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About Taarnah

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  1. Thank you... My old Falcon will fly again....in all it's XP glory....thanks again
  2. You may have missed the part about my very limited computer skills......I don't have a clue what you're talking about. But, thanks anyway.
  3. Played Morrowing many moons ago on my old Falcon with XP .. no mods. Want to play it again, with lots of mods. After reading all the posts re issues with Vista, security and mods, I was wondering if I'd be better off plugging in the old Falcon with XP again. I'm one of the duller tacks in the drawer when it comes to the finer points of computers and if Vista will give me problems that I don't know how to correct.....especially with the mods.....I'd happily dust off the XP..... Any thoughts.....thanks all
  4. Hi....thanks....that was one of the other options. I found it at "How To Geek". The folder thing was recommended as the best of the three options to disable. I would still like to know how to install it in another folder when the game doesn't give me the option. Everybody's writing about it.....How do they do it....duh.... Now, I just hope I can find the Morrowind exe....at least the right one...... Thanks again..
  5. Researching "mods" I found posts regarding security issues with Vista. One of the work arounds was to install the game in....C:\Games. Problem..It won't let me do this. Other games give me a dropdown where I can type in where I want my install. But, not this game. It's the GOTY, Morrowind. The install window TELLS me it's going to install it to Programs...blah blah.....x86....blah blah. Just where posts advise to NOT install it. I can't change it either.. no option to retype... next click brings me directly to the install. This time around, I wanted to use mods. But, I'm not very computer savy and don't know how to install it to another location when the "game installer" doesn't give me the option. I read to other ways to avoid issues.....administrator or disabling something. This install option was the best of the three, but no luck. Anybody.....thanks
  6. Played DOA a while ago with mods...everything worked great. Installed again and downloaded the DAModder. I have the game patched to 1.03.....When I try to run it, I get a ....DAModder has stipped working...message. I'm trying to get the .....Innodlis Pocket Plane mod....but am having no luck.. Any way I can get the mod into the game without the Modder....thanks
  7. Hi..saw posts re freezing, but none quite address this. After the Goddess takes the "dust" my character can no longer move. I can turn in circles, but that's it. I'm not overburdened, diseased, or cursed. The "tab" key no longer works either. I have to quit the game and restart. I've rebooted, but the same thing. The game is patched, installed to an alternate folder, I have no mods installed, SI is installed and patched, KOTN is not installed. Sadly, this quest is needed for the game "story".......any thoughts..
  8. Hey thanks..less bugs for me... Just found my Neverwinter nights..1 and 2....I see a ton of mods for these also...have you played either with mods...Do you feel the Mods change most games to warrant playing through for a 3 time.... Just some personal thoughts would be great....
  9. hmmm..rain and snow and nicer faces...that'll help. Didn't anybody else miss the color? Personal opionions are what I want regarding Morrowind goty and Fallout 3. Which one would be easier to Mod..regarding install and mod conflict glitches.. I read about the FOMM and the one for Morrowind. Sounds confusing. I tried to download the Mod Manager for DAO, I opened it with Zip..and that was it....I never was able to get the user interface to display and ended up using the DAO Updater. Afraid I'd have the same issue with the managers for MW or FO3...and from what I read, if you're not careful....especially with the "order"......fubar....my computer savy is limited and a bunch of what I read, is daunting.... thanks
  10. Hi, just finished DAO again..with mods the 2nd time. I've played all the Fallout's and Oblivion/Morrowinds over the years...now I want to replay either Morrowind, GOTY or Fallout 3 again, this time with mods....Any thoughts on which one to go for with mods installed this time....some thoughts on which game you'd pick and why....assuming you've played them both, at least once, with mods.. Re FO3....I know it was part of the dev's plan...but, are there any mods to liven up some of the wasteland or indoor places....absolutely everything, everywhere was soooo bleak...even my room in the fancy hotel couldn't be brightened up...again, I understand why it's done this way, but some color, lively enviornments...at least here and there, to break up the bleakness, would be nice. And the faces...whoa I saw over 8000 files for Fallout..wow...what a community...I looked for a category, and searched under "enviornment" without much luck... I did find a D.C. weather mod. Any others?? Mods for Morrowind look fantastic too...so, please, if you have time, give me your thoughts. Thanks..
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