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Nexus Mods Profile

About Arendella

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Apprentice (3/14)



  1. In response to post #24732344. #24732604, #24732704, #24732709, #24732774, #24732869, #24732879, #24733044, #24733464, #24733739, #24733824, #24733844, #24734224, #24734679, #24734879, #24734924 are all replies on the same post. Chesko I don't have a problem with. Isoku and SkyUi? definitely will never use their mods again *Will just use old version of SkyUi*. Was just a big slap in the face when he was all giddy about putting his mods up on Steam Workshop just pissing everyone off even more.
  2. http://i.imgur.com/awx5vPE.png So apparently you can get banned for 7 days if you refund any mod off of the Steam Workshop because that would be "Abusing the system" http://steamcommunity.com/app/72850/discussions/0/611704730326648879/#p1 This Keeps getting Better and Better....
  3. In response to post #24711234. If you need money for all of those things, making mods should not be a source of revenue to begin with. There are better jobs out there that pays more than modding, and as for the price set on Steam, its not even worth it. People keep trying to throw real life situations to justify paying for mods, but its weak and doesn't work when you can get a better career and job that pays more. Working Fast Food would make more than what you would sell at Steam period.
  4. In response to post #24699154. #24699914, #24700424, #24700529, #24700669, #24700794, #24700844, #24700949, #24701494, #24701854, #24702124, #24702184, #24702309, #24702704, #24703104, #24703354, #24703374, #24704484, #24704939, #24705069, #24705264, #24707439, #24708649, #24709434, #24709769, #24709849, #24709869, #24709899, #24710859, #24712874, #24713619, #24713839, #24713994, #24714209, #24714219, #24715394 are all replies on the same post. I will say this, It will take a LONG time before people calm down about this...especially since what happened with the mod you had removed is now huge news everywhere especially in the Steam Community. Other sites as well as Russian, Japanese, ect. Are going to just read the bad and its easier to get a bad rep than to repair a good one. I for one believe in forgiveness, but as for the rest...it'll be hard that's for sure.
  5. http://shockyy.tumblr.com/post/117337976959/im-not-sure-if-i-should-laugh-at-those-who-buy Blind Raven textures look like they were molded from Playdoh or Bad Clay Seriously wtf is wrong with it its terribad and even though I know its not finished it still looks like crap from the screenshots listed on steam workshop. Please tell me you really expect to pay money for this? its also in Vanilla body don't expect for them to make it in any conversion because they wont.
  6. In response to post #24678089. #24678269, #24679224 are all replies on the same post. I saw that earlier today I couldn't stop the tears
  7. http://36.media.tumblr.com/2dc48bc365ae98bb7921c84821d1b024/tumblr_nnf0woe6Vs1u9sthso1_1280.png *Sighs*
  8. Uh if anyone checked up on Steam Workshop, All of the Bad Reviews per mod were removed and were replaced with fake comments saying this mod is good and oh its okay It feels like they just wrote in fake reviews to cover up all of the bad ones. This is getting worse than I thought over there
  9. In response to post #24634334. #24634469, #24635479, #24635574, #24635939, #24636679, #24636734, #24637344, #24637374 are all replies on the same post. With any arguement of people saying that retexturing and such and making mods should be paid I should be paid for showcasing said mods. I give free advertisements on tumblr and other sites by showcasing YOUR mods by screenshotting them and actually putting effort into putting them into the game that takes work just as much as you do :) I dont care if its different, I should be entitled to the pay as well if im advertising YOUR mods and such. I show them to many people so if people think that Modders should get paid, so should the ones actually showing off the mods for people to see in beautiful cinematic screenshots Or Better yet, I'll start selling my screenshots for 2 dollars a pop. ITS ART AFTER ALL!
  10. http://i.imgur.com/j6DKPUP.jpg So Someone posted this on Steam Workshop Discussions It makes me sick to my stomach
  11. In response to post #24634334. Dude I so agree with you on this I'm reposting this link everywhere and reblogging this you are awesome.
  12. In response to post #24634374. Except that Valve still keeps the steam wallet cash that you charged with real money. Either or Valve wins regardless if the Modder gets shafted or not
  13. In response to post #24615234. #24615334, #24618949 are all replies on the same post. Excuse me as I vomit GG SkyUI GG
  14. In response to post #24616184. #24619149, #24619404, #24619489 are all replies on the same post. Kudos for you to make your descision. Now its my descision to tell people NOT to get it. Even though no ones buying them anyways
  15. In response to post #24611779. #24612574, #24613159, #24613174, #24613179, #24613184 are all replies on the same post. https://www.change.org/p/valve-remove-the-paid-content-of-the-steam-workshop here ya go! Edit: woops xD http://i.imgur.com/ZhyrjBm.jpg Gonna leave this here though...
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