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About casadechrisso

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  1. I just picked up the CK a week ago or so to do some personal edits to NPCs (since NPC Editor etc. didn't work anymore). Minor cosmetic changes to NPCs and followers, a new hairstyle etc. On the way I already learned how to esm'fy esps (for hairdos and an elf beautifier) and that to get around the usual brownfacing I have to select the edited NPC and hit ctrl + F4 to export the facegen data. This much is working so far - with one exception: Jenassa. It's driving me nuts, but only Jenassa is reverting back to her original, but brown head regularly after a while, I have no idea what causes it, after a lot of trial and error I get my customisation working again, then I leave her alone for a while, maybe try out another (non-NPC related) mod, come back and there she is again with her default head, only all brownfaced. As far as I can see Jenassa is the only follower or NPC with this problem, I also travel with another dark elf all the time and she's not affected, so I'm really clueless what is happening here. Any clue where I can start looking for a cause? Edit: This can have all kinds of causes, it might very well be an issue with Vortex, not the CK (so yes, I'm using Vortex) - I just have no idea where to start looking. for completeness, there's no conflict anywhere with other mods, at least nothing Vortex would detect and no file overwrites.
  2. Sounds like something easy enough for a modder to do, adding those idles to the AE animations. Well, I'm no Skyrim modder so no idea. But you can at least use that bored idle as your standard idle replacer I guess, and still use AE animations for selecting others when appropriate? I'm using that exact same "bored" idle as my standard, it fits most situations pretty well and looks a lot better than the vanilla idle.
  3. This mod should have just what you're looking for: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/16248/?
  4. I know this is an old topic, but many months have passed since the last one I found: Has anyone managed to improve the interior lighting for Hearthfire homes by now? In an older thread someone said that RLO's "next update" would do it, however, as far as I can tell this never happened, unless I horribly messed up load orders or missed a patch. The vanilla interiors are almost gamebreaking for me, I really don't want to live in those homes I built. :pinch: During some searches on the web I actually found posts by people who can't see the problem... they must be blind, however, I'll attach two pics comparing the Falkreath home to Breezehome, currently with RLO installed. If anyone knows another trick, pray tell!
  5. In response to post #10410798. Can't disagree more on the subject of game package support, that feature in NMM is absolutely essential for managing many mods (even just a few if you're unlucky). Why would I want to manage mods in NMM first and then again in the game launcher if I can have everything in one app that does it better? The last time I saw the actual game launcher was right after installing Skyrim for the first time, never missed it.
  6. Oh, no no...different story. I saw a pic of the armor much earlier on the Bioboards, finished and on an ingame screenshot. Then asked around for help recreating it, and Frank offered to do that tutorial for me, which I'm very thankful for. Sadly, he never finished it and I couldn't figure out how to finish it myself - actually I got stuck much earlier in the process already, so decided to try something easier first (hairstyles, no go either). I'm actually quite embarrassed that Frank did all that work and in the end I was too dumb to follow his instructions, I guess I won't ever ask for a tutorial again, not good for my reputation. :D
  7. Oh right, just keep rubbing that dirt into the wound... Yes, I believe there are watermills in the Witcher games, and a lot of wonderful other content. The Triss armor is pretty much my standard outfit in Skyrim, didn't know there's even a Dragon Age version of it. But well, it always needs someone to actually do the conversions... I'd love to, and I tried multiple times to get into 3D programs and do conversions myself, but failed miserably. The last thing I tried was converting some of those Apachii hairstyles from Skyrim, there are some lovely ones and I always heard converting hairstyles isn't hard. Well, to me it is. The Dasaria people actually got a few done, but only for their PW, never released them to the public. Same goes for the Triss armor, some months back I saw a screenie on the Bioboards by someone who actually ported it into NWN2... but again, no release ever. I could continue. There is a lot of stuff I'd love to see ported over, I even contacted e.g. the Roadstroker who's armors I love - he'd give his okay for a port, but can't do it himself. If I could finally manage to learn Blender or Max, the Nexus would probably crash under the load of my files, heh... but I gave up, only frustration ever came out of it. Maybe some people see quality stuff like Xaltar's heads though and think it's actually worth picking up NWN2 modding again, who knows... no high hopes though. Thanks for the tips! My main concern however is that it's royalty free, especially because outside the US there's no "Fair use" act or whatever - as soon as it's copyrighted you're a pirate when you share it within your module. So I was hoping for some "open source" music mainly, much like the abandoned Arcanum soundtrack that's free to use for everyone. I actually have some very fitting music in my mp3 collection, but it's all copyrighted. I think it's often the really small stuff, script snipplets or effects like that which help builders most. I can see myself trying to add that Zzzzzz and spending nights with it, pulling my hair out and finally closing the toolset for a month again. All for sharing small stuffs! :)
  8. Oh hey... I only found this thread now and it makes me speechless how disciplined and successful you keep going. I usually get stuck too often in some unimportant little random thingy that's absolutely not needed for my work, but I just have to figure it out anyway - if I don't, I'm getting frustrated and stopbuilding for weeks. :) Anyway, great work so far, and it's nice to see you using a lot of the vault shinies like swimming etc. I'll keep reading. There, I did that too... I actually converted all the game music plus custom music to have a playlist on my iPod. It's very cool to decide on ambient music for your module on a boring train ride or such. Helped me a lot. As for some musical inquiries, see below Oh wow! I was hoping for a watermill forever! And this looks gorgeous. It's sad that it's the Skyrim watermill and therefore will never appear on the vault/Nexus for legal reasons... god such a shame! I want this. I'd like to know more about Mr.Mysterious modder too! Oooh.... care to upload? I like the NWN1 music effect, and the Zzzzzz too! But what I also like is info on the music - is that actually ingame music or did you just add it to that video? Why Im asking is because I was long thinking about where to get some additional tavern music for performers that actually sounds medieval and synthie-free, and is free to use too. If you have any tips, It'd be highly appreciated!
  9. I've used the Sin plugins without problems, also Grinning Fool's tools. It's really only the appearance wizard that gives me a bad headache.
  10. Oops, oh yes, Home Premium of course. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows7/products/compare As I said, I never used the XP mode and I'm sure it's not needed. But now there's one little thing I should maybe mention to a fellow toolsetter: Since upgrading to Windows 7, the Toolset's Appearance Wizard is almost unusable, it crashes 9 out of 10 times and there's no fix I'm aware of. Most people don't seem to mind since they always use the Armor tab in the properties window and consider the appearance wizard useless anyway - I do mind though, I love and miss the feature so much that for making NPCs alone I installed XP on a seperate HD for this only. But that's the only negative thing I can think of, I'd never go back to XP again. Coming from the Mac, I used to hate everything Windows (of course!), but since Windows 7 I'm almost... satisfied. :)
  11. If I may... http://neverwinter.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=9 These are intended for builders first, I never made (or even figured out how to make) an override for the main game. People are free to use and alter it for making clothes, and they're also in use in some PWs. Some day I might working on improvements....
  12. Win7 Home Professional is all you need. I'm not sure if you guys overseas have access to those System Builder/OEM versions too, here you can get them for like 89 Euros. The only difference to the retail version is that you don't get free MS support. Professional and Ultimate have the Windows XP mode (not to be confused with running an app as "Windows XP compatible"), which is basically a full virtual XP running in 7 for older stuff, but I never needed it for my NWN and NWN2. Also, no issues with 64bit (which is the recommended version nowadays in times of much RAM).
  13. hoofhearted4 is right, any recent card will work, it's not that you can play on a 550, but can't on a 560 Ti etc. All available graphics cards can basically run the game, the question is only at what quality. Cards below $/€100 will mostly run it too, but it might get very choppy to the point where the game could get unplayable because the card simply lacks the horsepower, that's why I'd recommend getting a decent one. I have no idea about your pricerange, but out of the blue I'd recommend either a AMD 6870 or a nVidia 560Ti. Not because others don't work, but because these are two very good cards that should run any recent game without any problems at a high quality. If you just don't have the money, go for a cheaper model like the AMD 6850 or a GeForce 560 (no Ti), and if you can spend more think about a AMD 7870 or GeForce 570... and so on. To give you an idea about the naming conventions of both brands: The first number (AMD 7xxx, GeForce 5xx) always marks the generation, that means a GeForce 460 is older than a 560. The second and third number (AMD x850, GeForce x60) gives a hint on how much horsepower you can expect, in general the higher these numbers the faster (and more expensive) the card. As anther rule of thumbs, the midrange cards usually start at the AMD x7xx and GeForce x5x range, everything below that is probably too slow for current games. Note that this is just the entry point, most gamers would still avoid a, say, AMD 6750 or GeForce 550, although they work. The range with the best price/performance ratio is almost through all generations the AMD x8xx and Geforce x6x class, you don't spend a fortune here like enthusiasts but will easily play any game in a good quality. Personally, I'd avoid getting any higher than that, because Graphics cards age fast and you'll probably upgrade again in 2 years... this price range doesn't hurt as much. Also note that on faster cards you should also check if your PC's power supply can handle them, keep in mind they consume much more power, produce more heat and might be noisy. I hope I didn't confuse you too much. Maybe if you said how much you are willing to spend, we could narrow it down on particular models. Still, the general recommendation stands, AMD 6870 (Sapphire branded ones are good because they're not noisy) or the Geforce 560Ti. Both are about equally fast.
  14. Any recent card that isn't on the lowest end will do. It also depends on your monitor resolution, the higher the resolution the better card you should get. As a rule of thumbs, don't ever go below the €/$ 100 mark. The lowest AMD I'd recommend is the 6770/7770, better get a x850 or x870. I'm quite satisfied with a relatively cheap and quiet AMD 6850 by Sapphire, most would probably go for the 6870 or the new (but much more expensive) 7870. On the nVidia side of things, I'd say the minimum of current cards should be a 550Ti, but I'd really recommend spending a bit more and start with a 560. The best bang for the buck is probably a 560 Ti. Anyway, Fallout 3 and New Vegas are the same engine, a card that runs one will run the other. nVidia or AMD is purely a matter of taste.
  15. Yeah, I dunno how Persistant Worlds could be fitted in on the Nexus, seeing as how the Nexus doesn't allow files to be uploaded without uh... files. Wouldn't images do?
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