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  1. I tweaked my ini and cut down to 180 mods, and now I only crash every hour or so. I'd say it's a vast improvement and now I can finally play. Perhaps when I add another 4 GB of RAM to my current 4 it'll be even better. Thanks for the tips! By the way, my ini tweaks are: uGridsToLoad=5uExterior Cell Buffer=36bPreemptivelyUnloadCells=1iPreloadSizeLimit=2097152000bUseHardDriveCache=0bUseBackgroundFileLoader=1bSelectivePurgeUnusedOnFastTravel=1 uStaticNeverFade=1iPostProcessMillisecondsLoadingQueuedPriority=5bForceFullLOD=1
  2. So I've decided to play Skyrim for the 2nd time, this time with more than 200 mods. Obviously, there have been plenty of problems and compatibility issues, and over the last week I've managed to go from crashing upon starting the game, to crashing in the Alternate Start cell, to crashing in the outside world. I've disabled some of the more script-intensive mods in an effort to single out the problem, but so far I've only managed to increase the time it takes to crash from 1 minute to about 8. The crashes themselves always happen after about 8 minutes spent in the outside world, though it could take less near Whiterun and Falkreath. They never happen in interior cells. Most of the time, they don't happen spontaneously, they're triggered by saving the game, or opening the journal, map or inventory. The Papyrus log is not very helpful as it doesn't tell me what exactly caused the crash, and since the first time I played Skyrim was at launch without any mods, I have no experience with crashy mods. Therefore, I admit that solving this problem is a bit beyond me, and I entrust this grave task to the forum-dwellers of the Nexus. Load order SKSE and Papyrus Logs
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