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Everything posted by wardoggwyllgi

  1. I don't get alot of time to play skyrim but the mods i do have make it so i could spend days away from civilization hunting animals for pelt so i can feed myself and make some money on the side. However i want to know if i can have 2 mods that alter the same interior cell, like a house or a city, work together as long as they don't alter the exact same space? I have a few city mods and hearthfire mods that alter lakeview manor and want to know ahead of time before i get them and find out i have to use creation kit.
  2. A indepth kung fu mod is unlikely, there was however a lightweight unarmed mod that added ninja movements to the game.
  3. Atmora and Akavir. preferably going to Akavir alongside the Nerevarine and Sheogorath.
  4. I saw that mod already, it's half finished and unfortunately the guy who made it put it right next to whiterun, so it feels too generic.
  5. probably for the same reason every DBZ mod is stunted, few to nobody wants something that lore breaking in their game.
  6. oh sorry for being so vague, i ment becoming jarl.
  7. why would argonians be any sort of resistant to deserts? they are native to a giant swamp. furthermore cyrodiil used to be a jungle didm't it? so wouldn't imperials be just as resistant as redguards, if not more because the lived in cyrodiil longer than redguards did hammerfell, which is mostly forest and mountain anyway.
  8. anyone working on one? i tried but my strictly amateur life style has caused me to fail.
  9. This sounds neat, i love the drain and allways wanted to go all frieza with it.
  10. I know of a mod that does this however it's on a website which is by no mean SFW so unless your using firefox with banner and ad blockers your gonna see some cheesecake.
  11. I just wanted to know it doesn't seem like it's updated anymore but the sheer amount of work involved could mean he's just taking a while to update?
  12. It will load but no pictures, considering that pictures is how i justify weather or not a mod isn't half assed poo guess what that makes the site?
  13. I keep getting a message that says cPanel and i cant view any mods :(
  14. didn't thay say before that there would be 5 DLC 2 small 3 big? If you count hearthfire and dawnguard as the small there could be two more big ones heading our way, sadly none will be redguard, you see kiddies, the redguards won their independance and signed a treaty with the thalmor, they have no reason to align with skyim because they a a hoonding, which is basically gokubatmanhulkaang and cant be beaten and is the only non dragonborn to just make a dragon die forever by cutting him with his atomic ichigo sword.
  15. I think that's it, i remember them having special abilities before though, like laser, plasma, and emp.
  16. I remember seing a mod (probably a house mod) that added 3 swords to the game, they looked like katana with a light up edge on them, one was red one was green and the last one was blue. ANY CLUES?
  17. I wanted to know if these mods worked with each other like in fallout 3 or if they are two comepletely seperate mods now. i don't own NV yet and would like to know as i hear that too many mods makes NV crash alot.
  18. Would it be possible through a tale of two wastelands type conversion, i mean at this point if im going to get the old dwerven armor from the prrevious 3 games might as well grab some swag as well, like the orrey for a mountain top building next to lakeview manor and wraithguard, keening, and the real sunder...
  19. Okay I may add Ka Po' Tun or Sea Elves, but I'd reckon Sea Elves would be easier (and would as well feel more unique!) because I don't have any good textures for the Ka Po' Tun, and then they'd look like... Yeah normal Khajiit but taller. The only problem being is that someone has already don sea elf and po tun is just a orc with a khajiit head... we need something better, like a race that was only in like 2 games really long ago, like the sload or something.
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