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Everything posted by FIMzzZzz

  1. yeah then i'm out of ideas. if it was the 3ds max niftools shader from the unofficial nif exporter, i assume it would be the whole mesh that's affected... but could be that some parts of the mesh use the shader, not sure it's possible to use without getting a "glow" bug or if it's fixable with nifskope. i'll try to set the same flags in nifskope like on a working mesh, but doubt it will work. edit: can't replicate the problems with the niftools shader of the niftools exporter for newer versions of 3ds max i had on my old windows install. not sure if its a different version, different settings or whatever. edit2: ok it seams that the niftools shader doesn't work on skinned meshes, which could explain your armor, maybe the parts that "glow" are skinned and the others are not. see attachment, will update after flag testing.
  2. what are your nifskope material properties of the affected parts? ambient color diffuse color specular color emissive color for most meshes have ambient and diffuse white, spec end emissive black
  3. i had a quick look at some scripts, and it wasn't obvious to me right away how to combine the scripts and to lazy to try out stuff right now :P but the thing i would have tried would be, to insert the disturb the dead parts of the script after the "Activate" part in the animated script. so the idea would be it runs when the container activates instead "OnActivate"
  4. https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind_Mod:Dialogue_Notes
  5. my guess is, MW will consider a spell with autocalc legal which means NPCs can use it, unlike a 1 mana cost 999 dmg spell. and to not have NPCs that get random spells, i guess they have to be set to blocked.
  6. mw modhistory is down, but i found disturb the dead, but not animated containers optimized so i can't check. and the animated containers on nexus doesn't add any scripts to containers. is using Disturb The Dead set in stone ? https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/48332 Sepulchral Curses i inspired by disturb the dead, is a mwse mod, so no scripts on containers, and the author recommends animated containers so i expect them to be compatible. if you use openmw both Sepulchral Curses and the animated containers on nexus are not an option. altering the scripts should be possible, load both plugins but none as active and make the changes, so the patch requires both mods to be loaded before. and i think the snippets i posted wont help here, now that i get the problem.
  7. related question, how to avoid random NPCs getting crazy spells from a mod? since i use a lot of crazy spells... do i get this correct, removing auto calc is the solution?
  8. for me to understand what you want to do, your description is lacking :P (could be a me problem) but maybe you're looking for something like this if ( "SomeObjectWithScript".SomeVariableOnThatObject == 1 ) set "SomeObjectWithScript".SomeVariableOnThatObject to 1or use a global variable, but since i know about the thing above, i stopped using globals when possible.
  9. i forgot about resurrect, working fine now. NPC gets one shot, teleports and is alive again. strange thing is, i have an other side quest with a similar encounter, this NPC teleports when health ratio <= 0.15 or so, the one here has of 0.5 <= . and this other one works just as is. but thanks anyways for further ideas!
  10. if you can't get hold of 2.2, you still can find 2.3 https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/45616?tab=files&file_id=1000020544 did you try to contact remiros directly ? seems like archive.org hasn't archived anything.
  11. the NPC before the combat encounter is marked as essential and replaced with one that isn't. but yeah like you said it would not convey the problem to the player. if i have a detection that would warn the player, i guess from there it wouldn't be much more to just make the quest work. will add something, or maybe it's enough to adjust the script, the NPC is healed after teleport, maybe healing earlier will fix it... thanks for the input
  12. anyone has a chatgpt account? if so ask it to write the script. both tes3 script and mwse/lua. but i don't think the 10% chance weapon is possible with tes3 script, but i only know enough to know i don't know s#*&#33;... so....
  13. since enemies in my mod have hit points on the higher side, i expect players to use some of the options MW gives you. for example jugging some fortify strength potions to do more melee damage... now i have an scripted encounter where the enemy teleports at 50% HP, so if the PC has a lot of strength and one shots said NPC, the quest will break. should i have some sort of protection against this or would you ignore this ? cheers
  14. overall consensus is, vortex is not recommended for morrowind. recommended options are wrye mash or mod organizer 2. if rebirth is the only mod you want to use, you could also just skip any mod manager...
  15. my win10 install survived it. but i won't take credit if yours doesn't xD things you can do to be safe, backup your c: drive or fire up a VM or look for tutorials to not need the cs help file and if it's script related, MWScriptingForDummies has basically everything. you can also decompile it with https://www.helpscribble.com/decompiler.html this will give you some bmp files and an RTF file super easy, download "helpdc21.zip" extract copy TES Construction Set.hlp in the same folder open CMD navigate to that folder and enter helpdeco "TES Construction Set.hlp" done
  16. i would strongly advise to not use vortex for morrowind, but wrye mash or mod organizer 2 instead. you need both. if you're looking for a fix for a specific problem, you have to provide more information. but an obvious guess would be wrong load order, tamriel data has to be loaded before TR mainland, since this is depending on tamriel data. MLOX will help you with load order. basically, my load order for TR is: TR Data TR mainland TR Data hotfix TR hotfix you only need MGE XE, MGE is obsolete if you don't want to go overboard with some crazy big mod guide, check https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/recommended-mods this is a relative small list with good suggestions, but Morrowind Code Patch is crucial. cheers
  17. make sure it's sorted after load order or date modified and this should work. you can verify this because after reordering the date, visible in the modified row, should have changed. if you're sure about the correct load order then there is no need for mlox, if you're not sure then it's great.
  18. mlox makes it sane, and if you have to manually reorder something, you can re-date an esp with wrye mash.
  19. not sure, just some ideas do you start MW with Morrowind.exe or Morrowind Launcher.exe, if launcher maybe try mw.exe after fixing the load order or maybe try wrye mash with mlox
  20. since this script will make an item rotate all the time, and we don't know what you want to do, i'm not sure how a possible script would look like. but i assume it can be done using a timer.
  21. this. as soon you paint with a texture it gets star'ed, and if you repaint all of those instances with an other texture, the star remains on both. not sure if this is considered as dirty. tescmd doesn't clean this, not sure if possible to clean manually or even necessary. but if you manually clean "the star on a texture" it will remove the texture from where it was painted in your esp, if i remember correctly, i deleted the LTEX entry of a texture. seems like if you ignore the LTEX entry before loading of the texture, of which you are sure is not used anymore in your mod, won't affect the texture that repainted the one not in use anymore. but still, make backups before you go all OCD on them stars on textures no in use anymore xD
  22. according to this you have set "Reference Persists" but just to get the obvious out of the way xD does "EnablePlayerControls" work at the DoOnce == 3 stage ? if so it would appear to not be a timer issue? in a MW script they comment on "Set timer to ( timer + GetSecondsPassed )" to have it outside if statements, because it can cause problems, but i made scripts with it inside if statements that worked, so i don't know when it's ok or not ok, or if it's never ok to do so. so with my current understanding this is how i would change the script, but keep in mind i'm no expert not by a long shot....! and i believe if you have a timer you should always have a menumode return. (hope someone stops by and can give some detail on timer + getSecondsPassed inside if statements) Begin ABE_FelthasUlthinScript short DoOnce float timer if ( menumode == 1 ) return endif if ( DoOnce == 0 ) DisablePlayerControls FadeOut, 1 "ABE_DoorUlthinDome1"->disable "ABE_DoorUlthinDome2"->enable "ABE_FelthasCollisionBox"->enable PlaySound "mysticism hit" set DoOnce to 1 endif if ( DoOnce == 1 ) if ( timer >= 1 ) Player->PositionCell, -11285, -5436, 1997, 245, "West Gash Region (-2, -1)" set DoOnce to 2 endif endif if ( DoOnce == 2 ) set timer to 0 if ( GetPCCell "West Gash Region" == 1 ) if ( timer >= 3 ) FadeIn, 1 set DoOnce to 3 endif endif endif if ( DoOnce == 3 ) Set timer to 0 if ( timer >= 1 ) "ABE_FelthasCollisionBox"->disable EnablePlayerControls Stopscript "ABE_FelthasUlthinScript" endif endif Set timer to ( timer + GetSecondsPassed ) End
  23. i've tried some things, since you can't put scripts on throwing weapons you have to do something different... i tried with a global script, didn't work and would be basically be the same as suggestion 1... just somewhat more elegant than entering a console command xD suggestion 1, just use the console and add darts xD suggestion 2 make an amulet and put this script on it ( i would suggest to not put any enchantments on the amulet so you give up an item slot for the respawning throwing items, but that's just what i would do =P ) begin your_script short state short equip if ( menumode == 1 ) return endif if ( Player->HasItemEquipped "YOUR_AMULET_ID" == 0 ) set state to 0 if ( equip == 1 ) Player->RemoveItem YOUR_DART_ID 1 set equip to 0 endif endif if ( Player->HasItemEquipped "YOUR_AMULET_ID" == 1 ) set state to 1 endif if ( state == 1 ) if ( Player->GetItemCount YOUR_DART_ID < 5 ) Player->AddItem YOUR_DART_ID 1 endif Player->Equip YOUR_DART_ID set equip to 1 endif end there is a glitch that leaves the last dart equipped which results in infinite darts but without refilling the inventory, and it doesen't even show there anymore, but still in the equipment slot bottom left, but removing a dart when unequipping the amulet, does also unequip the darts ( which this script does ) fun fact, while testing this i learned that if you throw daedric darts at enemies, they equip the ones that go in their inventory and throw them back at you xDD even more edit: maybe it would be good to put "Player->Equip YOUR_DART_ID" on a timer so it does not get spammed every frame... but i don't know enough if that's a problem some more edit i tried it with a timer, worked less constant, sometimes darts would not get auto equipped... but i'll add the script anyways begin your_script short state short equip float timer if ( menumode == 1 ) return endif if ( state == 1 ) if ( Player->HasItemEquipped "YOUR_AMULET_ID" == 0 ) set state to 0 if ( equip == 1 ) Player->RemoveItem YOUR_DART_ID 1 set equip to 0 endif endif endif if ( state == 0 ) if ( Player->HasItemEquipped "YOUR_AMULET_ID" == 1 ) set state to 1 endif endif if ( state == 1 ) if ( Player->GetItemCount YOUR_DART_ID < 5 ) Player->AddItem YOUR_DART_ID 1 endif if ( timer >= 1 ) Player->Equip YOUR_DART_ID set timer to 0 endif if ( equip == 0 ) set equip to 1 endif endif set timer to ( timer + GetSecondsPassed ) end
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