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Everything posted by kuripachan

  1. Well, its not a tutorial, but I found this thread : http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/688719-how-to-create-follower-that-just-heal-player/page-3 as well as this follower a person made for the sake of using the companion's ai : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37561/? Hope this helps
  2. I'm not certain that this would work, but you could try using the same method of how people add voices to the player, except that instead replace the noise files with recorded silence then replace the files with the silence.
  3. I greatly appreciate all the help I have received so far. So reiterating all the advice to make sure if I am understanding it: create an object that works as an activator attach the script from the teleport video to the activator (slightly changing the code to make it fit what I have in mind) However I'm not sure about the use of a perk activation entry. What is it, and should I try using it, which part of the process does it go into? (Sorry, I'm really new to scripting and using the creation kit)
  4. I usually use the default sandbox ai package and some other default ai for my followers, that might solve it since the ai package could make it so that your follower acts like a random person that lives in the tavern.
  5. You also need to add "potential follower faction" as well, otherwise you can't ask your follower to well, be a follower.
  6. Thanks for the help, I might use this actually
  7. Well, I guess it's time to experiment to see how to do that. If anyone has any advice, it would be greatly appreciated.
  8. Can one have a load door be linked to multiple interiors and the code randomly selects which interior the player shows up in? I think it would be fun for people to be startled to see that after wanting to re-play the dungeon or reloading a save file after they died, the room they remember entering is totally different. It would make a unique experience and would make the dungeon more difficult since some of the interiors could be designed that way or something.
  9. Awww yeah! TIME TO FAKE IT TILL YOU hopefully MAKE IT! Do expect an email tomorrow with my audition
  10. Question, would you accept auditions of a VA that isn't voice acting with a British or Australian accent if they are worthy? If so should they also send a .wav file of their best attempt at those preferred accents as well?
  11. I'm considering adding a boss at the end, as well as a random shop keeper that sells you crappy healing potions. However this salesman would be more of an easter egg than an actual part of the dungeon. Building upon the idea of him being an easter egg, he might say stuff like "It's dangerous to go alone, take some of these." or "Whaddaya buyin?"
  12. Some progress screenshots http://i936.photobucket.com/albums/ad210/darkZetsubou1/2016-02-16_00002_zpsrlpki5nx.jpg After jumping onto this bed, your character will be teleported into the true entrance to The Dreamer's Cave http://i936.photobucket.com/albums/ad210/darkZetsubou1/2015-12-10_00003_zps2sofisb6.jpg
  13. The Dreamer's Cave SUMMARY OF QUEST PLOT: Pretty much the quest your character will embark on is that they will find a strange book. In this book, it describes alleged accounts of which Vaermina use to abduct random mortals, and leave them to their suffering to wander about Quagmire for her own amusement. Following the leads of various rumors of possible locations of a gateway to Quagmire. Once entering the portal, the Dragonborn will enter The Dreamer's Cave, a sort of realm between realms. At first the place seems rather grounded in reality however, the further you progress the more surreal the dungeon becomes. At the end, you will come across someone who has been trapped in Quagmire and can potentially become a follower.(Though I am not sure what this follower would be like, though probably kinda crazy due to being stuck there for awhile) This is my first mod that I have made, so any input, ideas, lore corrections, help and feedback would be very appreciated. Depending on how well this goes, I might expand this quest and make it an introduction quest to a new world space (Quagmire, or at least a small part of it) with side quests and a main quest where the Dragonborn liberates these trapped people. SO FAR OF WHAT I HAVE: (Which is prettymuch nothing at this point) The exterior This is actually inside the dungeon Fun fact, if you jump on that bed it will teleport you to the more visually interesting parts of the dungeon I am planning on making this more like a walking simulator with some platforming. But that doesn't mean there will be enemy encounters, however combat will not be a huge focus. Though that may change when developing the mod further. More enemies, no enemies? Who knows?
  14. You are right about having leather wrapping over the grip being better than just bare wood. However, when I first began collecting historical reproduction of weapons, I decided to buy the cheaper versions and had to deal with the low quality. From personal experience, if the leather is very stiff and the edge on the leather where it overlapped the previous wrapping, it can cause even more blistering than it would without it when swinging it around a lot. Also for female armor, try to avoid designing armor that separates and defines the breast area. It restricts the wearer's movements and can be more dangerous if hit in the space between. (Though this wouldn't be relevant in the game, but in real life if the armor breaks in that area it could shatter the wearer's sternum due to the collapsing of the breast plates) I would recommend looking into Dark Soul's female armor as good reference for ideal armor. For more info, I would suggest taking a look at this guy's youtube videos. Since he covers a lot more topics in depth and has a few videos criticizing Skyrim's weapon designs. https://www.youtube.com/user/SkallagrimNilsson/playlists If you really want to go in depth about research, the library is always a great resource. I hope this helps
  15. Usually most mods have the option for manual install, so simply download that option, copy the file to a thumb drive and drop the mod into the skyrim/data folder. To see if the game has recognized that it's there open up the game and go to the data files menu before starting the game. I hope that helped
  16. If you were wondering as to why one would need such things, I shall tell you. I am creating a follower mod where the follower is a skeever. In one of the dialogue options, she implies that she was once an attractive female. The player has the option to ask the follower to draw what she looked like before she was transformed into a skeever, and the player receives a poorly drawn image of a sexy character. Now if you do decide to submit a screenshot, I would prefer a full body shot as well as if you wanted to be credited in the description when I finally upload the mod. I might also post what the drawing looks like here if you do, regardless if it will end up in the mod or not.
  17. Not serious reply: Animated fart shouts Serious reply: RaceMenu (because your character totally needs to look the way you imagined them)
  18. Though I have little experience with this forum, I have seen many talented people with various skills. Though I have yet to see anyone post anything to showcase their musical composing skills. Anyways, let's get to the point. The dungeon mod I'm making takes place in Vaermina's realm of Oblivion, Quagmire. There will be some platforming in the surreal landscape and fear evoking enemy encounters at least I hope they will be for players. The aesthetic in general of the dungeon is inspired by Alice The Madness Returns and Silent Hill. If interested, please shoot me a message for more info.
  19. I assume the process is similar to making your follower mod dependent on another custom hair mod in this tutorial: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Adding_a_Follower_NPC_to_Skyrim I just want to make sure that this is correct and that I don't accidentally use someone else's mod without their permission/ don't give credit to the original creator of the mod.
  20. I actually looked into that, but it turned out that one of the parts from my computer fell out.
  21. Aside from the giants launching your dragonborn to space, what other funny things has happened during your adventures? Tell us your story (bonus points if you include screenshots) So I'll start off. I started a new game with the Irritable Bowel Syndrome mod, it was just a typical cart ride to Helgen. The title dramatically faded on to the screen, almost as if the game planned it, my character farted just as it did and all the faces of the other characters scrunched up in disgust. As we continued into the town, my character farted yet again. It somehow made all the carriages go slightly off course and run into the side of one of the buildings. Then all the colors in the game went teal, one of the horses started walking up the sides naying frantically, and all of the characters were yelling "I YIELD, I YEILD!!" "MERCY!" and so on. I laughed so hard and for so long I thought I needed to go seek medical attention for laughing so much. At least I now have a very well defined 6 pack abs. http://i67.tinypic.com/j9ohlg.jpg
  22. These are my my characters: The notorious cheese thief http://i66.tinypic.com/zsmjxz.jpg And Gomer...the dwarf with irritable bowl syndrome http://i68.tinypic.com/vfhzf5.jpg
  23. As the topic's title states, has anyone done this? Is it even possible? If so I would greatly appreciate any kind of help. What I wish to do with this knowledge is to create an aggressive rabbit follower mod that farts out electricity out of its butt shoots lightning out of its mouth, for the sake of humor.
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