Move all mods and custom/non-vanilla files out of the SkyrimSE folder, leaving only the vanilla files. 3. Verifying the files with Steam (doesn't matter how many times I try, Steam does not download anything, which means my game files are fine). 4. Run SkyrimSELauncher to set up Skyrim and generate new settings (Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini). 5. Place all ENB files from the Wrapper folder in the root folder of Skyrim SE. 6. Run the game with either SkyrimSELauncher or SkyrimSE. 7. The game CTD before the main menu shows up. The same thing happens with ReShade. I ran out of idea about how to fix this problem. Even my Skyrim LE from back when I was still using Windows 7 which I haven't touched for at least several years runs fine with a custom ENB preset (I'm using NLA + Tapioks' Shaders) and a lot of mods and doesn't crash, not even once. I've tried finding a solution everywhere but couldn't find any. From what I read, there are other people having the same problem too. And it seems like it only happens with Skyrim SE, not LE. Keep in mind that Skyrim SE will always CTD only if there's ENB's d3d11.dll in the Skyrim SE folder regardless of whether or not I'm using SKSE or mods. And only Skyrim SE. Skyrim LE runs fine with either ENB or ReShade. My Skyrim SE will only run without d3d11.dll or dxgi.dll file in the folder. Can anybody help me with this problem? Also, just in case, to any of you reading this and can run Skyrim SE with ENB, mind posting your Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini with the spoiler tag (so they won't become a wall of text)? Thanks in advance.
  10. Hey, Robin. Thanks for the reply. I think it's temporary. It seems fine now (05:33 in the morning in Tokyo now). The access is unusually slow during evening or midnight time (around 19:00/07:00PM to 03:00/03:00AM JST). I used VPN with servers in Europe to access Nexus during that time. Maybe there's heavy congestion in Asia (or the servers in Asia) during Tokyo's evening/midnight hours.
  11. NexusMods has been painfully slow since the last few days (maybe one week). I've been asking around whether I was the only one with this problem but apparently my friends from Korea, fellow Japanese (I'm in Tokyo, Japan with 100Mbps connection) and friends living in Singapore, Australia and New Zealand claimed the same. There was one thread in Nexus Reddit about this issue too, although it was from a user in Philippines. What happened? Browsing Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord section is a nightmare, never mind downloading a mod. I can wait for 15-30 minutes and the only thing Firefox shows is "Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Nexus" as the tab title and it's either the layout and only text (no images) or just a plain white page. The temporary solution for me and my friends right now is using TOR or VPN because it seems to (sort of) "bypass" something that keeps preventing us to open and browse NexusMods. Maybe Nexus CDN throttles access from certain countries like Japan, who knows. Other sites like NVIDIA (site and forums), Steam stores and GOG are fine. It's only Nexus.
  12. In response to post #39467495. #39507160, #39508060, #39508150, #39509035, #39511705, #39513590, #39513965, #39514025, #39514065 are all replies on the same post. @Kalell Just ignore him. And thanks for the opinion. Completely agreed with you.
  13. In response to post #39467495. #39507160, #39508060, #39508150, #39509035, #39511705, #39513590, #39514025, #39514065, #39514440 are all replies on the same post. "When someone pours as much effort into their creative works as many mod authors do, taking their mod and uploading it elsewhere is like me taking anything that you have worked hard on, that you hold dear to yourself, and tossing it around in the mud like it's no big deal. ...Yes, that's exactly what it's like to some people and it's not your decision to say that they shouldn't feel how they do about it. As a human being you should respect their efforts and the fact that they made it public for anyone to use at all. More importantly, you should respect their feelings and your potential lack of understanding about them." Couldn't say it better myself. And, uh... Mono Lisa? As in, Non-Stereo Lisa? I hope it's just a typo. But seriously, thank you very much for the opinion.
  14. Good luck with the new project. I'm a fan of your Mk.14 rifle and will be a fan of your M1911 soon.
  15. Hardware upgrade! Yay!
  16. Happy New Year everyone!
  17. I don't have GTX 7 series (yet) although we have the same processor (albeit clocked at different speed). Using 1920x1080 I can get around 30-50 fps with my favorite ENBs: - Unreal Cinema http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/37202/ - Somber or Somber Lut Sepia (both made by Tansarville if I'm not mistaken) http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/37716/ http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/41465/ - Ruvaak Dahmaan (great cinematic feeling, I use it very often) http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/40088/ - Saraan Suum http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/43765/ - Opethfeld (for natural looking Skyrim) http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18941/ Also you might wanna try these first: Stakado Cinemascope http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15425/ Stakado Realistic and Cinematic http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12180/ Probably not the best but you can test them to see if you can get decent FPS using those presets. By the way I'm using 660 Ti with 331.65, default settings except for power (max performance instead of adaptive). Good luck. :thumbsup:
  18. Hey, thanks for the reply. I was just saying it out loud, I didn't mean to doubt anything. I really like how you designed Sofia though. The look, the features... I believe she's gonna be so amazing. Just wanna say good luck and wish you the best for everything before I'm off. I'm waiting for Sofia. :thumbsup:
  19. Gosh, now I'm convinced! It's so true that some people just can't/don't/never read... (sigh)
  20. Did I write he should upgrade? I wrote: "And power supply. Remember to use a decent power supply. Look for Corsair or any decent/high end brand." He said: "I have a Corsair 850 watt, so I should be good." And I replied: "I don't know if your power supply will provide enough power for your rig but I think it should be enough so long you don't overclock anything too high." It should be enough assuming he doesn't overclock anything too high. And I know Outervision's tools. I am a frequent user. Gosh, for a telecom trade graduate you seem didn't bother to read... I do sincerely hope you know what you're talking about.
  21. Oh, really? According to whom? :laugh: Wrong about what? Please read carefully: I'm still thinking about getting that AX1200i just so I won't upgrade my power supply for a very long time and I can put my mind to rest knowing I have more than enough clean power to run my rig. I'm gonna buy 1200i because 1) I have money to do that and 2) I prefer future proof (this is also the reason why I was considering 16GB or even more) and more clean power to any "I think it's enough for now" options. I'm not a girl who wants to spend my time once every 5-6 months for browsing and buying hardwares for upgrade. I'd rather hang out with my girl friends. :laugh: Instead of judging me blindly, why not asking about my upgrade plan first? You obviously had no idea what my plan for my rig in the future yet you were so quick to say I was wrong. I'm planning on using 2 770 or even 780 Ti and a stable 4.0-4.2 GHz overclock so what's wrong about 1200i? I'm also gonna use Corsair H100i, replace all my fans including ones came with H100i (I'm using Corsair 550D case) with Corsair performance fans and add 2 more hard drives (I'm using 2 2TB WD Caviar Black for OS and games/data now and wanna add 2 more) for media files like pics/videos from my cam and backup. I've asked some users from Tweaktown and TPU for power supply recommendation before and while some of them recommend at least a 1000w, they agreed when I said I'm gonna buy a 1200w instead so I don't have to upgrade my power supply for at least two or three years. Is it wrong? :laugh: As for the 16GB? I'm playing Battlefield 4 too, and last I checked it requires at least 4GB of RAM. By the year 2014, games are probably gonna need 6GB as minimum, who knows. Like I said, future proof. It might be overkill to you and everybody else but going this way I won't have to worry about anything, I just enjoy my hobby (gaming). Personally I think having more RAM and power never hurts, in my case at least (better more than less methink). Also I'm not a budget gamer so I'm sorry if my suggestion/recommendation is way overboard to most. :blush:
  22. First, it's future proof, at least for a year or two. Besides it never hurts to have decent amount of free memory, just to be safe. You can also use at least 4GB of your free memory as ramdisk. I personally think 16GB is okay, anything higher than that is overkill (for most games, unless you're planning to do some productivity works with your rig). I don't know if your power supply will provide enough power for your rig but I think it should be enough so long you don't overclock anything too high. I use stock clock for all my hardwares and 860i is sufficient and safe for me, although I'm still thinking about getting that AX1200i just so I won't upgrade my power supply for a very long time and I can put my mind to rest knowing I have more than enough clean power to run my rig. As for textures, I think world texture should be at 1k for better performance unless you're using paralax or do some screenshot archery. It's not like you're going to stare at the ground or the tree for a very long time. :laugh: But it's up to you if you decide to use 2k. I only have 660Ti (for now) to run Skyrim so I don't think I should push my luck too much. That's just my setup anyway. You can always use higher than that with hardwares faster and more powerful than mine. As for the mods, that depends on what mods they were using. Running Skyrim with 200+ light mods (like ones that change the arrow speed or your chance to find more loot) is easy, but if those 200 consists of custom body mesh with 4k textures, Vurt's Flora Overhaul, Skyrim HD, SMIM, customised weather/lighting and audio, custom 4k armors and weapons and big abodes with lots of stuff inside then don't expect miracles. Creation Engine is Gamebryo with fancy name, it can only run so much stuff at the same time before CTD. Not even massive amount of RAM or powerful graphics card could save you from freeze and crashes. My tip? Use only the best mods, and the ones you really, really need. Before installing an armor or a weapon mod, take your time and think: will I be using this for the rest of my playthrough or I'm just gonna put it in my mansion as a decoration? If you're not going to use it or if you don't need it then don't install it, even if it looks great in somebody else's playthrough or video.
  23. Looking forward for this. The last advanced follower mod I was using was Vilja. It would be great if I could get a follower like this. Might as well call her friend instead of follower. :smile: Honestly I don't mind the look so long she doesn't look like a woman with a male face (vanilla Uthgerd is the perfect example). But to have another cutie among other bk/rk/btrh's followers is great. The more, the merrier. But I trust you know the best. Anyway how about modular look? I mean since you're not into the look and more into the advanced features I guess you can set the standard (how Sofia will look like by default) and then put options to change the look in MCM menu so users can have Sofia the way they want her to be. You know, like changing eye colors or hairs or even skin and facial features without have to use showracemenu or even CK. Sorry for asking too much, I just have great expectations of what this mod will become and can do.
  24. A suggestion: consider to get 16GB or ram. Like the user above me, I'm an nVidia and Intel gamer so I don't know much about AMD. But make sure your card support whatever resolution you plan to use. I mean even if your card support 2560 doesn't mean it won't stutter at that resolution. From my experience it's better to play at your monitor's native resolution. As for texture size/resolution, it all depends on your personal preference and your hardwares. Some people, including me, think that 4k textures for stuff like walls, tiles, furnitures or even jewelries is overkill, but if it's up to you. I'm using 4k for people (except for eyes or hair, which is varied in size/resolution depending on the hair mod author's choice of quality), 4k/2k for custom armor and weapons (including jewelries), 2k/1k for vanilla armors, weapons and stuff like jewelries/accesories and 1k or lower for the rest. I'm not sure if I torture my 660Ti with my current setup but I only use a few custom textures (my standard is high so I only use the best armors, weapons and even followers :laugh:). I use official HD textures for most of Skyrim. And power supply. Remember to use a decent power supply. Look for Corsair or any decent/high end brand (mine is Corsair AX860i but might want to upgrade to AX1200i soon once I have enough time to go shopping and get my hands on a 770 or even 780 :laugh:).
  25. The researchers at Samantha's University of Gorgeousity found a new scientific fact: Filipinos are gorgeous... mostly.
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