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About GodKingVivec

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Skyrim, Fallout 4, Ark: Survival Evolved. Anything with sharp pointy things. he he he...
  • Favourite Game
    Elder scrolls in general long time fan but started on morrowind never played 1 and 2

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  1. I didnt even realize someone had replied after 3 months, geez i didnt realize how old this was...
  2. Yeah same, it took me awhile to reply again, its cool, i actually am on console till i can afford to get a new gaming pc. What is this FO4 edit thing you guys are talking about?
  3. So I considered getting the Pip Pad mod until I realized it would still leave you stuck with a bare arm since for some reason the sole survivor's armor and clothing items have totally different meshes than their NPC counterparts. I'm not understanding what makes this so hard to fix since the full left arm models for armor and clothing already exist in the game's files for NPCs. I mean, does the player character's entire race and skeleton change as soon as you equip the pip boy in the tutorial or what? because you even have a left arm pre-war but afterward you lack an arm entirely on the left where the pip boy was attached. Are there any mods that let you have a normal left arm like NPCs when you dont use a pip boy? I mean for armor and clothing, I already know about the gap fixer. I cant be the only one who wants this with how popular the Live Another Life mods are.
  4. What about uploading with an author's permission?
  5. Is it a possibility to have an SFM nexus? I recently took up SFM and was surprised that despite all the game modding out there and alllll the animations, nsfw or otherwise, how little content was actually made available to new makers. there is literally only like 2 places to get stuff unless you wanna dig for days of bs on deviantart... e.e
  6. Since Bethesda's Forums are apparently kill... Does anyone know what this is? it know longer shows a description or picture, but its in my load order so it must have been a mod I liked. maybe it updated and was deleted or something? Idk but I need to know so I can update or keep it. Thanks in advance!
  7. Wow lol took 2 years for replies lol, Yeah id like to see a mod on this. it is lore friendly after all. no reason why you cant.
  8. Hmm didnt seem to work, still goes to Battlefield.
  9. Grimoa (author of the BEST AND MOST UNDERRATED VAMP LORD MOD ON THE NEXUS) seems to have disappeared and The author of the larger Vampire Lord Wings mod removed all of his mods. Does anyone have any mods for VL's in the works for SE? Especially ones for wings if they could port to Xbox One? The vanilla VL is seriously bumming me out, yo... Bad enough Im stuck as a console peasant due to my RAM limitations but all my favorite modders are gone!
  10. as the title says, is the specific games forum bugged or what? every time I try to go to it, it goes to the Battlefield forum instead! I was wanting to see if there was an Ark: Survival Evolved forum, if not i was gonna suggest one but the specif games forums link seems to be broken!
  11. Whoa dude, this just blew my mind, I said the same thing when Oblivion came out! Youre definitely right, there were several times i thought "my character would probably just blow this f***er away at this point in the conversation" but now we are stuck in a linear storyline in RPGs under the guise of choices! its not like The KoTOR games where choices GREATLY impacted the story anymore! it always ends the same now! At least in new vegas you could go NO GODS NO MASTERS! and kill all the bigwigs of the game.
  12. Haha i havent found that one yet. But ive heard of it. Thanks, i just thought id share my discovery with everybody
  13. Im pretty sure Im the first person to find this and Id like to get the knowledge out there. I was doing the quest to open Fairels tomb in the hissing wastes, and when i gathered all the key pieces I rode off to the timb, sneaking past the Sandy Howler. I begin exploring the area around the tomb a bit and look up to notice something pointy atop one of the big pillars in front of the door, I climb up the left side of the hill and jump onto the tombs roof and out on to the pillars, I walked all the way to the end to discover what appeared to be a shrine to the Sandy Howler, with a small small dragon statue and a lit candle in front of it. I tried googleing it but found nothing so I think Im the first to find it, like the guys who found the lord of the pies.
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