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Everything posted by Hulluliini

  1. Suggestion: could someone replace the cursor image with a more Mass Effect -styled cursor? RIght now it's a completely ordinary Windows cursor.
  2. Didn't work for me. Now Frosty gives me an error code list and shuts down.
  3. So the last time I played ME2 some years ago, I was able to edit the Config.ini directly using Notepad++ and things worked just fine. However, now I can't seem to make things work on my own without using someone's mod. I have tried the Mass Effect 2 INI Mod Manager, no luck. I have used the INI fixer and it says the file is ok. When opening the ini in the INI MOd Manager, I can see the settings changed there. Yet when I launch the game (via Mod Manager in order to get the mods there activated), the changes don't take effect. What am I doing wrong?
  4. Could anyone make a mod where squad mates would not grunt while using the jetpack? It scares the s#*! out of me most of the time when I hear it, especially Drack.
  5. Two requests if I may: 1) If anyone finds a way to fix the mouse pointer issue (the pointer will be in the center of the screen especially during cutscenes, which is when you can't do anything about it and it breaks immersion perfectly and can't focus on what's happening) 2) Hide that damn "[key] skip" which shows the whole time in the galaxy map when you travel between planets within a system. The galaxy map is beautiful but this stupid instruction button ruins it. I would be eternally grateful if someone can do anything about these...
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