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  1. +1 I would like a more in lore ending and the feeling that V has achieved something, because I only felt disappointment, but removing the "6 months to die" is good start. :thumbsup:
  2. I can help with Portuguese, if needed. Thank you all for trying to save the old BSN. :thumbsup:
  3. Extract the files: mh_p.pp_log_en mh_p.pp_log_ex mh_p.pp_log_lp mh_p.pp_log_p Rename all the files changing the log to ali, so: mh_p.pp_log_en should be renamed to mh_p.pp_ali_en. Copy all the files to your override folder.
  4. I am glad to help, it seems I should use google translator more often... your english sounds better than mine. :biggrin: If you want to ask questions in portuguese you can PM me.
  5. Hi, I think the normals are pointing to the wrong direction, inside instead of outside.
  6. Hi Bergzore, Have you found a solution for this problem? I have just stumbled upon it too. Thanks Edit: Nvm found it.
  7. I have been looking for it too... finally I have found! ;) Thanks!!
  8. Yay! Thanks a lot, I have missed the .psc files from SKSE.
  9. Hi, I had to reinstall Skyrim and now I am not able to compile an old script, it complains that RegisterForKey() is not a function and does not exist... After installing Skyrim, I have installed SKSE, SKYUI 3.4, and SKYUI SDK 3.4, it is compiling everything in the script that extends SKI_ConfigBase, except the UnregisterForAllKeys() and RegisterForKey(), it there something else I am missing? Thanks
  10. I like it, and if possible not only the mambari dog, but also Zevran and Loghain since in the DAO's end they go with you. :whistling:
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