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Posts posted by soot00

  1. It came out and people played it nonstop. Of curse they stop playing for a while. I'm 60h in and still can't get enough. Other games are played through in tenth of the time so good job Bethesda.


    This ^^^


    I am starting to feel slight exhaustion cause I have basically played non stop since the day after release. Oblivion and Morrowind combined never held my attention this long with an unmodded TES game.


    Definitely getting my moneys worth. When overhaul mods start making their way into Skyrim... *Drool*

  2. I simply don't get the "feel" of being part of the world as I did in Oblivion.


    Now that you mentioned it, I didntt really feel like a part of skyrim as i did with oblivion aswell... In oblivion, i always felt as if i was living a second life. In skyrim, not so much. Hell, it didnt even feel like i was a dragonborn. Felt as if i was just a guy with a fancy title.


    To each their own. I was bored of Oblivion after the first 2 hours. My highest level in Vanilla Oblivion was level 10. The only thing that kept my interest a year later was the modding community but it was not enough to hold my attention Never finished the main quest and although I purchased Shivering Isle, never finised that expansion either.

  3. If you are tired of grinding your EZ mode self sufficient jack of all trades toon, roll a new toon and only pick skills that befit the class type and stay away from Fast Travel option completely. There are lots of random encounters you meet during your travels which are very cool. People who use fast travel exclusively will miss out completely.


    There are also lots of locations that quests will never take you too that you will undoubtedly come across on your journey. One time I came across the skeletal remains holding a flag atop the mountains (reminded me of the first man on the moon mission), only this time the guy reached his goal to the very top but died due to exhaustion, haha. Got some interesting loot of which I would have never attained if I just warped around using Fast Travel.

  4. Only immersion I do in TES jack of all trades game like Skyrim is limit the skills that fit the class.


    As an example, a Theif Rogue class should never be a blacksmith or use any weapon aside from daggers and bows

    Pure mage should not wear anything higher than clothe.....





    In a game of this nature I could put it on master difficulty, throw huge fireballs to pull a mob to me, tank it a bit with my full Plate, and finish it off with a 2h axe. Not much challenge playting this style but to each their own, haha

  5. New Vegas at least tried something different with their difficulty sliders by adding weight limits etc as opposed to just upping the npcs hitpoints and damage ratio.


    Would love to have seen Skyrim incorporating same ideas where Master difficulty added item decay and fast travel no longer functioning. Am sure a future modder will incorporate these into the world...


    Something like that would be awesome. I hate it that enemies on master take ages to kill and deal out massive damage. Instead, Additions to gameplay which limit your godness would be nice, like having to feed, to drink, to resharpen weapons, to sleep... I thought maybe even puking while fighting near pools of blood and sekeletons and stuff. But not immortal enemies which force you to exploit game mechanics.


    One would think with the amount of resources and planning that goes into building these games, developers like Bethesda could think of something more original then simply upping npcs hitpoints and damage ratio as the sole determinent for difficulty level.


    Would have been nice if they took some of New Vegas ideas but they took a step back again with Skyrim's release.

  6. New Vegas at least tried something different with their difficulty sliders by adding weight limits etc as opposed to just upping the npcs hitpoints and damage ratio.


    Would love to have seen Skyrim incorporating same ideas where Master difficulty added item decay and fast travel no longer functioning. Am sure a future modder will incorporate these into the world...

  7. I'd try a simple cap of 100% to fortification of Smithing, Alchemy and Enchantment. In other words, your potions and magic trinkets could only make your results twice as good as if you were crafting butt-naked.


    Whilst at 100% fortification you can still create extremely powerful items, it wouldn't be an absolute no brainer anymore. Right now someone could perk up only the three crafts, work the numbers and the multipliers and one-shot everything.


    I like powerful crafting skills, its refreshing, but it breaks too easily when you can make a suit of armor and drink a potion (made with a different specially crafted set of armor and under the effect of another potion to power up the first potion) can bring you at triple effectiveness.


    As a plus, a 100% cap would allow you to spend a lot less time worrying about minmaxing your crafting and just doing it. Its easy to hit with one "normal" potion and two items you can find in dungeons. Crafting that way would feel liberating when compared to all the crap I have to haul around and the precise sequences I have to go through to make my potions to make the armor I'll need to be better at enchanting the actual piece of armor I wanted to make three hours ago. Thats not fun.


    *cough* http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/468076-1-2-shot-absalutly-everything-on-expert-legit-play/page__p__3846360__fromsearch__1#entry3846360

    yeah the crafting system is way too broken now and I can't wait till we can start rolling out some mods to fix it


    It's only broken for the powergamers exploiting the feature. Mods will fix it but the powergamers simply won't install the mods.

  8. I understand that the game isn't perfect. But name one game that tries to do what TES does and does it better than Skyrim?


    Exactly. I was browsing through the official Bethesda Skyrim thread, someone had started a thread asking for most epic NPC battles you have encountered during random exploration. Every single response was totally different from another. From 5 dragons fighting each other down to a bandit running away from Imperials only to get killed by a Troll. Just shows the randomness and how amazing TES is compared to other games in this genre. If someone made this same title in a linear game like Witcher 2 that many like to compare Skyrim too, the variance in randomness could be counted on one hand.

  9. 1. PC UI is inefficient and awful


    Really comes down to hardware. I have sympathy to those using a standard 2 button mouse and single keyboard cause I was in this bracket years ago. Fortunately due to my past "World of Warcraft" gaming days, a programmable mouse with multiple buttons that can be set up as hotkeys alongside a N52 TE Game pad controller which supplies me another extra 10 buttons programmable to any hotkey and is accessed just for my Thumb was pretty much a must have for WOW Arena, Battlegrounds or pvp in general. This setup carried over and works wonders in Skyrim, :biggrin:

  10. My only problem with skyrim is the UI :wallbash: other then that, im having a blast playing this game...its awesome. :thumbsup:


    I got used to the UI in terms of cycling and finding stuff. The biggest gripe I have is the lack of Buff timers on the main screen telling you when buffs are about to run out and the fact spell cast buffs only last 60 seconds. As a pure mage wearing clothe, running around with no armor rating buffs means I get one shot, haha. Casting buffs every minute and having to scroll through "Active spells" to see what's up is a chore. Reason I stopped playing my mage toon.

  11. Shield bash shield bash shield bash!


    Unless they are frost mages... oh hell they are the worst! I spent an hour leveling restoration to 40 just to get that respite perk! Sitting on a fire trap and continously healing. But after that, it's all good.


    But these difficulty spikes I seem to like really, you never know what you may come up against.



  12. In terms of dps and taking punishment, Skyrim is all about perks. Skill points is secondary, it's just a prerequisite to upgrade perks. Perks is what carries your toon.


    You can have the best gear and chants in game but with poor perk management your toon will be gimped.

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